From here, it reverts to its first direction until it enters the ninth part of the seventh kingdom (A giant lake in other words, bordering multiple kingdoms). They said: O Dhu’l-Qarneyn! Beyond the work of muslim historians and scholars there are other sources pointing to this location. The Islamic Information is your authentic platform for getting Islamic Articles, News, Duas, and much more. There is evidence from the account of Imam al-Tabari that the Khazars formed a united front with the remnants of the Gokturks in Transoxiana.”(A neighbouring Majuj Empire). A debate arises over the permissibility of celebrating Valentine's Day during this time of the year. 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An example of huge mountains forming a natural barrier is the Himalayan mountain range which stretches from about Afghanistan, south to Pakistan then North India, they cover the entire northern border of Pakistan and India forming a natural barrier between Pakistan and India on one side of the mountain and China on the other side. phir inshallah yajoo majooj kon thay our ab khan hein iss swal ka jawab dhundhein gaay. Hence, it is meant that the related area has snow throughout the year and is located somewhere in between the North and South Pole. The country area on these findings can be considered between Mongolia and Russia or Georgia and Turkey. It is believed that their appearance includes small eyes and red hair. They think they along with their devils (2:14) have won the world but they are ignorant of the spiritual realities that exist in this universe from the first moments it was created, if you believe in your devils then also believe in the God that put them here on earth long before man ever set foot on it. Until the 4th century AD, Derbent was already into the Sasanian sphere of influence as a result of the victory over the Parthians, both are Persian Empires, they are reported to have built the fortifications, hence the coastal area was under the rule of one Persian empire after another, who repelled them with this wall, possibly inspired by the original wall of Dhul Qarnain. And the Promise of my Lord is always true. That would be the time when Yajooj and Majooj will emerge with full power again and will cause immense menace in the world. Maghrib used in the Qur’an and Ahadith is a common Arabic idiom for the west. In this manner Ya'jooj and Majooj are unable to scale the wall, or cross it, except when it is the will of Allah. Lying about religion is lying about your identity and this is the hypocrisy, “HAST THOU ever considered, When the Dajjal (Allah’s curse be upon him) takes control of the camp of hypocrites when he emerges, and the system they invented to control the world, the people of religion at that time will be unable to fight him, then Eysa ibn Maryam will descend, and will call (out to) the people at dawn saying: “O people, what prevented you from coming out to fight this evil liar?” They will answer, “He is a jinn”…he isn’t human, this is what the camp of hypocrites are doing to themselves today and Allah mentions it in the Quran, “And of mankind are some who say: We believe in Allah and the Last Day, when they believe not…And when they fall in with those who believe, they say: We believe; but when they go apart to their devils (Jinn) they declare: Lo! And We knew all concerning him.”, “Then he followed a road Till, when he came between the two mountains, he found upon their hither side a folk that scarce could understand a saying. Thousands of years ago only the prophets understood what the sun was, hence the verse “he found it set in a spring of murky water” is a statement about the water it seemed to set in of the coast of Africa, and his state of mind and belief about the sun, to most people who believed the earth was flat back then this was the end of the world itself. Having answered the Question of where the wall is this raises an obvious question, why isn’t the wall still standing today when Ahadith say it will come down in the time of Isa (as). Yajooj Majooj. So now we have a hadith recoded by Imam Bukhari and Muslim receiving the highest possible grading a hadith can achieve, and when it is understood as it was meant to be, clearly contradicts the weaker ahadith about when the wall is meant to come down in the time of Isa (as), this narrative is also supported by prophecy in the bible which states Gog are the people of eastern Europe, southern Russia and beyond into Asia, the traditional lands of Majuj, which no single wall can hold back today, all these countries and their allies will all swarm from every mound against Jerusalem at the end of time. One (such) way he followed. The wall in central Asia in southern Uzbekistan (just north of Afghanistan) in a place called Derbent (a number of places share this name). inshallah (jaree hay) yajooj majooj wall location. After that, al-Qurtubi says that the sayings of the Holy Prophet about the Turks resemble the Ya’juj Ma’juj and that the incidence of a war between them and Muslims during the later times appears in a hadith of the Sahih of Muslim. هَارُونَ أَخِي They are the counterparts of Gog and Magog in the Hebrew Bible and the Christian New Testament. The Arabs broke through the Khazar defense and stormed the city; most of its inhabitants were killed or enslaved, but a few managed to flee north.”, “Despite their success, the Arabs had not yet defeated the Khazar army, and they retreated south of the Caucasus. Ahadith themselves gives us a key clue to where it is because some of the companions traveled in the prophets (saws) lifetime saw the wall, and returned in the prophets (saws) lifetime and the prophet (saws) affirmed they had in fact seen it; Imam Al-Bukhari transmitted in his Sahih the following Hadith: A man told the Prophet (saws) that he had seen the dam of Gog and Magog. – till, when he had made it a fire, he said: Bring me molten copper to pour thereon. “The Second Arab-Khazar War began with a series of raids across the Caucasus in the early 8th century. In this manner Ya'jooj and Majooj are unable to scale the wall, or cross it, except when it is the will of Allah. The Great Wall of China 7th-2nd century BC. Qayamat ki 10 Bari Nishanion main say aik Yajooj Majooj ka KHurooj hay. In the beginning they were free. Nothing else can take man out from this state of loss, and the disappearance of all good from the universe as the prophet (saws) declared will begin it’s eventual destruction, there is no permanent or lasting victory for evil, there never has been. Located in between this mountain range (the Caucus’s in the Valley) is the ‘Wall of Alexander.’ It is situated in the middle of the ninth part of the seventh kingdom as we have identified earlier and the Qur’an too informs us about it (referring to the description of Sadafain). The Gobi Desert (9) in China at the most easterly tip reaches above Beijing which is mid way between it and the coast, we Have to remember this is all prior to China being populated like it is today, the Map above is also accurate to the curvature of the earth showing an accurate east and west, the tropic of cancer line is fairly close to the path Dhul Qarnain would have taken, but because of the natural land features and himalayan mountains in the east (between 7,8 & 9, running above india to the tip of 8) it would have taken him more north towards the Gobi Desert (9) as He traveled towards China, so in the east His journey would end closer to where Beijing is today. Something the tribes of Yajuj wa Majuj are historically known for and attempted multiple times through various empire they established, this becomes clear when we identify who these tribes are in history. Their population is ten times larger than the worlds population. On His route back past the himalayan mountains and between the caspian sea that is further west, if we look south toward the ocean there are no significant mountains ranges (Sadafain/barriers) and the tribes of Yajuj wa Majuj are to the North, looking at the world map above, the wall can’t be in Turkmenistan or Uzbekistan because building a wall there would make it obsolete when tribes find a way around it. Maskh is how the Jinn long ago convinced man his god was an idol made of stone and wood, today it is used behind the scenes against people to sell belief in their system and products, and what they are doing. Here is what Imam Qurtubi said, note that he doesn’t rule out the matter at all; In his Tafsir, Imam al-Qurtubi has reported from as-Suddiyy that twenty-one of the twenty-two tribes of Ya’juj Ma’juj were shut off by the Wall of Dhul-Qarnain. He thus traveled west toward Al-Ayoun and Al-Khalidat or the Canary Islands by the Atlantic Ocean in west Africa. He said: As for him who doeth wrong, we shall punish him, and then he will be brought back unto his Lord, Who will punish him with awful punishment! Well stocked with supplies, Sismithres had been joined by other warlords in what seemed to be an impregnable hideout.”. “The Gorge is alternatively known as the Iberian Gates or the Caucasian Gates, it is mentioned in the Georgian annals under the names of Ralani, Dargani, Darialani. وجنود الملاًئِكة أجمعون North of Turkey is covered by the Black Sea, not a tribe attacking people to the south of them. The wall of Darial Pass which is between Gorgia and southern Russia in the Caucasus mountain range. In 758, the Abbasid Caliph al-Mansur attempted to strengthen diplomatic ties with the Khazars, ordering Yazid ibn Usayd al-Sulami, one of his nobles and the military governor of Armenia, to take a royal Khazar bride. وَإِذَا وَقَعَ الْقَوْلُ عَلَيْهِمْ أَخْرَجْنَا لَهُمْ دَابَّةً مِّنَ الْأَرْضِ تُكَلِّمُهُمْ أَنَّ النَّاسَ كَانُوا بِآيَاتِنَا لَا يُوقِنُونَ, اللَّهَ شَيْئًا وَسَيُحْبِطُ أَعْمَالَهُمْ, فَإِنَّهُ علَم السِّرَّ وَأَخْفَى Thus the expected Yajooj Majooj wall location by some of the Kings in previous times was stated to be The Great Wall of China, built by the Chinese King Fagfor, almost about 3460 years after Prophet Adam was born. God created a nation called Yajooj and Majooj. Woe unto the Arabs from a danger that has come near. On the destruction of the Historians who confused the two figures wrote that Alexander the Great built iron gates at an unspecified pass which some Latin and Greek authors (closer to Alexander in origin) identified with Darial pass and came to be known as the Gates Of Alexander. The Quran suggests it was a Giant solid Iron wall with brass poured on top, but the translation could read that He continuously used iron until He filled the Gap (with Stone), then used Molten Brass on the Surface giving it the stripped look, we can only assume the black is from the iron metal. It was asked will “the Muslims will be destroyed by them (Majuj), to which he answered YES”, through their corruption the Ottomans would war with and end every Islamic Khalifah around them, and finally through them the Islamic khalifa itself would come to an end. It is an insular pre -Indo-European language with no relatives and evolving locally over the past 5000 years. (Al-Qurtubi, p. 58, v11), This is important because Allah says when the wall comes down they (meaning their many tribes spanning continents, from eastern Europe to Russia and then into Asia) will come at mankind and each other in waves, which Historically is precisely accurate, one huge Yajuj Majuj empire after another, the Huns, Rouran, Gokturk, Khazar, Mongols, Tartars (etc), all fighting each other and the rest of mankind; “This is a mercy from my Lord, but when the Promise of my Lord comes, He will level it to dust. Verily We established his power on earth, and We gave him the ways and the means to all ends. This question is the subject of the second half of my research in which i will trace the tribes of Yajuj wa Majuj more closely through History and the evidence for when the wall is supposed to come down, found in the Quran and Sunnah. The capital City of China Beijing is relatively near the Gobi desert, and the Yellow Sea on China’s coast is near it. Dhul Qarnain first travels west to Africa, then He traveles East to China, which would have ended His Journey covering the expanse of the earth, after visiting China He travels back towards Arabia which is as it’s name suggests, the middle east, is in the middle, “Then he followed a road, Till, when he came between the two mountains, he found upon their hither side a folk that scarce could understand a saying.” therefore we know the wall can’t be in the furthest east or west of the earth but somewhere on his travels back, the evidence for the location of the wall are many. To go around the Wall of Dhul Qarnain, the tribes of Majuj would have to travel all the way to the coast on the caspian sea hugging it then heading south into Azerbaijan, passage towards the black sea would have been impossible at the time because the mountain stretch’s to the water with no natural roads. When the wall will come down is only one small point mentioned in a very limited number of ahadith who are abnormally long, meaning its possible some narrators assumed the wall would collapse at this future point in time and arranged the event here in the narrations, what is clear is that further study by the scholars in light of reason and facts that can’t be removed by doubt, as all classical scholars assumed about this subject, is required to further explain these ahadith. Yajooj Majooj ki haqiqat | yajooj majooj … The end of Pharaoh’s society was that Allah sent them Moses with what is real and undeniable to try and snap them back into reality and out of the lizards hole they crawled into and came to depend on, the same lizards hole the west has gone down in imitation thinking there is no other way. Yet, the proved wall The height of the wall or its exact length is unknown. All of these reasons are why none of the first three walls in the list above can be the wall of Dhul Qarnain. At the time of Abraham (Musa (as) dates to roughly 1350BC or earlier), peace be on him, there was a king called Dhu’l-Qarnayn. Gog and Magog are spoiling the land. Muslim armies led first by the prince Maslamah ibn Abd al-Malik and then by Marwan ibn Muhammad (later Caliph Marwan II) poured across the Caucasus and in 737 defeated a Khazar army led by Hazer Tarkhan, briefly occupying Atil itself.”, “The Qağan was forced to accept terms involving conversion to Islam from his pagan religion, and to subject himself to the Caliphate, but the accommodation was short-lived as a combination of internal instability among the Umayyads and Byzantine support undid the agreement within three years, and the Khazars re-asserted their independence. The Prophet (saws) asked: “How did you find it?” The man said: “I found it like Al-Burd Al-Muhabbar (striped garments).” The Prophet (saws) said: “You have seen it.”. Yājūj and Mājūj, in Islamic eschatology, two hostile, corrupt forces that will ravage the earth before the end of the world. But Alexander was not monotheistic, built pagan temples, never met Abraham who lived long before him or went on Hajj, what is important is the accounts they connected with Him, because in them is the traditional location of the wall of Dhul Qarnain. Only Allah knows their exact number and only He can save Muslims from their evil. Imam Ibn Kathir writes; “Gog and Magog are two groups of Turks, descended from Yafith (Japheth), the father of the Turks, one of the sons of Noah. From the first century AD one the first Major Empires to control this region where the Huns, after them the Khazar empire arose (618AD-1048), the wall would have been standing in their time and it was to this last empire that the prophet (saws) made Dawah on the night of Isra wal Miraj, spoken of in Ahadith, they didn’t accept Islam at the time but unlike previous majuj empires who where pagan, they eventually began to consider adopting one of the three religions of the book, accepting Judaism in the end, the prophet (saws) setting them on a path other than their historical one. “This site was apparently reinforced by a wall like the one built later, still visible today. So his journey passed through the deserts of China reaching the Gobi desert and further possibly to the coast, it is possible thousands of years ago the desert reached closer to the coast than it does today. Another feature of this mountain range is that Historically for thousands of years there has only been one natural passage through the mountains which goes through a narrow valley with very high walls on both sides, exactly as the Quran describes (Sadafain), this was the only way through the mountains. The Khazars launched raids in response into Albania and Iranian Azerbaijan but were driven back by the Muslims under Hasan ibn al-Nu’man. Thus the expected Yajooj Majooj wall location by some of the Kings in previous times was stated to be The Great Wall of China, built by the Chinese King Fagfor, almost about 3460 years after Prophet Adam was born. inshallah ,next 2 sections mein hum inshallah yajooj majooj kay band kee location dhoond lein gaay our. Who was sent to guide... French Muslims have been living in France for a very long time. A question that appears in everyone’s mind over their discussion is; where are they presently situated in the globe? Man achieving wisdom is the only thing that can break the hold of the Jinn on him, that is the aspect of man that is beyond them it requires depth of spirituality and we surpass even the Angles in this regard, which was the essence of the example Allah was setting for the Angels when He displayed Adam to them and the meaning behind verse 53:9. The accounts of local people lasted well past the 7th century Ad and the advent of Islam when many of the legends where claimed to be the achievements of Alexander the Great, which many considered to be Dhul Qarnain the famous traveler. Shall we be destroyed even though there are pious persons among us?” He said: “Yes, when the evil persons will increase.”. We can trace the exact moment of this event because the prophet (saws) said ‘when evil increases in the Umma rule will be handed over to the most evil people among them’, hence when He (saws) says it will be given to the worst people in the Umma he is talking about one Khalifah being replaced by another, each worse than the one before and the worst of them was the last Khalifah of Islam. Eventually Alexander won the siege, but from the description of the event and the wall which was not made from Iron and molten Brass, this can’t be the wall of Dhul Qarnain. The people where described as those who found no shelter from the sun, but that doesn’t mean every region of their land was like this, it is a characterisation of the people found in Northern China which was multiple countries and people in those times. One of the most famous rules of Tafsir, and one of the 5 major Qawaid al fiqh (5 principles of law) in Islam, that all scholars agree with, is that “Certainty Isn’t Removed By Doubt”, meaning what you know as fact can’t be removed by uncertainty, it always remains fact especially when deciding between evidence. Probably this spring is a part of the sea and the sun sets behind, with or at it, so the proposition takes the place of an adjective and God knows best.”(al-Qurtubi (died 671 AH/1273 CE) Al-Game’ Le Ahlam-El-Qur’an). Insha Allah we will discuss these subjects in detail at a later time with all the evidence to make it clearer. And on that day, We will leave them to surge like waves on top of each other.”(18:99). All of this clearly contradicts every normal and logical fact we know about these tribes from the Quran and Sunnah. That is why He said, ‘he found it rising on a people for whom we had provided no covering protection against the sun.’ (Holy Qur’an 18:90) and did not mean that it touches or adheres to them; but they are the first to rise on. Another important point is that the wall of Derbent in Uzbekistan, was besieged by Alexander the Great at one point who severely damaged it, later it was strengthened over the years but no longer stands today. Location; Prayer Timings; Ruhani Ilaj; Feedback; Dawat-e-Islami; Book Library; Yajooj Majooj Kon Hain; یاجوج ماجوج کون ہیں؟ (Yajooj Majooj Kon Hain) Language: Urdu : Author: Al Madina-tul-Ilmiyah: Publisher: Maktaba-tul-Madina: Total Pages: 16: More: ISBN No. During the 7th and 8th centuries, the Khazars fought a series of wars against the Umayyad Khalifah and the Abbasid Khalifah. Dhu’l Qarnayn traveled the earth until he reached “maghriba al shamsi” (86) the setting place of the sun, then he traveled until he reached “matli’aa al-shams” (90), the rising place of the sun. The Khazars struck back in 726, led by a prince named Barjik, launching a major invasion of Albania and Azerbaijan; by 729, the Arabs had lost control of northeastern Transcaucasia and were thrust again into the defensive. In 652 Arab forces advanced on the Khazar capital (Just North of Derbent), Balanjar, but were defeated, suffering heavy losses. The camp of hypocrites uses the lives of people just like Pharaoh used the lives of Jews, it wasn’t their physical labour he used to fuel the occult in his society but his control over their personnel lives. Likewise it is why this camp is pushing for more control over people, allowing them to get spiritually drunk of the light of the purest people on earth, all of this is spelt out crystal clear in Allah’s revelations, the occult is just an evil form of spirituality. The Book of Ezekiel records a series of visions received by the prophet Ezekiel, a priest of Solomon's Temple, who was among the captive during the Babylonian exile. Any further east and we hit the Himalayan mountain range, on one side is China on the other Hind (Pakistan and India). They are Turks. Imam al Qurtubi and other commentators understood the rising and setting to mean the extreme places of the west and east, which is Africa and China, beyond which is nothing but the ocean. You can search for this wall location on Google Maps. The Ottoman turks are descendant from Majuj, while they achieved much in terms of science and advancement, all material achievements Islam is a religion focused on spirituality and Ihsan, the perfection of it’s citizens, something they never really excelled in choosing to chase this dunya and all of it’s wealth, this may hurt our turkish muslim brothers in hearing this, especially when many great scholars and awliya (saintly men) came from among these people, but in terms of the Khalifah itself the prophet (saws) spoke negatively of this empire in Ahadith mentioning everything we have said. So (it was). Either punish or show them kindness. Do but help me with strength (of men), I will set between you and them a bank (barrier). The prophet (saws) woke in a state of fear because he knew how truly close this event was, then He (saws) said “Woe unto the Arabs from a danger that has come near”. After this message of reassurance, chapters 38–39, the Gog oracle, tell how Gog of Magog and his hordes will threaten the restored Israel but will be destroyed, after which God will establish a new Te… Until, when he reached the setting of the sun, he found it set in a spring of murky water, and found a people thereabout. Dhul Qarnain was the first in history to build a wall to block the people of that land above the caspian see, this was a sunnah he began, these turkic-hun-mongol-tartar-russian0 European people caused so much trouble through out history that the actions of Dhul Qarnain inspired other civilisations to use the same solution against the same tribes of that land and a few famous walls where built, here are four of the most famous walls that classical Islamic scholars and historians believed where the wall: We can see from this list what scholars believed about the wall, that it was located in a part of the world that is known and near the lands of Majuj on it’s borders stopping them from harassing a neighbouring people, it isn’t magically hidden from people, and the tribes of Majuj are a people like any other people they easily identified. Hazrat Esa aur Imam Mehdi ki wapsi wagaira bhe Qayamat ki Nishania hain. yajooj majooj ki deewar yajooj majooj ka waqia yajooj majooj full movie in urdu yajooj majooj story yajooj majooj location yajooj majooj tariq... Jump to Sections of this page In other words, the name Darial has preserved the historical fact of a barrier constructed from metal that once existed in that Gorge. next section mein Inshallah modern naee duinya kay maps say yajooj majooj kee location ko dhondhein gaay. The second and third walls are ordinary walls attached to forts whose history can be traced to local civilisations and not located in the middle of a mountain range that forms a natural barrier between two peoples on either side. The Khazar empire after taking Georgia couldn’t expand further because they now faced the Islamic empire who they began to war against. They are still imprisoned today, and will be freed near the Day of Judgement. The road Dhul Qarnain followed between the mountains is called the Darial pass, located in Darial Gorge where the wall was built. The Khazars launched a few raids into Transcaucasian principalities (Georgia and Azerbaijan) under Muslim dominion, including a large-scale raid in 683–685 during the Second Muslim Civil War that rendered much booty and many prisoners. The Georgian language which is spoken south of the Caucasus Mountains is precisely such a language. Zainab Bint Jahsh said: “O Allah’s Messenger! In 713 or 714, Umayyad general Maslamah conquered Derbent and drove deeper into Khazar territory. قُلْنَا يَا نَارُ كُونِي بَرْدًا وَسَلَامًا عَلَىٰ إِبْرَاهِيمَ So may we pay thee tribute on condition that thou set a barrier between us and them?”, “He said: That wherein my Lord hath established me is better (than your tribute). Yajooj Majooj have been trying to break the wall since the day it was made. The First Arab-Khazar War began during the first phase of Muslim expansion. One of military Histories greatest natural barriers are the Alps in northern Italy, they protected the North of Rome from invasion throughout it’s history, until the Carthaginian general Hannibal built artificial passages over and through it, and marched his army on Rome sacking it. But it is meant that he reached the end of populated land east and west, so he found it (the sun)– according to his vision – setting in a spring of a murky water like we watch it in smooth land as if it enters inside the land. This book is full of knowledge about this "Yajooj Majooj" nation. The increase of evil people isn’t in our time or the future, because their is almost no islam today and there hasn’t been a khalifa on earth for 100 years, we are at the end of time when the evil people not only have increased in number but have won against all nations on earth, they are in fact presently controlling the world moulding it into their image (society), so this hadith clearly says the wall came down in our history before they took control in Islamic lands. It can’t also be in Bulgaria in Europe because that is to far west out of the lands of Majuj (but not Yajuj) and isn’t a path anywhere near Dhul Qarnain’s Journey back, he would have to have taken multiple paths to get to Bulgaria but the Quran says the third path was off of the first two. Here is a Map showing how the sons of Nuh and their children migrated around the world, you will see clearly where Magog and His children settled after the flood in the top right of the map. The Quran also gives the clearest picture for the type of mountains the wall was built in, “Until when he reached (a place) between the two mountain Barriers, he found on that side of them a people who could hardly understand a word.”(18:93) the sentence in arabic literally reads “between the two barriers” (Sadayn), the translations mention two mountains only because the word in arabic (Sadafain) means the mountains form a natural barrier and has a valley in the middle of it separating it’s two halves, on both sides of the valley passage through the mountains are immense mountainous barriers (Sadayn) or ranges stretching a vast distance. وَأَلْقَيْتُ عَلَيْكَ مَحَبَّةً مِّنِّي, النَّبِيُّ أَوْلَىٰ بِالْمُؤْمِنِينَ مِنْ أَنفُسِهِمْ وَأَزْوَاجُهُ أُمَّهَاتُهُمْ وَأُولُو الْأَرْحَامِ بَعْضُهُمْ أَوْلَىٰ بِبَعْضٍ فِي كِتَابِ اللَّهِ مِنَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَالْمُهَاجِرِينَ إِلَّا أَن تَفْعَلُوا إِلَىٰ أَوْلِيَائِكُم مَّعْرُوفًا كَانَ ذَٰلِكَ فِي الْكِتَابِ مَسْطُورًا Ibn Khaldun is a famous muslim Historian and scholar, like Imam Qurtubi and the other scholars he understood this subject realistically, more precisely He affirms everything we have said so far, from the location of Majuj tribes north of the Caucus mountains, to the location of the wall being in Darial pass, to it being Attributed to Alexander the Great; In His history, as part of his description of the sixth kingdom, he mentions the geographical location of Yajuj wa Majuj and the Wall of Dhul-Qarnain (the kingdoms may be hard to follow): “Inhabiting towards the west, in the ninth part of the seventh kingdom, there are tribes of Turks called “qinfaq” [Qipcaq or Qypchaq] and “Cherkess” [Circassians, the Caucasian people], The eastern side (Southern Russia) is populated by Ya’juj Ma’juj, In between the two (lands), Mount Caucasus draws the line of demarcation.
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