Before leaving for a long journey, travelers and, all those who are seeing them off, must sit for a moment in silence before leaving the house. Many foods are prohibited these days; you shall not eat meat and many other products. [19] One type of spoiling was a form of hysteria called klikushestvo (кликушество). If you’re planning on having a Russian wedding, here’s a guide to choosing a wedding ring, expectations of a Russian groom or bride, Russian wedding traditions, and more. Создатель сайта: Мельников Виталий Викторович", Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 Volumes, Russian superstitions at the Slavic Paganism Encyclopedia, Perceptions of religious imagery in natural phenomena,, Wikipedia articles needing reorganization from June 2017, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2007, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2008, Articles with Russian-language sources (ru), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. It is often considered taboo to step over people, or parts of their body, who are on the ground. which is a way of securing good luck. Christmas and Epiphany are very religious holidays that are celebrated in the church and with family members. Many Russians consider giving gifts of sharp objects, like knives or scissors, to be taboo. In folk tradition, belts mark out an individual's private space and prove that he or she is a member of society and protect the wearer from dark forces. And after the wedding they have a traditional loaf: according to a legend, whoever takes a bigger bite, will dominate in the family. If your left eye itches, you'll be sad. The reason for the division is that marriage is a sacrament in the Russian Orthodox Church, and this sacrament, ordained by God, eviscerates the pre-marital superstition. If your nose itches, you'll be drinking soon. Russian weddings can have different traditions in different parts of Russia and can even be different in neighboring villages. It is also closely related to sleep. Fun Family Traditions: Family Tradition Examples. Relationships between culinary and traditions in Russia are very tight: there are special «ritual» dishes which need to be prepared on certain days, such as Easter cakes and pancakes on Maslenitsa. [17] Among the places where the unclean force was strongest against the Russian peasant were the crossroads, the threshold and the bathhouse. Likewise, strangers and people of other religions were viewed as possessing the unclean force.[16]. However, there are some common rituals that are shared by most traditional Russian weddings, such as the symbolic payment of the bride price, the various games that are played before and after the ceremony, and the customary tour of the main historical locations of … Christmas and German Russian Family Traditions Martha Wojtowicz, Electronic mail message to Michael M. Miller from Lethbridge, Alberta . Elizabeth A. Warner, “Russian Peasant Beliefs and Practices Concerning Death and the Supernatural Collected in Novosokol'niki Region, Pskov Province, Russia, 1995. And don't dare to critisize the way our country is -- (Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press, 2002). Many of them are now inseparable parts of everyday life, or simply common social etiquette, though they often have their origins in superstition. Russian Culture: Facts, Customs & Traditions | Live Science Awareness of them, and their perceived importance, depends on various factors including region and age. In a Dual-Faith setting (in which Orthodoxy and folk tradition are combined) this ritual prepares the deceased's for his or her meeting with God. Unmarried people should not sit at the corner of the table. [9], There are many interpretations of death in Russian folk tradition. She was said to lure men to their watery deaths. 2 (2000): 255-281. Russian folktales are full of well-known characters, such as the Russian Santa Claus, known as both Ded Moroz or Father Frost. In Russia, the bride’s ransom is more of a fun tradition. And never give someone birthday wishes before their birthday. After the funeral, mourners sing laments depicting the deceased leaving his or her family and the soul departing from the body.[11]. [12], The coffin, sometimes referred to as the “new living room,” is very comfortable, made like a bed with a pillow stuffed with birch bark or wood shavings. This one isn't very common, and Russians who do avoid cracks don't do it in an effort to save his or her mother's backs. At Christmastime and many other holidays it was popular to tell fortune, mostly for unmarried girls to know who will be their husband. It is better to politely ask the person to move or to find a way around them. A purse (or any other money holder) as a gift requires a little money inside. Each family has its own recipe and traditions of cooking duck. Otherwise the journey will be bad. should only be purchased after the baby is born. "На посошок"). A person who dies in his or her old age surrounded by family died a “good” death, a death that was “their own.” They depart when God says they should. If someone is not recognized when seen or heard, he or she will be rich. A person who dies a “bad” death, or a death “not their own,” died too soon before the time God assigned them. The spoiled person would be inflicted with such maladies and misfortunes as sickness, mental illness, deformity, loss of livelihood, and death. After forty days the deceased's family sets a place for their loved one at dinner, inviting him or her join them for his or her own commemoration. Those that rejected Christianity and sought the Devil felt that the Devil was as strong as God and impious spells were more powerful than prayer. Maslenitsa is widely known as Sun and Spring Festival, its main traditions are fun, jokes and pancakes cooking. Elena B. Smilianksaia, "Witches, Blasphemers, and Heretics," Russian Studies in History 45. The document pointed to the crisis in the Russian family in the late 1990s and early 2000s, citing the effects of low fertility rates, the prevalence of divorce, and the weakness of family ties. Although in ancient culture, it was only an economic agreement between families. Now couples get married only at the urging of a loving heart, not a benefit. Eastern Slavic naming customs are the traditional way of identifying a person's given name and patronymic name in countries formerly part of the Russian Empire or the Soviet Union. [15] Also counted among the unclean force are sorcerers, witches, the undead, and the "unclean dead", including suicides, those who died of drunkenness, victims of accidents and violent deaths, unbaptized infants, and vampires. In several cases you can give it directly, but only pointing the sharp end to yourself and making the knife's handle accessible for the opposite person. Whistling in a house would bring misfortune to that household (see origins below). A funeral procession brings good luck. Any … Nowadays many restaurants have «fasting menu» in this period, and many non-religious people also keep the fast. Talking about future success, especially boasting about it, is considered bad luck. 3. The main Russian culture facts marriage is that the main reason for marriage is love. The meaning of the family in Russia is not limited to the husband, wife and children. The goals of summoning devils include attaining wealth, fame, approval of superiors, sex, or harming another person. When you study the history of a particular family, you inadvertently come to know the history of a generation. Accidentally breaking a glass is considered good luck. It’s bad luck to do so sooner. If one accidentally steps over a person (or people), it is sometimes standard to step backwards over them. If you noticed it yourself, take the piece of clothing off, put it on the ground and step on it. If your right hand itches, you're going to get money soon. Hands that itch are an omen that one will come into wealth. [9], Romance was connected with magic and sorcery even until the 18th century when it became a prevalent literary theme. In Russia, Christmas Eve is called Sachyelnik (Сочельник). Congratulations on your decision to marry! Wine, long drink cocktails and beer do not fall under the rule as they are meant to be sipped. When giving an animal as a gift (a cat, dog, bird, etc. For fear of waking the newly dead, mourning does not begin during the washing or dressing. Many superstitions, traditions and spiritual beliefs from older Christian and other faiths have been passed down through generations and influence modern funeral rituals. Mothers typically do not show their Baby to anyone except the boys, the midwife and other close relatives for forty eight hours after the baby is born. Your friend should point this out, wait for you to fix the clothes and then punch you symbolically. One is to never lick food off a knife. If someone does something bad, a ghost may take a possession owned by the family. The overwhelming majority of Western Ukrainians do not feel like they belong to the same cultural family as the Russians, and they recognize themselves more in the traditions of Central Europe.To the east of the country, the national sentiment is much less pronounced as most of the inhabitants speak Russian and maintain very strong ties with the old motherland. The babushka, the Russian grandmother, fills the role of the wise woman, curator of memories and traditions, and baker of favorite comfort foods. [11] Old Believers believe that the dead can still feel for a time after their death. Russia's New Year celebrations include the lighting of the New Year's tree and a visit from Ded Moro z (or Grandfather Frost), the Russian version of Santa Claus. Some of them went out on a street and asked a name of a first passer-by (this shall be the name of the girl’s future groom), others tried to see him in a dream or in a mirror in a dark room. If your lips itch, you'll be kissing someone soon. Mourners place objects in the coffin that the body might need after death such as money, food, favorite belongings, and reflections of status or occupation. people made the straw-stuffed figure of Winter, dressed it in old women’s clothing and singing carried it on sleigh around the village. In the houses of Old Believers the feet are placed closer to the icon corner so the deceased faces the corner and can pray if he or she desires. If an eyelash falls out you'll receive a gift. One of the main aims of this holiday is to help young boys and girls to meet each other. New Year is accompanied by making wishes, snowballs, building snow forts and snowmen, sledding. For forty days after a funeral, the soul of the deceased visits places it liked or places where it sinned to ask for forgiveness. [citation needed], Communion or hold conversations with demons. It is said that they thus avoid a future conflict. On examination day, it is bad luck to make your bed, wear anything new, or cut your fingernails. It can be reversible, and it sometimes resides outside of the body. Birds that land on a windowsill should be chased away. Traditionally alcohol is poured out to all the people present, though they are not required to drink. I come from a large family with four brothers, one half-brother, three sisters and two half-sisters and I was the And if it came to a wedding, almost every step of young people is accompanied by this or that ritual. However, many modern Russian families have alternative dynamics. There’s nothing surprising about this: families are what make up a society. This ban did not stop people from employing the Devil to get their share of pleasure. If someone sneezes while telling something, it means he or she is telling the truth. For many centuries they have determined the rhythm and the lifestyle of the nation – from clearly written annual calendar to marriage and other rituals. Because of the nature of these deaths the earth cannot accept them until their time comes which means they do not receive a proper burial and are sometimes not buried at all but covered with rocks or sticks. If your left hand itches, you're going to give someone money. But one should never cross its path or it is bad luck. [15] If angered, the domovoi would act as a poltergeist. A spectacular example is Lent, which many Christians keep in early spring in a memory of passions and death of Christ. If you eat from a knife, you'll be "angry like a. For many centuries they have determined the rhythm and the lifestyle of the nation – from clearly written annual calendar to marriage and other rituals. Copyright © 2021 All rights reserved. The bride’s parents “steal” her away and hide her before the ceremony until her partner completes a series of challenges set up by the bridesmaids that are designed to show the strength of his love and, ultimately, embarrass him. In Russia, one still needs to know people in power to make things work. (so-called "penalty"). Russian Christmas Traditions ‘Twas the night before Christmas and as the chestnuts roasted on an open fire, the children asked their grandparents to tell them a story. If a chicken crows at you three times before noon, the death of a close family member can be expected within a fortnight. 4. Do not give a baby a gift until after the baby is born. Russia’s holiday calendar is a great reflection of the multi-faceted and diverse history of this country. If they guessed right, you should both make a wish. Doing so will make you a cruel person. Many of them survived to this day. However it refers only to shot-type strong alcohol which you are supposed to drink at once. Nonetheless, research on the family comes out with impressive regularity. Sorcerers primarily use black magic to summon devils. You should under no circumstances bring it home at it is believed that if you do this you are bringing tears into the house. / Culture / Russian traditions. • Hands that itch are an omen that one will come into wealth. For example, when describing a scar you saw on someone's face you should not gesture on your own face or someone else's. Instead a person should always place the knife down on a surface, and only then can the other person pick it up. If someone finds an eyelash on someone he or she will sometimes let the person blow it away and make a wish. Thus, when a man is bonded by divine sacrament to a single woman whom he loves the cause and effect is reversed: namely, his married love for a single woman, and her love for him, will bring him good fortune in all endeavors including cards. The Duchess of … If one walks underneath or ducks under the arm of another person, he or she must go back underneath that person's arm. One should not shake hands or give something through a threshold such as a door frame, window frame, or a state border. Neighbors suspected magic to be the cause of people so passionate they lost their senses. Otherwise they will not marry. This page was last edited on 22 January 2021, at 20:34. It is not allowed to pour out by hand holding a bottle from below. So if someone calls you on the phone and you don't recognize them you can cheer them up by telling them they'll be rich. Many of the traditions that surround Russian marriages do not involve a traditional wedding ceremony. Instead, one could say, "Oh, what an ugly child!". Some are extremely common and practiced by the vast majority of the population, while some are extremely obscure and could be more regionally, Russia lacks some of the superstitions Westerners find commonplace. In Russian superstition if a couple sets a wedding date and doesn't end up getting married on that date they can not set another date and should not get married as their union will be cursed. If your ears or cheeks are hot, someone is thinking or talking about you (usually speaking ill). This, however, is only a pre-marital superstition. A group of two or more people should not walk on different sides of a tree. ... Christmas Family Traditions in Russia . Don't talk to us about our vices, we won't listen anyway. According to them, you can attract good luck and fight off evil spirits, bring fertility to your family or your farmland. Before one takes an exam, someone else would say, "ни пуха ни пера!" This is also a case where spitting over one's left shoulder may be used. Russian is one of three East Slavic languages of the Slavic branch of the Indo-European language family. which means good luck. When you have alcohol, it must be drunk until it is gone. Family Tradition Restaurant. In today’s Slavic culture, the family institute has undergone significant changes. If it's raining when you leave a place, it means you'll return, and it is considered a generally good omen. If one person accidentally steps on another person's foot, it is common for the person who was stepped on to lightly step on the foot of the person who stepped first. But, there is an older New Year's Day tradition on January 14th that many in Russia also celebrate. Christians value them babies receive them, along with a cross, at their christening. 1. If the sinner repents, the ghost will return the item sometime during the week of his or her birthday. It is considered taboo to give something that is broken or has a defect as a gift. Thus, it symbolizes a person's commitment to Christianity. It is the most widely spoken Slavic language, with 1.39 million people speaking it as their native language and tens of millions more using it as a second language. Orthodox families lay their dead loved one so his or her head points towards the icon corner. The latecomer must drink a full glass. If you spill salt, it's bad luck and is said to bring conflict, but no one will throw salt over their left shoulder. In Russia, Christmas is a family holiday.
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