Human (Naboo) Sidious ordered Dooku to ally with the resurgent Zygerrian Slave Empire, explaining past Sith Empires were built on the backs of slaves and their one would be no exception. Male In The Clone Wars tv series. Palpatine ordered Boll to clone the animal. It uniquely possessed a third arm protruding from its back. The Republic's new super-weapon awakens the fearsome Zillo Beast of Malastare. Remove this message only when the article is in the best quality. Palpatine told Yoda to consult Valorum, while he went to berate Dooku via hologram over this loose end, ordering him to sort it out. The Zillo Beast has been captured and is brought to Coruscant for testing. However, Tano still left the Jedi Order. With Ian Abercrombie, Matt Lanter, Cara Pifko, Terrence 'T.C.' Maul begged for mercy, but Sidious replied that there was no mercy; whereupon he tortured Maul with Force lightning. Palpatine then ordered Offee taken away, and Tano was acquitted. Despite these advantages, a flaw in its protective armor, a small unprotected gap between the plates, allowed some at… As the Dark Lord of the Sith, Palpatine was the secret leader of the Separatists and the Sith Master of Count Dooku. Zillo beast’s Slow moving body with impentrable armor VS powerful Sith Lord. They had a roughly serpentine body with a long tail that trailed behind its form. When it escapes, the Jedimust choose between saving millions of lives and destroying the Zillo Beast, the last of its kind. They soon plotted for bounty hunters such as Cad Bane and Rako Hardeen to "kidnap" Palpatine during the Festival of Light on Naboo. As the illusion unfolded, Yoda refused to sacrifice Skywalker to pursue Sidious, and instead demonstrated he was willing to sacrifice himself to save the Chosen One. As he prepared to deliver the verdict, Skywalker interrupted with Barriss Offee, who confessed to the crime. He assured Dooku that the war was turning in their favor. He then informed the Jedi that a parasite native to Ringo Vida was responsible for Tup and Fives's behavior, for which all of the clone troopers would be inoculated against. At the end of the two episode zillo beast arc, Palpatine orders doctor I-don't-remember-the-name to do a research for cloning the beast. When Yoda entered the Valley of the Dark Lords on Moraband during a quest to uncover immortality, Sidious and Dooku sensed his presence and convened at The Works on Coruscant. Directed by Steward Lee. After Maul and Death Watch conquered the Mandalorians, the fearsome Zabrak became the new leader of Death Watch, as well as the Mandalorians' new Mandalore. The Zillo beast was a love letter to Godzilla and kaiju movies. An ancient creature accidentally unearthed on Malastare during an intense battle of the Clone Wars, the Zillo Beast was a monster of legend. At 97 meters long, the Zillo Beasts were gargantuan creatures that dwarfed many other objects and most living organisms in both size and mass in their environment. As the Commander in Chief of the Republic's Clone Army, Sidious also used the military to destabilize the galaxy, preparing it for his takeover. Occupation/Rank: Despite General Grievous spreading the Republic forces thin, Windu told Palpatine that Skywalker and Kenobi could carry out the rescue. He had Bane kidnap these children to his facility on Mustafar to commence the creation of an army of Force-sensitive spies, but the Jedi foiled Bane and rescued the younglings. Using stun … In The Clone Wars tv series. Palpatine finds a Zillo beast and orders that it be studied and cloned due to its nigh-indestructible nature. The Zillo Beast didn’t like what was being done to him and just attacked Palpatine because he was the leader enforcing such pain on him. She thought back to how surprised she was after receiving Chancellor Palpatine's instruction to clone the creature. But I don't believe anything happened with it afterwards. Sheev Palpatine was the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic during the Clone Wars. But I don't believe anything happened with it afterwards. Now the Jedi have a new problem on their hands -- how to contain the deadly creature. Title: Zillo Beast: Hero of the Republic Authors: ilyena_sylph & Merfilly Canon: Star Wars – The Clone Wars Pairing: Padmé Amidala/Anakin Skywalker Rating: General [G] Word Count: 13,384 Summary: The Zillo Beast is hunting the author of its misfortunes. Supposedly the makers of TCW have mentioned that there would have been a follow-up on that if the show went another season or two, but they never got the chance. Shaak Ti and Nala Se bought the rebellious clone "Fives" to Palpatine, who had uncovered the inhibitor chips implanted in each clone trooper, and believed them to be part of a Separatist conspiracy. I thought there were improvements in the designs of armor for various things, but that was about it. They didn't state it was the last of its kind in the Galaxy just that it was on Malastare, How he can kill a Zillo but not a girl who never held a lightsaber before. Palpatine eye to eye with the Zillo Beast. Using Sifo-Dyas' visage, he offered to reveal his identity if he would join him. If you are unfamiliar with the Battle of Malastare is was a Clone Wars battle on the home planet of the Dugs that resulted in a Zillo Beast awakening underneath the ground. I'm probably dramatically wrong, though. PALPATINE: That may be the only way we shall get this treaty signed and rest Master Windu’s conscience. "The Zillo Beast Strikes Back" was quite a satisfying episode of The Clone Wars, featuring a nice moral dilemma for the characters to face, some … A ferocious duel ensued, wherein the Dark Lord engaged both Zabraks simultaneously. The voice actor of Darth Sidious, Ian Abercrombie, died on January 26, 2012. Dark Lord of the SithSenator of Naboo (formerly)Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic (formerly)Leader of the Confederacy of Independent Systems (secretly, formerly)Emperor of the Galactic Empire Affiliation: Using his leadership qualities and powers of manipulation, Palpatine restructured much of the Republic government, even before his Declaration of a New Order, by concentrating executive and emergency powers into his own hands. After he was taken to Teth, Sidious contacted both Ventress and Dooku. Jabba refused to speak with him, so Amidala decided to speak with Jabba's uncle Ziro at his palace, despite Palpatine's warning. Chancellor Palpatine discovered this, he ordered the beast to be brought to Coruscant to extract it's indestructible skin to be used as armor for the clone army. During the Battle of Malastare, the Zillo Beast was inadvertently awakened and Palpatine wanted the creature killed, but changed his mind when Doctor Sionver Boll and Skywalker pointed out the beast's indestructible hide could prove fruitful if analyzed. Originally the Senate Representative for the Mid Rim planet of Naboo, Palpatine used his connections and charisma to depose his predecessor Finis Valorum and assume the mantle of Chancellor. Gender: Through the manipulation of a series of dark side acolytes like Sev'rance Tann, Asajj Ventress, Sora Bulq and bounty hunters and mercenaries like the Gen'dai warrior known as Durge, Jango Fett, and General Grievous, Sidious also succeeded in challenging the power of the Jedi Order. Sidious spoke with his apprentice about this setback. Palpatine ordered his scientist to clone the Zillo Beast, presumably to weaponize them. Well if somebody is just doing experiments on you without your consent, you’d be pissed off too. It's amusing to think that even old Palps, the master of manipulation, plans, and contingencies, bit off more than he could chew a couple times. Sheev Palpatine This article is in need of major additions and/or work. By the end of the arc the Zillo Beast was dead, but Palpatine ordered to have it cloned in secret. Dave Filoni, the creator of The Clone Wars, said the Zillo Beast could probably sense that Palpatine was a Sith and plotting something nefarious. Star Wars is an American epic space opera franchise, created by George Lucas and centered around a film series that began with the eponymous 1977 movie. Krista was crestfallen and then angry, saying out loud that they were just going to keep killing the cloned Zillo Beasts to get what they wanted. I wish that'd been the case, would've made for some awesome armor. Luckily the Zillo Beast then escapes (surprise, surprise). The first noteworthy involvement of Palpatine was hiring Cad Bane to kidnap Force-sensitive Children, so he could condition them to be his servants. Palpatine was visited by Yoda when the Jedi discovered Sifo-Dyas's lightsaber at the location of a distress beacon: apparently, Sifo-Dyas had died on a mission to Felucia, but details were sealed by the Office of the Chancellor. As a further testament to his dark side mastery, Palpatine also cloaked all his activities and plans through the force so much so that not a single member of the Jedi Council ever suspected that the he was the reigning Dark Lord until it was far too late. Biological Information His replacement was voice actor, Tim Curry. What if… Palpatine is caught and eaten by the Beast? Instead, the Zillo Beast escapes from the lab with devastating consequences for the city and its inhabitants. When the clone trooper "Tup" killed the Jedi Master Tiplee during the Battle of Ringo Vinda, it threatened to expose Order 66. He also personally oversees the choice of planet on which to test it. However, all evidence of Palpatine's presence was destroyed, allowing him to slip back into the shadows. Sidious's illusion faltered: the Jedi Master won. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Dooku prevented Kenobi and Skywalker from learning who killed Sifo-Dyas, but they still deduced the Sith were responsible for the creation of the clone army. Something about its clone being brought out to fight some other huge creature, I think. However, instead of disposing of its carcass, Palpatine ordered Doctor Sionver Boll to clone it. This article is a stub about a battle. But Maul was no match for Sidious, who promptly disarmed him and telekinetically slammed him against the wall and floor, ending the duel. He was secretly Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith who orchestrated the fall of the Jedi Order and the rise of the Galactic Empire. Naboo Maybe a secret Zillo beast under Sidious’s command. Palpatine finds a Zillo beast and orders that it be studied and cloned due to its nigh-indestructible nature. I distinctly remember someone saying the line was thrown in simply because a lot of Godzilla movies ended that way, not because they were planning another story. After landing, two Mandalorian guards confronted him, but Sidious slew them with Force choke and took a speeder to the Sundari Royal Palace. Moved by the plight of the last Zillo Beast, Mace Windu takes drastic measures to save the unique lifeform. None of the Jedi involved were enthused about killing what was believed to be the last member of an entire species. Kenobi infiltrated the plot and helped the Jedi to prevent it, lulling them into a false sense of security. Palpatine assured him that Maul was no threat compared to the Separatists. Star Wars: The Clone Wars: The Sith Hunters, He quickly realized it was targeting him, and he stayed in character through it, but he seems a bit more sincere and concerned than usual when it came down for him to order an evacuation. During the turning point of the Clone Wars, Palpatine received news from Obi-Wan Kenobi that Darth Maul was not dead as thought, and that he and Savage Opress were spreading havoc and must be stopped. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Homeworld: After the Confederacy's Droid Army seized control of the major hyperspace lanes, Sidious had Dooku and his assassin Asajj Ventress kidnap the Hutt Clans' Council leader, Jabba's son Rotta. Synopsis: The Zillo Beast arrives on Coruscant and Chancellor Palpatine orders Dr. Sionver Boll to study and then kill the creature. Kenobi, Skywalker, and his new Padawan, Ahsoka Tano were able to return Rotta to his father and secure a treaty with the Hutts. The illusion then made it seem that they were in the Works pursuing the Sith Lords with Skywalker and the 501st Legion. He then dueled his former apprentice, who now wielded the Darksaber. I doubt that this could be finished. The enormous animal proved to be nearly invulnerable to Republic weaponry, prompting intense interest from Chancellor Palpatine. Despite usually acting through others, he would execute his own plans on occasion. Chancellor Palpatine wants to learn the secrets of its invulnerability but only manages to make the beast …
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