I can tell you this, it’s not the part of New Jersey that most people think of when they think of NJ. It’s a very boring job, but an important one nonetheless. 1300 – 1330: Maintenance debrief. It’s not always possible, but you certainly have a better chance of landing the base of your choice vs. the other military branches. 1245 – 1315: Back in formation with your team, squad, platoon, and company. For arguments sake, let’s take the typical day of a popular rating in the Navy: Boatswains Mate (BM). 1300 – 1630:  Usually varies on a day to day basis, but you can expect to be training during this time. Like all of the other branches, a typical day in the Navy will depend heavily on what your rate is and where you’re stationed. Learn more about Air Force Boot Camp (BMT) here. We’ll discuss what the basic training is like, some cool jobs, some un-cool jobs, what a typical day is like, and the pros and cons for each military branch. Females make up around 203,000 of the US military, 74,000 of which serve in the US Army. While it can still be physically difficult, it really doesn’t compare to that of the Army or Marine Corps boot camps. Training: All FBI agents begin their careers at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia, for approximately 21 weeks of intensive training. Just like with the other branches, your job will completely depend on what your ASVAB score is. If you’re thinking about joining ANY branch of the military, it is essential that you score well on the ASVAB. 0800 – 1200: Go to work. Shifts can be very long, up to 20 hours a day in some circumstances, You’ll be a part of an elite fighting force, respected by all, They have the coolest uniforms out of all the military branches (sorry Navy, I have to agree! It’s a heavily monitored drill that nearly every solider in the US military goes through. With that said, generally speaking most jobs in the Air Force follow a very “civilian-like” regiment. 9 Cell Phone Companies with Military Discounts, A family member who may have served in a particular branch, like a father that served in the Air Force, A lifelong dream to serve in one particular job in the service (like wanting to be a Navy SEAL), Have inspections conducted of your living quarters and work area, Food is better than almost all the other branches, Potential for post-military careers is huge and varied, Mostly likely you’ll have to spend months at-sea, You’ll have almost no privacy, unless you’re an officer, Ships quarters are very small and cramped, While there are some really cool jobs, there are an equal amount of very boring ones, You won’t have internet access (but you may have access to email), Like most of the other branches, the pay isn’t very good. Basically you will line up with your platoon and prepare for physical evolution. Throughout this phase, recruits will begin training on a wide variety of weapons systems. The Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) is probably the best known, due largely to the popular television show of the same name. Find out how to prepare for Marine Corps boot camp here. June 10, 2018 By larryf. Here are a few of the more common MOS’ in the US Army: Now, it’s important to mention that choosing an MOS is one thing. Here’s a handy bullet-list for what’s expected for both men and women: Before you even start boot camp, you’ll also have to meet the height and weight requirements, grooming standards, and tattoo policy. Rob, this should be required reading for any person who is even thinking about going into the military. Just like the other branches, this depends exclusively on what rate you hold and where you’re stationed. MOS stands for Military Occupation Code, and is a 9 character code that is used to identify a specific job. The food in the Navy is reportedly the best out of all of the branches, There’s no other way to put it, the Navy’s uniforms are great. Deciding which branch to join is a personal decision that "deserves much study and thought," according to the balancecareers writer, Stew Smith ("Deciding Which Military Service to Join." 0430 – 0600: Wake up, eat breakfast, get showered and dressed. This story has been updated to clarify that while the Coast Guard is a branch of the military, it is part of the Department of Homeland Security rather than the Department of Defense. With that said, it’s all done with a purpose. Rob V. is the founder of OperationMilitaryKids.org. The US Coast Guard is the one branch of the military that is probably the least understood. The balancecareers. Here are 12 of the highest rated careers in uniform: 12. 0615 – 0815: Physical training. The Army is the oldest branch of the US Military, and as such, has quite the history. As an Army Technical Engineer, you’ll gain skills that will lead specifically to leadership roles in the civilian world of construction. The upside is, there’s no full-time commitment. Sure, there’s lots of yelling, sometimes to the point where you feel like you might cry. Click Here to learn how to join the Marines. 0945 – 1200: Work on the days tasks with your squad. Officially known as Basic Combat Training (BCT), it’s comprised of 3 phases and lasts 10 weeks. Pertinence. Related Article – BUD/S Class 234: Where Are They Now? Marine Boot camp is divided up into 3 phases: Throughout this phase, you will undergo strenuous physical training, martial arts, and learn about the Marines history. For the FBI, the fact that an applicant has military experience is considered only as part of his overall package. If you’re thinking about joining the Navy, one of the biggest decisions you need to make is whether or not you’ll be OK spending months at a time on a boat. We’ll always need Marines, Escorting civilian ships with dangerous / hazardous cargo, Intercepting immigration trafficking vessels, Inspect container ships for illegal cargo, Conduct safety and security exams of US based vessels, Coast Guard Air Station Elizabeth City – North Carolina, Coast Guard Air Station Clearwater – Florida, Water training, including a 100 meter swim and treading water, Much smaller branch, so you will form personal relationships with men and women of all ranks, Really cool bases, all located on or near a beach, Possible to get your choice of base guaranteed, Deployments are usually shorter than other branches (around 4 months), Getting in to the CG can actually be difficult due to the small amount of recruits needed to fulfill the mission, Cutters are very small, and as such, living quarters are kind of cramped. What Was Your Primary Reason For Joining The Military? Posted On November 08, 2019 22:05:27 We scraped through job reviews on Glassdoor.com, a site that lets employees rate their employers and their careers anonymously, to find out what the most loved jobs in the military are. Competitiveness - The Finance Officer branch commissioned 20 officers last fiscal year. Instead of doing the cool stuff like shooting off mortars or firing a 50 cal. Click Here to learn how to join the US Coast Guard. Basically operations specialists spend a good majority of their time standing watches. One of the biggest decisions you’ll ever make joining the Navy is choosing your rate. Preferably the secret service since I can take advantage of both worlds.I am currently a junior at UCSB studying Global Studies and minoring in Global Peace and Security. As a result, your prospects of landing a pilot slot are very low. Some even liken it to being on a college campus, with more discipline of course. 0830 – 1000: Flight briefing. Numerous benefits, including health care, subsidized food, and housing and education benefits. They fly all of the same aircraft that the regular full-time Air Force does; F-16’s, F-15’s, A-10’s, and even large cargo planes like the C5 Galaxy. Throughout the day, you may also be involved in ship maintenance tasks like sweeping, cleaning, and other assorted jobs. In summary, here are the pros and cons of the Coast Guard (click here for the full list): According to reviews on the website Glassdoor, the best branch of the military is the Marine Corps. As a result, they need to train soldiers to be the most aggressive. Deciding on which branch of the military you want to join is easy for some, and not so easy for others.Some have their hearts set on a particular branch for a wide variety of reasons, including: 1. Pour autoriser Verizon Media et nos partenaires à traiter vos données personnelles, sélectionnez 'J'accepte' ou 'Gérer les paramètres' pour obtenir plus d’informations et pour gérer vos choix. Find out how here. While some guys seem to love the job, others seem to absolutely despise it. A family member who may have served in a particular branch, like a father that served in the Air Force 2. Click Here for our full article on the pros and cons of the US Army. 4 réponses. Ok my goal is to enter the intelligence field either in the CIA,FBI or Secret Service(dual mission). Not only will you be saving lives, but you’ll be getting paid too. FBI Background Check and Polygraph All FBI Special Agent candidates who receive a Conditional Appointment Offer must then pass a comprehensive background investigation. If you’ve always loved to fly and want to operate some of the most advanced aircraft in the world, … I also have a AA in Economics. As a general rule, people don’t like cops. Additionally, while every rating plays a part in the overall success of the Navy, here’s some that sound painfully boring: Related Article: 5 Absolutely Worst Jobs In The Navy. You have the rest of the day to do what you want. For young people who are considering a career in the FBI, it may be helpful to know exactly what to study during your undergraduate years so that you can make the best choices possible. Some have their hearts set on a particular branch for a wide variety of reasons, including: Related Article:  Top 20 Reasons To Join The Military (And 7 Reasons NOT To). The afternoons events will be discussed, along with any tasks assigned. Related Article – Navy Jobs List: A List Of All 71 Ratings In The US Navy. 0945 – 1130: This changes everyday depending on the needs of the unit, but essentially involves performing whatever tasks are necessary. This is the time that everyone essentially forms up to get ready for the mornings events. There’s an old saying in the Navy (and the military in general) that goes like this: Your rate is essentially the job you pick and is grouped into the following categories: Within each category is a multitude of specific opportunities, also known as “ratings.”, Related Article: 10 Best Navy Jobs For Civilian Life. Again, most join the Marines to get in the fight, not fix a broken refrigerator. This could be everything from cleaning and maintaining weapons, to more PT. Click Here to learn how to join the US Army. 0900 – 0930: Back in formation with your company. How To Choose The Right Military Branch For You, Top 20 Reasons To Join The Military (And 7 Reasons NOT To), Navy Jobs List: A List Of All 71 Ratings In The US Navy, Army MOS List: A List Of All 159 Army Jobs, 37F – Psychological Operations Specialist, Shower/Laundry and Clothing Repair Specialist (92S), Air Force Pararescue (PJ’s): Career Details, Marine Corps MOS List and ASVAB Scores: Details Of All 123 Jobs, Cryptologic Digital Network Technician (MOS 2611), 10 Best Marine Corps Jobs For Civilian Life, Aviation Survival Technician (Rescue Swimmer), Here’s What Happens after Air Force Basic Training, DEVGRU: Selection, Training, Squadrons, And More. During their time at the FBI Academy, trainees live on-campus and participate in a broad range of activities. Marine boot camp is by far the toughest out of all of the military branches. America's most senior military leaders condemned the violent invasion of the US Capitol last week and reminded service members of their obligation … Most people who are familiar with the FBI think of it as a shadowy organization where secretly trained spies conduct counter-intelligence operations, while other people see it more as a branch of the police. Related Article – Air Force Pararescue (PJ’s): Career Details. With that said, there are plenty of other job opportunities in the Marines. While most others in the military consider the Air Force more of a college campus than a branch of the military, it’s not without its downsides. The obvious first choice for everyone here is easy: pilot. If you’re 100% set on becoming a pilot, then you should consider going the Air National Guard route. Zachary. 1000 – 1030: Head to life support. Then this might not necessarily be the “worst” Air Force job for you. Provided you are a valuable asset for your country, you will climb ranks and achieve any position and status you wish.? Marines are one of the first branches to deploy to worldwide hotspots, and is often on the front lines of battle. Doug … There are a ton of factors you should be thinking about if you’re deciding to join the military, the most important being: Your best bet is to visit a local recruiter for each branch of the military, and talk to them in depth about the various career opportunities. Development of amphibious landing tactics in conjunction with the other service branches. With that said, it’s considered by some as the worst MOS in the Marines for a few reasons: Another job that isn’t necessarily a favorite in the Marines is Refrigeration and A/C Technician. Joining the military can be one of the biggest decisions of your life, and no quiz will give you the full insight you need to make an informed decision. Some of the best jobs in the Air Force include things like: Those last 2 jobs actually are some of the best paying jobs the military has to offer, especially when you retire and move on to the civilian world. The FBI may be dangling the bait for cyber security specialists, but not everyone is biting. Once a week on Thursday, the platoon will clean literally everything. If you live east of the Mississippi you’ll go to Parris Island, and if you live west of the Mississippi you’ll go to San Diego. 1730 – Knock-off, which is Navy slang for stop working. 0800 – 0900: PT ends, and you hit the showers, get in uniform, and go to breakfast. Military Versus Civilian Employment . Probably the most competitive branch there is. When not involved in an active war (IE peacetime), a typical day for an infantryman might look something like this: 0500: Wake up and get dressed for physical training (PT). Picking the worst job in the Army is very difficult, mainly because it’s completely subjective and everyone has a bias. Note: Click Here to see our full list of the Pros and Cons of Joining The Marines. I've always wanted to join the Marine Corps since I was young. Related Article: 10 Best Marine Corps Jobs For Civilian Life. Throughout basic, you will do things like: Oh yeah, and you’ll also go through a bit of an unpleasant experience: gas chamber training. While most people don’t realize it, it actually is a branch of the US Military. The FBI voiced concern that the Branch Davidians might commit mass suicide, ... the FBI Hostage Rescue Team fired two military M651 rounds at the Branch Davidian construction site. Related Article: 10 Best Army Jobs For Civilian Life. (Note: See our full list of Pros and Cons of Joining The Navy here), Grooming Standards: Hair, Mustache, and Nail Regulations. Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *. 1130 – 1300: Sortie takes place. 2. For one, there’s a lot less focus on the physical fitness of candidates, and more of a focus on drills, marching, chores, and Air Force customs. I cant stress how important this is enough! The Coast Guard will do everything in their power to see it that way. The Air Force is one of the most well-funded branches of the US military, and it’s core missions include: While serving in the Air Force, you’ll sometimes feel like you’re working more in a corporation than in a branch of the military. As I mentioned earlier, most guys join the Marines for one key reason: to see combat. Throughout this time, your company commander will discuss any vital information with the company. In summary, here are the pros and cons of joining the Marines. Air Force National Guard units are essentially the military reserve force, as well as the militia Air Force, of each state. It's not just like having a regular job. Here you’ll go over everything about the flight, including reviewing tapes, doing a play by play review of the mission, and discussing any issues. Qualifying for an MOS is a completely different one…. Located at Naval Station Great Lakes, Illinois, the “Quarterdeck of the Navy” is the one and only location in the US that Navy recruits go for basic training. Découvrez comment nous utilisons vos informations dans notre Politique relative à la vie privée et notre Politique relative aux cookies. Wondering, "What Branch of the Military Should I Join"? 0930 – 0945: Report for duty. Your email address will not be published. Growing up in New Jersey, I’ve been to Cape May several times. Romance scams occur when a criminal adopts a fake online identity to gain a victim’s affection and trust. 1100 – 1130:  Engine start, weapons armed, flight check in, and taxi. Travel to exotic locations throughout the world, Like the other branches, you’ll be waking up very early, Chemical, Biological, Nuclear, and high yield explosives training, Better quality of life compared to the other services, They have some cool jobs that translate to real world careers, Requirements to get in are a bit tougher than those of the Army, Marines, or Navy, Some of the services consider the Air Force more of a corporation than a branch of the military, You might end up at a base you don’t necessarily want to be at, You might have joined to become a pilot, but end up flying unmanned drones (UAVs) instead, You’re treated more like a human than the Army and Marines, Even when you’re deployed to some foreign hotspot, you’ll likely have better housing than any other branch.
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