But it’s absolutely normal not to fancy it much at all when pregnant. It’s doubtful that both you and your husband will find your new tendency to cry or blow up at the drop of a hat as “sexy”. Roxann. Second time Mommy / First pregnancy - NAME HELP. He made me feel tons better. Your hormones can also seriously affect your sex drive, which in turn affects how attractive you find your partner. it sounds silly, but that's how I feel sometimes. All rights reserved, 6 Reasons You’re NOT Attracted to Your Husband While Pregnant, https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324556.php, https://www.womenshealth.gov/mental-health/body-image-and-mental-health/pregnancy-and-body-image, https://www.romper.com/p/is-it-normal-to-hate-your-partner-during-pregnancy-experts-weigh-in-77181, https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2014/dec/07/hard-cope-pregnant-wife-irritable-mariella-frostrup, https://americanpregnancy.org/pregnancy-health/mood-swings-during-pregnancy/, https://www.verywellfamily.com/is-it-normal-to-not-want-sex-in-pregnancy-2759945, https://www.webmd.com/women/features/intimacy-and-pregnancy#1, When to Tell Immediate Family About Pregnancy, What to Eat 1 Hour Before A Glucose Test During Pregnancy, What To Do When You Get a Positive Result in Your Pregnancy Test at Home. On the other hand, I feel like now I'm starting to over compensate when it comes to him. You will be happy and urself in no time.....this is what mummies have to go through, once u have ur baby and u are settled....all of this will be a distant memory. Now my baby is 3 months old....i am back to my old self. It keeps you from harping on your own securities, which is relieving and, let’s face it, relief isn’t something we get to experience much of while pregnant. I have really frizzy, curly hair and I have to blow dry and flat iron it (or do some kind of styling if I want to wear the curls), otherwise it just looks really really bad. This Site Might Help You. When you have sciatica or PGP (Pelvic Girdle pain) or backache? When I first got prego I use to think every1 was talking about me or I would think no 1 wanted to be my friend I felt crazy, thankfully I had my bf to talk some sence into me but it was hard lol but were almost finshed n were gorgeous girls sorry ur having a hard time I hope it passes, sheesh....be grateful you have passed 37/38 weeks....imagine if you have given birth at 26/27 weeks and spent time in NICU? The American Pregnancy Association notes that a woman who has a normal pre-pregnancy weight -- meaning that she isn't over- or under-weight -- should gain between 25 and 35 pounds during her pregnancy. It's like you just wrote down the exact same way I feel! When they’re exhausted beyond any kind of tiredness they’ve ever felt before? Ick. Wow, i'm so sorry to hear of everything you've gone through! As soon as the babies were out things changed rather quickly though. I'm so sorry mama. You might not enjoy your new voluptuous figure. I know I won't feel all depressed and insecure after the baby is born because I felt so much better after my son was born (or rather a few months after he was born). During pregnancy, a woman’s sex drive can either rev up (lucky you) or shift into neutral — or do both within the same week. Read more: How to Tone Up During Pregnancy. Ah well.. we'll have our old bodies back in no time and can wear whatever we want! My S/O is the best! He's just simply amazing! Feeling unattractive and insecure during pregnancy, 2 kids; I know it's the pregnancy feelings that have made me more bothered than I'd usually be. And then she comes on here bragging about her active pregnant sex life (like you!!!! Home / Community / Pregnancy Issues / Feeling unattractive and insecure during pregnancy. Really, you could fill any new behavior into the space after “pregnant and _____” and it’d be normal. Feeling unattractive, awkward, and even ugly is something that plagues most pregnant women at some point. I feel like I had lots of maternity clothing but suddenly none of it fit anymore. I'm 37 weeks pregnant and have gained 40lbs. It doesn't make sense to spend any money on clothes right now either since I only have 3 more weeks to go. It keeps you from having to strip down when you’re feeling vulnerable, and it puts the blame on him. The pregnancy hormones surging through your body can have a profound impact on your emotions, triggering your feelings of panic. Feel better!! Add Friend Ignore. Aww.. We are lucky girls! It personally made me feel like shit (and still makes me feel unattractive) when my husband didn't want sex with me during pregnancy. Projection. On a good note, it's almost over for the both of us! While other women go the complete opposite way and feel super horny when they’re pregnant. Thank you! He can tell when I start to feel down on myself, even when I don't think it shows. As a woman carrying a child, you’re constantly feeding on worries about the future: finances, childcare, even the manners you’ll ultimately teach your child. Your self-confidence may take a hit or two. I didn't find her attractive any more. I've put on quite a bit of weight since my pregnancy (40 pounds to be exact). If you’re struggling with your pregnancy symptoms and just not feeling it, it can be a bit of a surprise, especially if you had a high sex drive before pregnancy. I think you just need to find out what makes you feel "pretty" and do it every day. some women are super cared for during their first pregnancy by their husband and are stoped from most house chores cos of fear of miscarrage, making some of them not all look swollen. Some women don’t feel attracted to their partners at all during pregnancy… I mean from a biological perspective what’s the point? If you want someone to talk to, feel free to send me a message. OH well, it will pass! Suddenly, you may find yourself bawling at car commercials or getting in a rage because you can’t do up your shoes. Despite pregnant women feeling bloated and unattractive, their husbands see them as even prettier than before. Haha what? My husband is so handsome and I'm sitting here with my puffy, swollen pale makeupless face and my either frizzy or greasy hair, with some frumpy outfit. Oh my goodness...I couldn't help but laugh at your description. As wives, that’s our whole purpose anyway, right? Like I don't make comments about other girls being prettier than me, or anything weird like that (but I think it! I was doing really good with my emotions this pregnancy so far, but just recently it all hit me again. I'm sitting here with my puffy, swollen pale makeupless face and my either frizzy or greasy hair, with some frumpy outfit. The only difference is that you may just find yourselves having to sneak sexy time in between baby naps and sleep regressions. Focus instead on how you're feeling and what's … It can affect you both physically and mentally. I'm 38 weeks & gained 43.2lbs so far. However, there are many couples who take it as a joke and laugh it off. Megan said how important it is for couples to have sex. Mine was make up, yours maybe something else. They also affect your feelings for yourself. In a couple days, I’ll hit the 32-week mark in my third pregnancy. I'm rhesus negative too. Ugggh, so lame. Pregged.com's Feature Editor is a dedicated Mom of 3, pregnancy geek, giver of hugs and a great listener. During pregnancy, while you learn to deal (and try to embrace) with the physical changes in your body, you will also have to deal with the mental stress that you will take for no apparent reason. I'm at the stage where I'm barely showing, so I think to myself "Do they think I've just gotten fat? I feel like everything he says makes me cry even if its nothing. Any advice? I ended up with no stretch marks. After all, you’re beginning to prioritize things that probably never even mattered to you before. Before now, you never had an entire other human being that relied on you, and, as the mother, you want the absolute best for your child. While we may be quick to resent men for not having to physically experience pregnancy, it’s not something they can help either. Once the baby has come and you've had a chance to recover physically, you'll find yourself excited and ready to make up for lost time. The material on this website is provided for educational purposes only and is not to be used for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, or in place of therapy or medical care. I am 26 and i didnt make it past week 30.....i would have given anything to get to 37 weeks like u. I feel so icky lately. One of those things is make-up. Subconsciously, however, you may project that self-doubt onto your husband and flip the perception into finding him to be unattractive. The weight gain doesnt help at all either. Just this morning he told me things were very black-and-white for him while I carried our two sons: not pregnant equaled sexy wife, pregnant me was somebody's mother. 5 tips on how to be an emotionally supportive spouse. When you’re a woman who’s in the most precious stage of her life, you are getting the … my husband was that way too. Georgie weighed 13st and was a size 14 pre-pregnancy, but - despite the NHS saying the average woman gains between 1.5-2 stone during their gestation period - she … Pregnancy can make you feel ugly and unattractive. I am very happy and grateful to be pregnant and to be at 38 weeks. Some pregnant women loves walking about while some sit at home due to laziness. “Have her mentally roll the camera forward to when your child is older and she is once again feeling comfortable in her body,” she suggests. Seriously though, have no doubt that, shortly after your child arrives and your lady parts are feeling whole again, your physical attraction for your husband will return. It will pass. Rest assured, if your question is limited strictly to concerns in the bedroom, you likely don’t have a literal lack of physical attraction for your husband. Feeling Unattractive During Pregnancy. I am in the same boat. Share Your Updates With Family And Friends Every Week. One huge factor that plays into this are the pregnancy hormones estrogen and progesterone, which rise abruptly at the start of the pr Pregnancy is temporary so enjoy it while it lasts! You are sweet! However, these feelings often don’t reflect the physical truth – instead they are a result of the rapid emotional and physical adjustments that women are required to make during pregnancy. You may feel your self-esteem has taken a knock recently - and with it, your sense of how desirable you are as a person. We talk about a lot about hormones here at Pregged (sorry to get repetitive), but your body is raging with hormones that are impairing your normal emotion reactions. you would trade it in for feeling ugly any day. That's usually the best aproach. Whether the lack of attraction is limited to the bedroom or a feature of your daily lives, just try to keep your husband’s feelings in mind. Copyright © 2020 Pregged.com. I don't have much to wear right now either. Perhaps it’s something that you’ve begun to feel after going through physical changes; after an injury, following pregnancy or during … Should I announce that I'm pregnant?" Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2 kids; 3 angel babies; That one city, IN, United States, 1 child; Scottsbluff, Nebraska, 3 kids; USA, 2 kids; Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Reading about pregnancy and listening to your friends' pregnancy stories are fine — but don't delve into all the scary things that might (but probably won't) happen during your pregnancy. You’re already pregnant, there’s no need for that messy business right now. RE: 25 weeks pregnant and feeling VERY unattractive. I feel insecure but I don't say things about it. I feel kinda lame when everyone sees me in the same outfit over and over too. • Remember that the length of pregnancy … I've been so tired that I don't even want to put my make up on anymore either.. Studies show that if a husband is not supportive, the incidence of postpartum depression in new moms tends to be higher. My skin is as it was, clear and my hair is great even if i dont wash it for 3/ days....i am feeling very confident and it is like nothing ever happened. Instead, you’re likely experiencing one of a few possibilities. It is a man's job to put his wife on an even higher pedestal when she is pregnant. He makes sure to lift my spirits back up. (Confused). Who really wants to have sex when they’re feeling or being sick all day? Oh yes, I totally agree. 3. I feel so much better once I've put my make up on. But remember that even if you’re not feeling physically attracted to your husband right now your relationship also deserves your attention. I loved being pregnant but I always felt so hurt by him during that time. I hear from so many women about what it feels like when their husband shows no interest in intimacy or closeness: “I’m tired of feeling worthless, unattractive, and inadequate when he says he doesn’t need sex.” “I need to feel important to him. Point is...it will pass. Remember that he’s likely set in his ways and could have absolutely no idea what he’s doing that is setting you off, particularly if you’ve never mentioned it in the past. We were suppose to go to his parents today for his dad's bday but I woke up really sick this morning and didnt even have the energy to get ready to do. Feeling unattractive and insecure during pregnancy ‹ 1; 2; Reply. Being angry, irritated or annoyed with your husband is one of the biggest passion killers there is, so try to address the problems as soon as possible. My husband is very caring but he doesn't know how I really feel, you know? Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. 15 Things Pregnant Women Are Insecure About. I did question him about it and told him that it made me feel unattractive and not good enough, I also got really upset and I thought that would be it. I hate feeling this way and I feel bad because my husband has been so busy lately and I'm just stressing him out by acting down all the time. Ahhh.. So there’s really no knowing where the hormone merry-go-round will take you. Or at the very least it’ll take a little getting used to. ). I wish I knew wht to tell you. I have noticed my husband has started looking at 'videos' on the internet after finding them by mistake. Thanks so much, ladies! But anxiety and worries can seriously dampen our sex drive, and rather than a lack of attraction it’s simply that you’re not up for it. I remember feeling depressed and insecure when I was pregnant with my son and for awhile after he was born, but it definitely went away and I was back to feeling confident as ever and I felt really good about myself after I started to exercise and lost all the weight, etc. Also, if your husband is not meeting your expectations in support and sensitivity, it could be a reason of strife between the two of you, leading to arguments. I feel like I'm no fun at all. Maybe you start to notice that your husband contributes largely to the mess in your house, that you’re too pregnant and entirely too tired to keep cleaning up yourself. I feel like I try on the same 2 or 3 outfits over and over hoping to feel good in one of them. Feeling aroused and sensual for sex is quite common during pregnancy. I had the same fears you did, and I was pretty religious about using cocoa butter and bio oil. I wish we didn't have to deal with all these crazy hormones while pregnant. ( If that makes sense). One mom says feeling ugly is a perfectly acceptable reaction to the changes your body goes through during pregnancy. So, allow yourself to cry at the drop of a hat, and swing from happy-soon-to-be mom to angry-all-the-time monster here and there. I had my baby early and i spent 2 weeks in the high risk unit (all my pregnancy weight dropped) and i was in a pretty awful state- i had PE. Before any of this becomes an insurmountable speed bump in your marriage, bring your concerns to your husband’s attention. Changes in desire are common for both dads-to-be and mums-to-be during this time of major life change. Hi I am so sorry to hear that- it was the same with me, but i actually was ugly- pregnancy didnt agree with my skin- i had awful acne and my nose expanded three fold, my hair was greasy all the time and i felt ugly 24/7....and on top of that i was having awful thoughts and it was a bad bad time. Blame him for everything? Iccck. And don’t try to adapt your feelings to the expectations of others. Some mamas-to-be experience a sexual surge (especially during the second trimester), while others are too tired, uncomfortable, or self … So, it works! This article will outline how having an unsupportive partner can affect pregnancy, reasons why this might happen, and tips for dealing with this. I had odeama on my hands and feet...i was like a baby elephant. It's not in his mind. When I feel really bad about myself, I try to be the perfect girlfriend, so he can't see my insecurities. My post was simply to ask other mamas out there if they're experiencing insecurity during their pregnancies as I have been. She needs to feel more loved, secure and beautiful than ever, and it's … 0 0. However, there is a chance that perhaps the reason for your lack of attraction lurks beyond the bedroom, and is more about your daily lives. It's in yours. Feel free to message me anytime as well! Subconsciously, however, you may project that self-doubt onto your husband and flip the perception into finding him to be unattractive. It really makes me feel insecure! I hope you feel better soon. ), so maybe I'm not acting too insecure. No matter how I felt I would get up and put on my make-up, because I realized that if I look in the mirror and myself and think ugg....I look like crap, then more then likely I would feel like crap. :D However, judging by your picture, you are a beautiful young lady. I’m sooo glad you want to know about how you can emotionally support your wife or partner emotionally during her (and your ;-)) pregnancy. It is really hurting our marriage. You sound like a very positive and strong woman, and I hope things are well for you. Work Together as a Team Women may want to give a heads up to their husbands about what may happen to them during the course of pregnancy. Totally Severe 2 kids ... We already have a two-year old son and my husband is the best father. I think everyone goes through stages of feeling insecure during their pregnancy. My husband is the same way. Not only do I feel unattractive but I've been so sick and so tired that I haven't been doing much around here. If physical changes leave your partner feeling out of control, Fleming suggests reminding her that she won’t always be pregnant. You will be fine :), WOW! I just don't have the energy to do the blow drying and flat ironing lately so my hair ends up getting greasy too since I dont want to wash it and redo it all. I had the same thing happen when I was pregnant and unfortunatley my DD is 5monhs and we have only had sex once since she was born:( We had almost went an entire year! He said "You know I can't leave while you're upset" and he hugged me and kept telling me that he loves me and he's never upset with me (I was telling him I felt like he's angry with me lately because Ive been so lazy). It's just really nice to talk to other women about it who understand. Be strong and be happy....you have got to 37 weeks. I'm pregnant with my third child and when I started to feel insecure there were certain things that made me feel "pretty".
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