, Or you can learn how to do it yourself. Well, that’s one potential debacle I won’t have to suffer through. Thank you for that beautifully positive response. So-o-o-o. Jupiter Saturn in Aquarius here I come. These are people who can make the impossible possible. Pretty please with a cherry on top! Click here to sign up! The Saturn/Jupiter conjunction is happening in my 5th house on my south node, opposing my Mars/North Node conjunction. Aries: you reach a wider audience and have many opportunities to connect to VIPs, like-minded people, ex-lovers, and celebrities. 26 degree Cancer rising here with all this crazy happening on/around my descendant. I think her mars is in gemini. I am Libra sun, with Mars, Mercury, Neptune in Scorpio, – all in the 6th house, and I have a loaded 7th house, and I am Aries rising, Leo moon (in the 5th hse), true node leo. I will edit. They would rather be off in their world than dealing with this world’s chores and responsibilities. Funny though as I am kind of a loner so and not big on clubs. Too much anger and guns. I’m doing good now and just getting slowly back into life. She is a master of mental re-interpretation of what she thinks into what she says so that it is palatable for her audience. The very tight aspects clearly reveal the assets and the vulnerabilities of the chart's owner. Really just praying that this exact conjunction isn’t going to be a negative or a moment of utter destruction, as the Saturn-Pluto was at the beginning of the year. I could’ve had a stroke or something. And she is one of those uranus pluto conjunct people heading toward a second saturn return. Welcome, Roberta. I have but it had died down quite a bit. We can really shred, can’t we? Perhaps. Ok so i meant 1’59 Aquarius would you still read it for the first since it will still be so close to my ascendent? I believe Harris is a Libra, no? 3rd. It’s in my 9th house, really close to my midheaven, which looks like it’s at 3 degs Would it mean that it’s conjunct? I am super excited. Browse famous people and celebrities by the astrological aspects that appear in their birth chart. Education is essential to them. This is my third house, conjunct venus at 1st degree ♒. But it would be a mistake to think about Jupiter and Saturn's time in Aquarius as what might come to mind when you think of the "Age of Aquarius" — an idyllic, anything-goes, peace and love paradise. New story @ Zero Degrees Aquarius is mid-way through my 1st House; and mid-way through my husband’s 5th House (conjunct his Natal Jupiter which is @ 29 degrees). She is a libra. This is to tell you that I have read what you have written, and pray that you are helped in every way and that God bless you, your son and your grandchild. Because they are so unique in their thinking, they often overlook other people’s good ideas. If trump wins, by the time taken there may be a replacement or something clumsy govt formation as per US chart. Thankfully I learned over the years to hold my tongue and speak my truth in a gentler way. Required fields are marked *, Jupiter In Aquarius Sign: Meaning, Significance And Personality Traits. Oh goodness! ... Jupiter Jupiter Sextile ... Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Most Popular Astrology Charts. If you post your chart in the forum along with your question and someone will help. Taking responsibility is a factor. It’s not even a distant memory any more. . Could you help me with where this falls in my chart? They also enjoy traveling, because that too allows them to meet new people and see and learn new perspectives. I’ve never considered myself to be very strong. , Hello! That is disappointing. I feel guilty asking because my natal sun is at zero degree Leo and with Aquarius opposite but I have a good amount of trepidation. I hope the zero degrees placement of this conjunction will be a positive for you, and provide something beautiful to look forward to in the upcoming year! She does have a strong scorpio presence in her chart. As one of the world’s premiere astrology sites, provides a variety of astrological, psychic, spiritual and new-age information to an ever-growing global audience. Hi, TD. I could not make much sense out of it. Celebrities. I don’t know, it can go either way, I survived a lot of crap and my Sag sun and first house Jupiter have pulled me though. It symbolises heroic action. But this conjunction offers the chance to take a new (adult) path. Jupiter and Saturn are about to have their closest conjunction in modern history. Alex I can’t begin to imagine how your year has been with your Saturn stuff. AriesMarch 21-April 19Friendship and romance are under the gun for you, as the Moon stirs the pot in your fields of relationship. #LetItGo Still, I don’t know if people will misunderstand what I am, and still judge me. I think they’re an adorable pair – he’s a real cheerleader for her, haha! Please, what if my ascendant is in the very last minutes of Cancer, but whole sign it will fall in my 8th house. ^^. Ah yes, my progressed venus was retro since 1978 turned FF in 0 Aquarius in March, still there in December to receive the conjunction. A 0 degree unaspected Leo sun in the 4th, so in opposition from the 10th? You want power and influence and make ambitious plans to succeed at the highest levels. My Asc is 4 Aqua opposite Mars and Saturn. And later on mercury at 5th degree. They are out to change the world for the better, and they reap the benefits of their humanitarian efforts. However, yes present past is over, present future is here. Of course, saturn had progressed to sag. I hope the same can happen for you. So she can think on two levels? And then there is some kind of election day moon/people thing that went on. By the 2nd I felt trimmed down, more defined, and more accepting of who I am. Thanks so much for your comment! Finally free to just be me. Jupiter is the king of everything that is huge, better and voluminous. Find instantly the horoscope of a celebrity among 59,563 available in the database with the search tool by biography and name. Jupiter and Saturn conjunct in Aquarius – 4th house – Expanding and solidifying your family and your security. I definitely agree with that! I will re-read this response … see what I can do to get and send you a link to *a picture* of my chart, as well as work thru the links. My sagginess grew roots. As for Jupiter /Saturn out of cap away from my 25 degree moon and into Aquarius looking fed to new beginnings . This makes them a bit scattered at times since they hate conventional ways of doing things. This might mean they aren’t always financially solvent. I admire and respect you. You can also search for multiple planets in a chart at a time by using the Advanced Search. I honestly think having just one someone who cared about me would have helped to make it through. Jupiter square Uranus natal can cause restlessness and anxiety, especially when you are contained in some way or subject to strong discipline. Jupiter Saturn conjunction at 0 degrees aqua – same place the sun will be on Inauguration Day. More work to do…. Sent 3 times a week. Maybe I’ve got to stand up & do more. The true dawning of your own personal Age of Aquarius has arrived, thanks to a lucky Jupiter and stable Saturn in your stars for most of 2021. Is the second Saturn Return usually easier? Then cross my ASC when exactly conjunct at 7*. Dear Elsa, thank you so much for these “house by house” posts. . The. I’m sure you felt alone like everyone else this year because it seems that this year was all about figuring things out on our own. Hi, Laura. , Your email address will not be published. Jupiter in the First House of the Natal Chart. Oops, meant to say that my progressed Moon just entered Aquarius ten days ago… (it crossed my 5th house cusp at 28d30 Cap about a month earlier)… and trines my natal 1st house Uranus on 0 Libra… so yeah… liberation is key right now! These people are born leaders you have strong will power. They be worker bees. I really feel you on the trepidation. Sagittarius Key Planet: Jupiter The key planet of a Sagittarius is Jupiter, the 5th planet from the Sun, which happens to be the biggest planet in the solar system. Thanks for indications. Her response, mmmm lamp chops! The only thing Jupiter in Aquarius could do better is compromise. Side note, supposedly one of the most luckiest alignments is Sun Trine Jupiter. Your email address will not be published. What does it mean to have Jupiter in Aquarius? It’s all about liberating the free individual. The Aquarius Jupiter people’s way of thinking is so original and quirky they need people to bounce their ideas off of to see if they can hold up in the real world. I have no idea what to expect but can guess something to do with communication with groups that have a humanity bent to them. Explore the natal birth charts of celebrities and famous people by the planetary position of Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto! Positive Keywords for Jupiter in Aquarius: Innovative, Genius, Activist, Spiritual, Different, Free, Inventive. But as trailblazers they have no problem being out on their own, testing their theories in their controlled manner. Don’t miss this once-in-a-millennium event. Last time , in june 2000 when it happen, was square to my natal Mars and I started a project on that time, which collapsed a few months later… Can anybody tell, in a few words what should I expect this time? Negative Keywords for Jupiter in Aquarius: Eccentric, Egocentric, Scattered. What can manifest? The conjunction is in my 4th house. Both planets are conjunct my DSC, and 29deg Capricorn Mercury too. You and are have VERY similar charts. Also, try committing to feeling (cautiously) optimistic. 12th house. Celebrities See All Celebrities . I just don't think I can handle any more major upsets before something good finally happens. Jupiter in Aquarius are so independent they often find themselves ahead of everyone else and alone. I’m not interested in it. Sign up for newsletter – Heads Up From Elsa. Just in my fifth house… and progressed Moon just crossed into my fifth house ten days ago… I am SO ready for some serious liberation, creativity, and FUN! If that makes sense. Welcome, Nathaniel. Any trip has the possibility of finding new opportunities. My son has been diagnosed with MS in July, he was born in 81 with a Jupiter saturn conjunction in his first house. Hello ~ How do I know what House the Jupiter Saturn conjunction falls in my chart? But then again states voted before nov 4 that was mercury retrograde they may need a recount. Dates for Jupiter in Aquarius. <3 I really appreciate it, and it helped to hear your words. Sending you love and blessings! Jupiter represents our travel habits, how we attract luck and good fortune, assess our values, and form our ideologies. I’m talking about sunshine and outdoor sports! It made us laugh. I’ve always felt that her Sun sign suits her – she seems like someone who pursues justice and fairness in all things. Blessings to you on your journey . How will Jupiter in Aquarius impact your Sun sign? Honestly when everything locked down in 2020 it was a relief for me since I was dealing with PTSD and a concussion. Jupiter in Aquarius is anti-chauvinistic and an accurate representation of the Age of Aquarius. I will try to be cautiously optimistic, but it’s not easy. Celebrities With Jupiter In Aquarius: George Clooney, Helena Blavatsky, Aishwarya Rai, Albert Einstein, Joseph Stalin. None that I know anyway. She is also great at inventing new phrases. If there is a celebrity head of government again with unqualified people again, power to get things done will go local. Anyone have any thoughts about this? Which is probably a good thing in my case. Good evening, Su! Took me awhile to get rid of the itch to drop everything and go somewhere new. I have got my plan for 2021.where is what . Yes, Alex, finally took time to look up her chart. I mean, I know it has been unbelievably hard for everyone this year with the pandemic going on. Ruling Zodiac Sign: Aries. Aquarius is known as the Sign of discoverers, inventors, adventurers and visionaries. It must be the trine that gives her her mental mastery? 9th house uranus sextile mercury. That must have been deleted. 2nd House Also Known As: House Of Possessions Ruling Planet: Venus. She’ll get put through the wringer just like Hillary. My Ascendent is 0’59” Aquarius. I have a funny friend who has been in high management positions and she will talk about her work disputes and say I told them this or that. To me, the outcome will tell me whether the US presidency is still relevant or not. Oh dear, Harris is another scorpio? Matter of fact, I’ve never even glanced at either man’s chart so I would leave this to people who have looked into it. Thank you so much . Ruling Zodiac Sign: Taurus. For millennials born between 1991 and 1994, Saturn’s motion into Aquarius marks the beginning of their Saturn Return (which, FYI, is a very important … I have a 25 deg Cancer ASC, Pluto in Scorpio, 4th house (2 degree). Some Biden/Scorpio, some Trump/Gemini. I couldn’t make it all up if I tried. Designed to help you in the 1 minute it takes to read them. However, sometimes too much can be too bad, and it can have an adverse effect. Narrow Focus Shown By Planets Clustered On One Side Of The Zodiac, Sign up to be notified when the blog updates, Get updates in digest form (3 emails per week). This star sign isn’t afraid to take risks as they offer great rewards. Whew!!! Because they don’t care what other people think of them, they remain open-minded to all potential prospects., You can also post your chart in the forum along with your question and someone will help. who do you think won the election? No way I can expand, in fact, I must downsize. Get out of my closet, with my hubby who ought to be having more fun. ” if my ascendant is in the very last minutes of Cancer,” This means the Jupiter Saturn Pluto conjunction is conjunct your descendent. Yikes. I think it was harder for me because I have physically been alone this whole year as well. The one thing they have in their favor is their ability to get along with all walks of life. Thanks for your take. Would that just give more push to your synopsis?? Or the asteriod position of Chiron, Juno, Vesta, Pallas, etc! Then I ask for how she phrased that. Capricorn naturally rules the 10 th house of the chart, which has a lot to say about our reputation and ‘designated lane in life’ as it does about our career. Celebrities With Jupiter In Aquarius: George Clooney, Helena Blavatsky, Aishwarya Rai, Albert Einstein, Joseph Stalin, Positive Keywords for Jupiter in Aquarius: Innovative, Genius, Activist, Spiritual, Different, Free, Inventive, Negative Keywords for Jupiter in Aquarius: Eccentric, Egocentric, Scattered. You can consolidate your losses now and head toward a different future. Very enjoyable. I’m unsure about you, but I have been on a sabbatical from working etc since 2018: unemployed since Feb of last year and more. Whew..not sure what to expect, but feel hopeful. Feels a bit like I am Elsa to be honest…. I have never felt more free … Eagle Energy!!! This conjunction lands right on my Midheaven!!! That’s how they stay connected to such good luck – they know all the right people. Both for 12th house and 1st house it should work for me. I don’t know anything astrologically about it. Come on!!! I also would like to understand how this falls in my chart. These bodies have been shacked up with Pluto in Capricorn for many months. However, it seems Harris/Scorpio? It falls in my 3rd house but make a square to my natal Uranus from 11th house. My best friend who just past away this sept Had his sun at 0 Aquarius…it’s my 3rd house I believe unless it’s second /third cusp. All I can say is, I’ve really been through the mill this year. And, that requires more than just their thoughts and philosophies. I’m not interested in celebrities, either, except once every ten years or so. Can I email you? It’s direct that day so I would say whoever wins it won’t be overturned. But with the personal things I’ve had happen as well, it’s something of a wonder to me that I’m still here. One of my grandchildren had a very serious motorcycle accident nearly lost his leg. It’s pretty exciting! That would generate some squawking. Some level of despair has been the norm. Setbacks or failures do not discourage you like they do other […] I will be caring for him cause his wife moved on. Moon Muse: Tiffani Amber Thiessen, Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter in Aquarius… New Moon In Aquarius, 23º16’ Weekday: Thursday – Jupiter’s Day, Element: Air, Moon’s Ruler: Saturn / Uranus.
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