Do not disperse smoke emitting from dhoop with the hands.. 3. The Oil Lamp, Diya, Deepa or Deepam is lit to bow down to knowledge and remove darkness from our homes. The murti can come in many different sizes. GOD follows light and light follows GOD. This lamp symbolizes the light and hence is … The forehead dot will distinguish you from all other people as a very special person, a Hindu, a knower of eternal truths. The Beginning & the End. According to Hindus, a murti is an image of God. Light a lamp daily-- drive the devil out and invite 8 kinds of all conceivable wealth to you and your home LIGHT is the first and foremost manifestation of the ALMIGHTY. We would have come across many occasions where a ceremonious lamp has been lit. Fire is considered to be a God. Yadnya/Home/Yajna Is a process to evoke or invite one of the Gods. It is common for Hindu households to worship the image of a family deity along with various other gods, goddesses or saints. Though, this practice has no mention in any of our ancient Puranas (class of Sanskrit sacred writings), it has been followed for a very long time and this practice has been in fact found to be effective in reality. Even an average individual can feel divine presence after lightening a lamp.In sanskrit,a Lamp is … According to Hindu tradition, there are several reasons. It is a form and a symbol of Tej (Absolute fire principle). Mentioned below are 30 rules to be followed while worshipping God. The west or east wall is the most suitable location where you can put the Idol or photo of your God. 1. And don't be intimidated when people ask you what the dot means. The sacred forehead dot is an easy way of distinguishing Hindus from Muslims. All mantras generally begin and often also end with Om. You will never be mistaken as belonging to another nationality or religion. Hindus believe that a lamp should always be lit near the Hindu deities. For example, wave heena (A kind of herb) incense-sticks to Deity Shiva and rose incense-sticks to Shri Lakshmi.. 4. Failing to execute these rules may lead to a lesser effective prayer or may even derail the purpose. It is customary to light a lamp … DIRECTION FOR THE POOJA LAMP To LIT AS PER VASTHU As per vast norms, the puja room should not be in the bed room and it may be a separate room or in kitchen also. In INDIA, no function starts without lighting a lamp first. You can put it on the floor on an elevated small platform or hang it on the wall. You have to understand that Hinduism places a significant emphasis on Symbolism. The lamp is invoked as, ‘तमसो मा ज्‍योतिर्गमय ।’ meaning the lamp leads us from darkness towards light. After waving the dhoop, wave incense-sticks of a specific fragrance in front of the Deity, which attracts the respective Deity’s Principle to a greater extent. lighting of lemon lamp to goddess Durga Devi. Modern Vedic philosophers have interpreted this teaching of the Bible, and equated Om with God. It may be a stone statue, small figurine or even a photograph. The lamp has its own special place in Sanatan Vaidik Hindu Dharma. The light symbolizes the absence of darkness, grief and sorrows. Lighting a lamp is like an invitation to the ALMIGHTY to come and bless you. Many cultural and social functions in India are opened by lighting the lamps by chief guests. Lamp: You will always find this lamp near the Hindu altar and/or in Hindu temples. 14. Hinduism and many other faiths across the world recommend the use of lamps and light in prayers. Om is the most important of all mantras. It burns only to give message of peace and light to the man. This is true that praying God with all your heart will make you have your wishes fulfilled, but mythology says that implementing certain rules will make your prayer more productive. 2. Light an earthen lamp in front of these Gods to get rid of all your problems! In almost every hindu home a lamp is lit daily before prayer.Hindu Dharma gives a lot of importance to a lamp. The murti is the central and most sacred part of the altar. The Bible (John 1:1) says: "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God."
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