Thanks! They still look like seeds though. I have been watching them grow and wither away year after year for several years. If not how can I remove them. According to botanist Laura Reeves who I mentioned in the article, the black spiny caterpillar of the Milbert’s tortoishell butterfly only lay their eggs on nettle. Thanks for visiting and commenting, it’s great to hear about other people’s experiences. You can usually tell when things start to lose their vibrancy by the colour starting to grey and the taste fading. I’m not sure if the spittle bug which make white foamy homes like nettles. I don’t want to have to throw it out. Use 3 cups of loose fresh nettles in the biscuit recipe, 6 cups in the soup. Nettles come up in Spring at which time you can harvest them for soups, to eat raw, to add to juices, vinegars, teas or enjoy as a steamed or cooked green. Are they viruses spots? You could try adding the leaves toward the end of the soup making just to long enough for them to rehydrate. Good luck with your experiments. Getty. A great reminder for all of us to be 100% certain of what we’re harvesting. If you like baking, the drop nettle cheese biscuits are also a great way to introduce others to nettle – let them think it’s spinach at first! See how they feel in your body, how the medicines you make differ etc., and then see which you prefer. I’ve heard that I should use small leaves for cooking with, but what size is small? I hope you’re still responding to comments Are the instructions here appropriate if I want to save seeds for for planting next season? I have some from last year too, wondering if they still as effective. I have had stinging nettle on pizza and it is delicious! In herbal medicine they are used as an adrenal tonic for people who are burnt-out, run down, fatigued and low in energy, zest for life and libido. Nettles are primarily used in the management of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), diabetes, and arthritis. I’m guessing that I can, but all of the recipes I’ve found have required fresh nettles. She is the author of several recipe books on enjoying and preserving fruit, Founder of Fruit Share, a mom and veggie gardener. The plants are starting into the seeding stage, but still plenty of folliage. They certainly will help balance the hormones through the effect on the adrenal glands as the endocrine system is very connected and depleted adrenals can stress the rest of the system. They prefer sunlight, but will tolerate some shade. Raw nettle will irritate the throat and cause pain and discomfort. Is there something I should or should not use the stems for? They should be fine, I personally wait till they are at the green seed stage to use them but I have read a couple of American herbalists saying that they use them more at the ripening stage. I know so much more than I did five minutes ago. Glad to hear you’re able to use your nettle as food, protection and for its medicinal purposes. Ciao Lucinda. Increase Your Energy Levels: Nettles are used as a traditional spring tonic to strengthen and support … As long as they are stored well, away from heat, dampness or bright light, they should last happily for a year. I write from Nairobi, Kenya. I’d love to hear what you thought, please let us know! I remember that when I first started to collect herbs and make my own remedies it would always annoy me when writers skimmed the surface of the topics they were discussing, making assumptions that their readers already knew how to make this or that. I can’t find anything that say use it cooked, dry or fresh. Our nettle is covered by 2-3 feet of snow for 5-6 months of the year! Thanks for your article. Hope you find a way to enjoy your nettle. Since my last post on harvesting nettle seeds I’ve had a couple of emails asking me for more specific details about how and when to harvest. Before you start picking stinging nettle let’s look at what causes the sting so you know what to do to avoid getting hurt by nettle. I take them down before they are completely dry and finish them in the dehydrator but that’s just because years of living in damp houses have made me cautious of air drying anything. But aren’t ready to harvest until they look like this. Or our the ones I have not usable? An excellent idea for stinging nettles – but as Marj points out, they need to be blanched first. Let me know anyway, it is always interesting to hear what people’s experience is! My web page is under costruction…. If I wait until they are ready, it may be too late to cut the stalks for regrowth! You'll get plenty of practical everyday tips from a Professional Home Economist who enjoys all food in balance and moderation, tries to limit the amount of processed foods, works to reduce food waste and is always open to questions. Lemmesee if I can get a pic of that here... yep: Thanks and blessings. It grows rapidly and will reach its typical 3-5 foot height quite quickly. I really would like to know how you use the stinging nettle seeds because it’s so difficult to find news about it in Italian. Organic Nettle Leaf, Dried Cut and Sifted, Raw from Germany, All Natural, Non-GMO, No Gluten, 1.5 Pound (24 Ounce) 4.7 out of 5 stars 284. You must prepare the nettle by either drying or cooking. Being near the Equator there are always new leaves on it though early in the year it is a little yellow and more fibrous. Very useful article.Keep up the good work. I harvested mine way to early! Later, as summer starts to warm up, the nettles begin to flower at which time they are no longer good for eating. I want to use it for psoriasis. I’ve been trying to find photos of nettles in flower and then in seeds to get a better knowledge as I’m still learning. Is it just the texture that doesn’t work for the larger leaves? It forms great intruder deterrent and now provides food. I didn’t realise nettles were so versatile until I read your article, I love spinach so will definitely be trying nettles, and they’re free and ample here in Wales lol. It’s also used to deal with intestinal disorders in ruminants. I could cut the stems and wait for regrowth- but then I’d loose the chance of gathering the apparently potent flowers, which are not quite ready to pick. The long stems make nettle perfect for hang drying. Then use as tea or in soups and stews. I was wondering about harvesting leaves now, 8/18 in southern illinois, to make tinctures. kind regards, Paul. Use within 6-12 months. I have a pound of dried nettle that is about 2 years old. The seeds are cleaned of above-ground parts, washed and left to drain. Stinging nettle should never be applied to an open wound. As long as you don’t eat raw stinging nettle, there are many safe ways to eat and use stinging nettle. Sorry, I can’t help you with this one. It’s this cocktail that causes the long lasting stinging or burning sensation we experience. :*. Stinging nettle, or Urtica dioica, is a common plant that grows in the United States, Canada, and Europe.It primarily grows in damp, fertile soil. Let me know if you have any more. ( Log Out /  It’s not an issue for anyone in my family, but something to be aware of and a reason why people often recommend harvesting nettle before it goes to seed. to dehydrate them in a oven at it’s lowest temperature, or will this in some way lower the nutritional value of the plant ? Thanks a lot for your answer and sorry for my English! Our nettle is itchy! How great is it that you and I can have the same edible plant growing across the globe in two very different habitats. Thank you thank you thank you! I would love any recommendations . Lightly cover them with ¼ inch (1.25 cm.) Place on well-ventilated screen to dry. Thank you for this page. Have a look, stay a while, leave a comment or drop me a line. This time, I'm. It has widely spreading rhizomes and stolons, which are bright yellow, as are the roots.The soft, green leaves are 3 to 15 cm (1 to 6 in) long and are borne oppositely on an erect, wiry, green stem. The sting is a combination of tiny barbs and the release of chemicals. FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. i have hay fever and suffer when any pollen is high. If not, I would not eat it in any way. Hi Laverne, However there are still very tiny bits of strand mixed in with the seeds.. Can I leave these bits? I ate abundance of nettles during pregnancy intuitively, to later find they are rich in folic acid and iron. I help put healthy, seasonal food on tables and agendas. Urtica dioica is a dioecious, herbaceous, perennial plant, 1 to 2 m (3 to 7 ft) tall in the summer and dying down to the ground in winter. Most of us are familiar with the properties and benefits of the leaves but the seeds are actually more potent again. Let's put good food on the table! You may also direct sow nettle greens in the garden. Nettle herb can be useful for hormonal issues and the root too depending on what you are trying to achieve. Hi Glad I found you. It loves rich, moist soil high in nitrogen. Your site is lovely. Read More. ( Log Out /  :0)))) i feel the world is a better place for your having created this site, or rather the realities of this being available for me to know froma site although so far away now in miles. inspiring. From 4 kg of fresh seeds 1 kg of dry nettle seeds is obtained. Best not to use the leaves on the plants that have gone to seed but if there is a place where they have been cut back you can use the fresh re-growth at any point before flowering. Nettle seeds. Then you can cook them in water to add moisture back in. Cooked nettle leaves are similar to cooked spinach and are considered nutritious greens. I have wanted to harvest them for a long time but have just finally gotten up the nerve to this spring!! The more significant issue is that those tiny hollow barbs also release a chemical mixture made up of serotonin, acetylcholine, histamine and formic acid. Nettle seed is a standard botanical and is commonly found as an ingredient in tinctures and other herbal preparations. Another option is to dry herbs in a dehydrator on the lowest temperature setting that is possible, typically 95°F for 12-18 hours. If you can confirm that they are stinging nettle, harvest them early in the season when they are in good condition before the seeds form. These nettles did not sting. What do you use yours for? The small grey green strands; can be used for a tea? It comes back every year and can be difficult to remove. While it does appear to be edible, anyone considering eating it, should do more in-depth research on how to safely use it. Stinging nettle can be found across the globe. In your option is it o.k. I bought 2large bags of organic stinging nettles last year. Should I try to plant these nettles? Pop your dried seeds into a jar, store somewhere cool and away from bright light and enjoy sprinkled on food. Hi Cha, In early spring, I cut the top third to half of the plant where the most tender leaves are. The only thing you can’t do is eat it raw! Getty. Size – I don’t pick according to size; any size leaf will do. this is so helpful. we just harvested a lot of nettle seed and are now dehydrating them in our NESCO dehydrator. Do you have an all time favo, Who doesn't love a good taco bar?! If so, does that mean that they would be okay for teas? Thanks for the harvesting advice! It had seeds in a long chains and the leaves had some brown spots. Maturity – More important than size is the maturity of the plant. You can use this method for planting too. Great to hear from you. Yes! You could try to plant them and see what happens next year. The leaves will be at their optimum – bright green, tender and with few insects. There you have it - dried nettle seeds. Hi Karen, Oh, if you do happen to get stung, try soothing it with a paste of baking soda and water or an anti-histamine cream. I’m so glad you’ll give it a try! This is your year. Do you know if they /the seeds, keep their potency for more than a year, or how long. I found it growing along the edge of the property and left it to grow to over 6 feet. Germination should occur by about 14 days. Posted in Autumn, Herbs, Nettle, Spring, Summer, Wildcrafting | 38 Comments, Thank you so much. I’m interested in learning more. The flowering nettle would be fine to use externally though if that’s what you wanted. Hi Tim, Hi Stefania, Basically, any recipe calling for cooked spinach or kale can be made with stinging nettle. One plant came up near my house and I’d like to save some seeds to sow in my yard! Once nettle has gone to seed, the leaves will become tough, a little bitter and develop gritty particles that may irritate the urinary tract of some people. Peace Rene’. Plant one to three seeds in peat pots filled with potting soil. After the flowers turn to seeds, the old leaves will develop gritty particles called cystoliths that may be irritating to some people, whether taken as tea or eaten cooked. , So glad to have found your site.I finally got a nice growth of nettles, but did not get to pick them I time before flowering. Can I still use the leaves for external use, like bath water ? Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. My name is Jo and I live in Australia. Hi Renee, gratitude for your info. One site recommended I check the underside of the leaves for “white spittles” when I harvest do you know what the heck it was talking about? Enjoy! How to Store Dried Stinging Nettle. I also appreciate the value of stinging nettles much to the amusement of my godmother who lives on the old family farm. Hope this helps. Nettle seeds Are some of the easiest wild seeds to harvest I know of, along with cow parsnip, wild fennel and angelica. The finished product can range from fine and soft to thick and rough. Next time I’ll know not to get rid of them while throwing a fit about my lousy harvest timing . Namaste, You’ll find patches in disturbed soils, along streams or river banks, on old homesteads and along the edge of clearings, fence lines or forest pathways where the sunlight comes through. Nettle Leaves. To make a Nettles Herb Blend at home, combine dried Nettles with a good salt, black pepper, and your favorite dried herbs in a clean coffee grinder until combined. Thanks so much for the fabulous lesson on nettle seed gathering, the lovely pics of fellow tree huggers and fellow trees, and beautiful Dr Bach quote. Hi Getty – I have a large bag of dried nettles. Question, I’m in Michigan. If I find extra, I dry it to add depth of flavor to various herbal tea blends. Read More. Hi Dennis, SAVING SEEDS : NOTE Do not use while pregnant or breastfeeding without consulting your doctor. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. ( Log Out /  I make home cooking easy, enjoyable and deliciously fun! I sometimes toss a handful into spaghetti sauce. Wishing you well! Hope you find something that will help alleviate your symptoms. Think I’ll make some tincture out of both stages of the seeds, also. Inflammation is your body’s way of healing itself and fighting infections. Not only is it highly nutritious (rich in Vitamin A, C, D, K, iron, calcium and protein), it’s also delicious, versatile, easy to recognize, and free. You are lovely! I'd love to know what's cooking with you. It’s good karma to let them be. Nettles in full sun will flower before those in the shade and will also produce seeds earlier. So - Seed ID: the seeds grow on the female plant. Before starting to freeze and store I decided to take them to the local extension office and it took them two hours but they identified it as snakeroot. Genevieve, Thank you Genevieve, it makes writing this site so worthwhile to read a comment like this By cutting just above that spot, you actually encourage new growth. To freeze, you’ll need to blanch the nettle first to remove the sting and make it freezer stable. And of course, freezing is another great way to preserve your nettle for later use. As for the brown spots, I’m not sure what they might be, but I probably would avoid them.
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