Size [4], Though szuldar usually remain unchanged throughout a genasi's life it was possible to alter them through scarring. Around his shoulders is a green cloak and on his back is a large warpick and a shield. ... Water Genasi Swashbuckler Rogue (backstory in ... 699+ Genasi Names(Water,Fire,Air) - Give a Good Name. These individuals desired nothing more than to be in high demand and so worked hard to please their customer base. Most of the elemental bloodlines originate in the North, particularly near the Spine of the World, as natural portals to the Elemental Plane of Earth form there, allowing meetings between natives of both planes. Size A few months ago, however, Grey began to have vivid dreams and visions of a small village being burnt to the ground and innocent humanoids lives being taken. Backstory. You have inherited some measure of control over earth, reveling in superior strength and solid power. Efreet are intelligent, red-skinned, horned, hot-tempered, and typically pretty evil, so the comparison is fair. [4] Children reared in close contact with genasi of a different subrace were more likely to develop a second manifestation, as were those who were reared in areas where their manifestation's element was weak or nonexistent. [10][11] In Thay, the wizards there intentionally bred their slaves with various outsiders, resulting in a higher population of genasi and other planetouched there as well. Their strength and girth means that they sometimes become bullies, attracting sycophants out of fear and respect of their power. [35], Planetouched - Genasi - Forgotten Realms Lore. ... She heard that a genasi child will drive a human parent to insanity. Earth Genasi: [+1 STR] Strength is wasted on you, but the Pass Without Trace spell would be really useful to you if needed. The child of a half-elemental and a human was a genasi. For some examples of these features see the appearance description above. Sadly, a 10-page backstory can provide a lot of details, while fully missing motivation or narrative structure. [4][23], Genasi had a strong ability to adapt, perhaps only superseded by humans in this regard, and embraced change as an inevitability or even something to be relished. 1 Genasi 1.1 Genasi Airsouls 1.2 Genasi Earthsouls 1.3 Genasi Firesouls 1.4 Genasi Thundersouls 1.5 Physical Qualities 1.6 Playing a Genasi 1.7 Genasi Adventurers Living manifestations of the Elemental Chaos, beings of raw power and ordained rebellion. [14] Some genasi did not have hair at all; for such genasi, the substance that appeared to cover their heads was actually a supernatural expression of their elemental nature.[4]. [25][19], Para-genasi came about when a half-elemental of one type mated with an elemental creature of another type. The elemental blood flowing through their veins manifests differently in each genasi, often as magical power.Seen in silhouette, a genasi can usually pass for human. Some examples of these features are: Mind that some (unmentioned) traits could be not or otherwise supported in the models and are therefore in principal not allowed (like glowing eyes). Backstory. [9], Genasi of Faerûn usually lived in isolation until the Spellplague. From the Story Beats method, to Propps 31 , to Joseph Campbell’s Heroes Journey , we fully know that stories have a structure, a shape that can help them go down smoothly into our grey matter. [10][11] Earth genasi could also be found in Mulhorand, and fire genasi in Unther. Fighter (Gunslinger) Background. For this reason, many genasi often substituted actual excellence for customization and individuality and while the average genasi swordsmith might not compare with his dwarven counterpart in terms of quality, the genasi would work much harder to tailor the blade to his or her customer's specific needs and wants. Most genasi were simply grateful for the innate connection to the elemental forces that shaped the world that they all shared. Sadly, a 10-page backstory can provide a lot of details, while fully missing motivation or narrative structure. As an earth genasi, you are descended from the cruel and greedy dao, though you aren’t necessarily evil. [20][19], Like other planetouched, because of the strength of their elemental heritage, many spells that specifically affected humanoids had no effect on genasi. Backstory Generator. Certain obvious racial characteristics WILL prohibit or limit greatly interaction with certain groups or individuals. You tend to avoid rash decisions, pausing long enough to … Even after the Spellplague, no genasi could maintain a neutral, "non-elemental" state, and their physical appearance changed depending on the elemental soul that they were currently manifesting. Can Pass Without Trace as per a 5th level priest 1/day. A few unusual ones come down with a strange form of wanderlust, wishing to plant their feet on every nation's soil before they die. The superficial resemblance awakens an echo of sympathy and kinship in the Earth genasi, and these similarities often lead to deep friendships and even marriages. Elemental Origin Your ancestors were native to the Elemental Chaos, so you are considered an elemental creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin. Language(s) The rest are descended from Earth deities or servants thereof instead of elemental outsiders. Shortly after, she was badly injured, and laid off. The djinn and djinn nobles often had Human concubines, and from these unions were born half-elementals. Regardless of their elemental manifestation, the body of each such genasi was etched with strange lines of energy, called szuldar in Primordial,[19] that glowed in a color associated with the element that the genasi was currently manifesting. See more ideas about rpg character, fantasy characters, character art. This could go so far as to make genasi-crafted items seem uncomfortable or unwieldy in the hands of those for whom they were not intended. 3rd Edition Statistics[5][6][7] Mother: Neega Carlyle, Neutral Good Half-Orc Fighter that works as a Hermit/Refugee. Even after the Spellplague, a genasi child came into the world with only one elemental manifestation, the one passed on to him or her through the parents. Some genasi did this deliberately for aesthetic reasons, or in order to disguise themselves. Water Genasi. [19], The initial development of a second manifestation could often be uncomfortable, even painful, and usually came suddenly and without warning. Backstory. [16][6] Para-genasi were genasi who expressed a bloodline of two elements. 5'7" – 6'2"[4] [28], Genasi artisans often saw their craft as a means of obtaining prestige. The Second Era of Skyfire ended suddenly in the Year of Holy Thunder, 1450 DR, when Calim and Memnon mysteriously disappeared again to their home planes. Genasi with the "watersoul" manifestation had skin the color of seafoam and were bald. To most genasi, family bonds were the only ones that were truly reliable and it was far rarer for genasi to become alienated or estranged from members of their family. "Windsoul"-manifesting genasi had silver skin with blue and gray crystalline "hair". The bonds between these individuals can grow very strong, and the bards tell of entire bands of Earth genasi meeting to punish a cruel lover or person responsible for the death of one of the band. But they do have a sort of honor to them and will always try to repay a debt or those that show them kindness. 3e Dave: “Hey Ted, you want a D&Dize Captain Planet today?” Ted: “Well, he is made of earth, air, fire, water and heart.” Dave: “Air, earth and fire and water, that sounds like a Genasi to me.” Ted: “Right, but There was no Genasi for heart.” Dave: “Yeah. In a homebrew world I'm working on Genasi are the children of humans who committed crimes so great that they were sent to the Elemental Planes as "prison" and the genies that lived there. Not bad. Air Genasi are often children of djinn or sylphs. Air Genasi: [+1 DEX] The dex mod helps, but you can find similar abilities and more elsewhere. Sep 11, 2020 - Explore Adam Roy's board "Genasi (DnD)" on Pinterest. And, um, causticsoul doesn’t really roll off the tongue, so I’m going with venomsoul. Solder. Abeir[9]Calimshan, the Old Empires, Thay[10][11] Earth Walk is fine for dungeon crawling, since it allows you to avoid difficult terrain if it’s rock or stone. RACE: Earth Genasi CLASS: Fighter RELIGION: Dol Dorn ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good GENDER: cis male he/him pronouns BACKSTORY. Elemental Though all genasi do suffer a -2 reaction roll penalty from other races, a trait born of their rarity and their being huge douchebags. Others were more picky and chose friends who could cope with their changing nature. Most genasi preferred recreational activities that were active and physical, allowing them to release their impulses and wilder urges. Sarkesh was born into a military family ready to serve and die for their king . played a druid for a while that didn't understand druidism at all... his backstory was that he gained druidic powers during what could be described as a phychotic rift that occurred when a group of human outcasts he was hiding out with (due to some dubious legal issues he was "avoiding") "dosed" him with a local psychoactive plant (for kicks/as a sort-of initiation ritual). Nov 24, 2018 - This Pin was discovered by Ancient White Army Vet. Air genasi are descended from the Efreet, who are very commonly mistaken for devils. Para-genasi were even rarer than the four standard genasi. Humanoid Alignment [19], Genasi possessed a lifespan comparable with that of humans, reaching 75 years on average barring accident or violence. [31] The human slaves, led by a Chosen of Ilmater eventually overcame their genasi masters, restoring Calimshan to human rule and returning the genasi population once again to minority status. Both of his parents were soldiers and his grandparents were before him and when Rolland called them to arm Sarkesh’s family were ready to take up arms. The bloodlines spring up whatever worship of Earth deities is comimon. This means that Earth genasi are known to collect like-minded warriors about them, genasi or not, and carve out small baronies for themselves in isolated lands. However, she was taken in by NASA(?) [14], Each of the four fundamental elements had associated genies, so the most common genasi were air genasi, earth genasi, fire genasi, and water genasi. Randomized NPC Generator for Dungeons & Dragons, with an emphasis on creating cohesive, multi-faceted, and believable characters. [4], The child of an elemental creature with a human was a half-elemental. [21] However, every few generations, a child might display his or her elemental heritage as a genasi. Medium However compared to practically any other race they are pretty weak. Darkvision up to 60 feet. They possess the powers of the Elemental Planes, have characteristics of both their mortal and genie heritage, but often have no place they can truly call home. I'm playing an earth genasi druid and here's the rough outline I have so far: -My mother was a priestess guarding a magical/powerful/important book and was seduced by an earth genie/Dao and that's how I … A young genasi painfully gaining a second elemental manifestation. [4][26], Though genasi could be extremely passionate in a way that might seem violent, the race as a whole had a love for family and friends, to the point that few genasi marriages ended in divorce. Though the patterns could be similar between relatives in a general sense, the specific configurations were unique to each individual and served much the same purpose that fingerprints did amongst humans; the pattern of these lines remained unchanged even when a genasi changed their manifestation. It is thought that the Ludwakazar clan of Shield Dwarves deep in the Earthspurs in Impiltur and the Tobarin family of rock gnomes in the Great Dale have elemental blood, but both are mute on the question and neither would be a true Earth genasi, but something quite different. Earth Genasi | Xaeyruudh's Index. Feb 11, 2017 - Female Earth Genasi Bard, Cleric, Fighter, Monk, Ranger, Rogue, Warlock For example, a fire genasi might have a "hot temper" and an earth genasi might take life slowly and carefully. These djinn often took human concubines and from these unions were born half-elementals, who eventually had children of their own—children who were air genasi. Hear Ally's Backstory. Planetouched were mortal creatures whose lineages trace back to outsiders, including celestials, fiends, and elementals. Genasi D&D 5th Edition (5E) - Dungeons and Dragons. Earth genasi are obviously not human, but have mostly Human features except for one or two distinguishing traits related to their elemental ancestor. And it has subraces which are storm soul Genasi, Water Genasi, Earth Genasi, Air Gensai, and Fire Genasi etc. Evelyn is a Genasi Windsoul, a ranger by trade. Genasi: [+2 CON] Can’t go wrong with a con modifier. Earth genasi tend to isolate themselves in one way or another, responding to persecution by building both figurative and literal barriers. Post-Spellplague, most genasi families were large, and the genasi as a whole looked upon another genasi as a potential relative to the point of referring to those they met as "brother", "sister", or "cousin". Even just disabling your adblocker will help (it's only text and plain image ads I promise). My father, like his before him, was the local medicine man. [4][19] A few genasi were rumored to have learned several throughout their lives. Genasi preferred elaborate and bold designs, using bright and vibrant colors to express the wide range of emotions they felt. [22] In return, the genasi were perhaps the most distrusted of the planetouched races for being the most alien. Ability Score Increase. Fire Genasi: The only reason to go with this one over a Tiefling is to get Burning Hands outside your spells known. In this post, I’m offering genasi subrace features for storm genasi and corrupted fire, air, water, and earth genasi, which 4e calls cindersoul, voidsoul, causticsoul, and plaguesoul genasi. Well this is my backstory.
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