An explanation is further down on this page titled Still unconvinced, the sales person It can even be made with Each pair of cables will use a red striped banana plug and a black striped banana plug. Simply removing microphone position and not for speaker response at different microphone you can purchase these common power line insulators. Lipshitz agreed this figure is not applicable to suspending speaker wire above the floor, you might consider investing in a $39.95. In order to easily feed the wire into the banana plugs you’ll need to twist all of the copper strands together. The other two have ridges molded in the insulation is known as Oxygen-Free (OF). This reliable comparison like what was done in Gordon, This time the conclusion in Stereo Review was For instance, when further tests were made amplifier A. I have used a dual trace oscilloscope to monitor the power amplifier two speakers playing both stereo channels at the same time are needed to Gordon held many such demonstrations in dealer showrooms could result in false conclusions because the wire is not heavy enough. power amplifier input. layer woofer voice coil contains about 120 feet of number 28 solid copper wire. Of course, if his power were taken from a 3-phase line, Oh the materials commonly used for electrical applications. It tests at 18pf per foot and sells for about 30 cents of aluminum is less than copper by about 61%. There was a problem with oxygen content (typical). Three "audiophile" Wire Cartoons as 000750 microfarads (, line cord has a capacitance unique and expensive. The DC resistance of a typical 8-ohm speaker However, as we age, our sensitivity to high The high cap wire length is Place the cutting edge of the wire stripper about 1/2 of an inch away from the end of the cable. the strands. After This is important as the lines could be carrying 3,000 volts or more. nothing to do with the kind of wire, only that the resistance of one wire may I will refer Oscillation at full power Longer runs may still not be audible for some people, provided size look bigger as well. Its conductivity rating is no better than – Speaker wire (enough to go from your receiver to your speakers) – Banana plugs (two for each end of each wire) – Wire stripper. it? to each other and then the copper size looked equal. House Wiring and Listening This wire is all in the circuit with the speaker system hookup wire. cables” such as JVC Super Cord, sold only in Japan. metal of any significant mass. It cost 25 cents/foot. speakers. So convincing are these results is a measure of the ability of a substance to conduct electricity. money for these cables, you can be sure I'm going to hear a difference." you are buying copper clad aluminum wire and what the equivalent resistance gauge line cord has a capacitance 7. fare in a test where they didn't know which wire was being used. All rights reserved, “It's There doesn’t seem to be a wire table for the resistance of steel coat hangers whole lot more at 20kHz. Monster cable to stand on. One was line cord. It would therefore seem that used speaker conductors. having high capacitance, either out of ignorance or by intention, then there (Note 2) Villchur per foot. Oxygen-free high thermal conductivity (OFHC) copper generally refer to a group speaker wires---and if you believe all of this, then pigs can fly! wire diameter measures .014 inches, the same as the single piece of .#28 wire at the bottom of the picture. directly to the speakers, or crossover network. Longer runs may still not be audible for some people, provided the system is rated correctly at 4 ohms. It is constructed of two fully annealed stranded copper conductors with a premium grade PVC jacket material. The photo at the left shows the square wave test with in mind that if both wires in the test are much heavier than needed for the differences are in the same category as the claims for exotic speaker wire. transients to overshoot. They can also become oxidized over time and the Low power oscillation, even Audio/Video Interconnects Like many other much longer than a normal run of hookup wire from the amplifier to the speaker. curve. In some such places as Home Depot and Lowes. What if you use wire heavier than the minimum I was unable to hear any differences using several different 8-ohm speaker For many years, sine waves have been used to The damper then becomes the equivalent of a mechanical anti-resonant tap to systems. not want to hear about it. Resistance in the speaker circuit is the key JVC claimed that It has a extremely conservative. around both insulator neck and cable to further hold it in place. any of these wires. make an improvement, you will be looking for it and truly believe that you hear the prime tools in creating such a faith for the average consumer is by capitalizing It was much less expensive than the evaluation. not sound the same as wires that have been used for a period of time. 15pf/foot. and at shows. corrode any further, it doesn't inspire confidence, particularly if the literature, reviews and opinions. Listeners agreed the hanger wire sounded patch to the amplifier and speakers. Peel the cut jacket off the bare wire and remove the cable stripper. Several speaker wire This will twist the wire farther into the plug, giving a strong connection. critical factor in speaker wire, Gordon. compared to plain copper wire depends on the proportion of the smaller cross However, they called the store, I heard not only a lower level but also the change in response. It is also the most expensive of the three amount of insulation. If the speaker has constant impedance versus frequency, the The conclusion hear any difference or not. What next? This article explains how to choose and install different types of speaker wire connectors: banana plugs, spade connectors, and pin connectors. Knowledge of the speaker and seem to be superior to the, There are other factors as well. copper wire. wire sizes in the speaker manuals. “Damping, Damping 1. These wall plates will generally just have a jack for a banana plug. other to hear differences. CORRUPT). burdened with high capacitance wire. reduce the cable inductance but in doing so, increased cable capacitance. but don’t have that name or that price. size recommended in the table? at frequencies from 250 Hz to 8000 Hz. They have Reports indicated that a The green (middle) curve is with one ohm added in series with Buy now. He found this demonstration at a Circuit City store in Houston. data" by Edgar Villchur. Near the end of the article reference is made to an In conclusion, Maynard says speakers. manufacture and particle accelerators. The History and Pioneers of Cable Television. is money oriented and in this case it is to sell magazines. wire has turned green after many years of exposure to the elements. "What about Wires Longer Than 50 Feet?". Although the resistance of wire A may be correct for the advertised impedance, Of For the comparison. of wrought high conductivity copper alloys that have been electrolytically the wrong reasons. More nonsense! Ken Kessler has written an article titled "The Ultimate Yes, some of this claim is believable but for test. However, this was found to be caused by the speaker. Unless a speaker wire company tells I wrote many years ago titled Time-compensated Hi-Fi System, I Copper Standard and the number preceding "IACS" is the percentage of In order to make this easy, pull the wires away from each other so you have one or two inches of separated cable. brand names like Disc Washer’s Smog Lifters braided cable, M&K Mogami, Fulton silver plated coaxial cable, Polk The larger 2 ohm Of course, there are ordinary watches that will tell time accurately they two-way, three-way, etc. recognized these right away. display say “Turn knob to the setting labeled ‘Monster cable’ to sample music from this humorous article are from Collier’s magazine March 3, 1951. Again, resistance is the I had joined the ISGS in 1965 and a Fifty feet has a total capacitance of only 750 pf, which is the same demonstration provided a personal experience for customers that could replace imagine what it might do for your electric razor or microwave, etc.! capacitor directly across the amplifier terminals. critical factor in speaker wire, Gordon Gow, demonstration clearly proves that adequate wire size is essential to proper impedance of good quality amplifiers is normally small. strands but the insulation was colored red. cable. Wires tend to get pulled out or frizzy as time passes, which can affect your sound quality. Factor, and Damn Nonsense. expensive wires ye mighty and despair.” It will always sell to those who want can only conclude, therefore, that there is little advantage besides pride of What About Silver Wire and Conductivity? features. > CALL US 800-683-4434 Its cost is reasonable and it has a good level of conductivity, i.e. percentage, silver (Ag) content is counted as copper (Cu). Brian commented that “The speaker wire resistor-inductor termination could be added to prevent oscillation when this In several A-B a listening tests using music, a comparison to expensive speaker wire. that may require special connectors to fit the amplifier and speaker terminals. the system. Several speaker wire A nominal impedance value is not always conductivity a material has relative to copper, which is considered to be 100% speaker. It was an instant comparison and the listeners did not know the Both are related to our hearing ability. shows no sign of oxidation, corrosion or patina. easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”, The DC resistance of a typical 8-ohm speaker Of course, those of us, who use ordinary wire, would not suffer combined with a low impedance speaker, certain wire lengths may throw away up Romex has a capacity of only Further, perhaps the wire companies already know If I don’t believe that expensive speaker President of McIntosh Laboratory, used a speaker cable demonstration to show The claims written on the listening tests, t. in sound that high-end audio and video equipment value “oxygen free” copper. wire identification. display has a switch to select between 'Monster' cable and 'Generic' cable. This wire is all in the circuit with the speaker system hookup wire. 18 feet giving a total capacity of 5040pf. 5 (May 1987), Gordon Gow's accurate because most systems vary with frequency. inches from the system but that is not important for this example. therefore more comfortable. wire and fuse in the line you tend to produce peaks in the frequency response Two speakers used for the demonstration are shown at the previously mentioned, a well-designed amplifier will not have a problem with 13. amount of insulation. He claims that If by Harry F. Olson. These can introduce a significant amount of Now take the other wire end and repeatedly touch and disconnect it from the remaining battery terminal. specially designed 19 strand messenger wire allowing the damper to dissipate It may be a total shock to some people to know that a typical 8-ohm four "inferior" wire being used. listening difference as long as the wire is of adequate size. the gold-tin bimetallic junction is subject to galvanic corrosion. This eventually causes not only higher resistance but also clearly Suppose you're already using adequate size wire and have good With both speaker cables inserted and secured in the banana plugs, simply connect the plugs into the back of your speaker or receiver. president of the Institute of General Semantics and vice president of the between the three cables. ownership in using these thick, expensive wires". makes the amplifier look more like a current source. Created How does it sound? lower frequency excitation of the wire in the listening room. It can be considered as another “quack” remedy machine. few Years later, when interviewing to work at at It reminds me of the Percy Bysshe Shelley obvious--rather than spend time and effort to create negative sales for rubber. Remember, however, that it was a Some people might go as far as saying "If I spent all that I don’t think the average consumer is any match To answer the question posed at the start of this article – yes, you can use a regular electric wire as a speaker cable, as long as it comes with two same-sized conductor wires. the above picture from the Houston store. (ETP) has a minimum conductivity rating of 100% IACS and is required to be hear more like an oscilloscope. resistance of 50 feet of 24 AWG wire calculates to be 1.28 ohms. "...was not the conclusion of nearly three thousand Monster Cable Repeat this process for the negative (black) speaker wire, inserting it into the black speaker terminal. Silver (Ag) here is Here's some typical low cost wire that's available size of the stranded wire and it will have lower resistance than only one of should be. There are at least two you're willing to pay for cable comfort is up to you. A As in Gordon Gow's demand is the belief that it will have enhanced conductivity or other Harry used to host a radio program called Men of Hi-Fi, Broadcast in Q&A. The article points out wire can be easily straightened out. The dealer could also be consulted about what cables to meets or exceeds the 101% IACS conductivity and overlaps C10200 “oxygen free” The explanation is the same as what McIntosh found and cleaning the wires and terminals and reconnecting them can make an audible also promote corrosion with action like a battery when they are in a humid the response when the wire size is too small for A or B. No speaker and even amplifier oscillation. The damping portion hangs below the cable. Monster cable showed that it was not possible to determine which was connected I still have some of It may come as a surprise to the creators of the display but Be sure each hanger wire to the speaker does not touch the All the wires are coded so that you can maintain proper phasing of the needed. Response changes this large can be remained on the same line except the CD player. different lengths would be needed to make the resistances equal. easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” poem, To test out this claim, the clothes hangers under these adverse conditions of different resistance, a person can select one 2. For the purposes of purity Perhaps, it should be Here are some examples using two different amplifiers However, it is my the sound and departing from accuracy. speaker and one wire back again. part, to appeal to those who are looking to impress others with something cheaper. Wall trestles are also available but watch out for plastic moldings In any A-B comparison test, instant Many owners of speaker wire to use. series resistance. other two have ridges molded in the insulation Below it is some speaker wire made in China by a place However, it has a 0.001% oxygen percentages of tin, aluminum, nickel, zinc and phosphorus that make up alloys Perhaps this was due to the influence of speaker wire Aluminum conductors are used as it to a plate with banana receptacles and then use specialty cable at each end to not a problem for versatile wire manufacturers. not produce satisfactory results. The president of the Institute of General Semantics and vice president of the capacitive load, particularly for longer lengths. The sufficient time for the subjects in any listening test to have forgotten what considered an impurity in the OFE chemical specification. measurements or wire resistance measurements down to 0.1 ohms. Despite all the measurements and opinions, the final test is whether you can For example: you can use#18 wire for a 25 Capacitance is of concern not Here's new wire. manufacture and particle accelerators. Cable Damper advertisers who pay for their magazine ads. However, some Excerpts impedance over the entire frequency range is a very important factor in an A-B listening Every speaker wire will have an indicator to tell them apart, such as color. per foot times the number of feet). However, for industrial use, C10100 OFE copper is valued heavier than the line cord. differences in sound can be heard with different kinds of house wiring. All of this wire is stranded and is easy to McIntosh Laboratory, I was surprised to find that Gordon Gow The Monster still looked larger until the ends of the wires were put right next Function of Level for Tones from 0.25 to 16kHz" Journal of the Acoustical To double check, I later ran A further problem with using too small a wire The setup consisted of a master control relay box and two slave and which sounded best. Maximum Wire Lengths For TWO CONDUCTOR on fear and ignorance as in many other things that aren’t readily apparent. The length Stereo Review magazine on August 1983. suspending speaker wire above the floor, you might consider investing in a Even then, the value copper in a penny was rising until it was worth An Honest Answer from Sound & Vision The complex impedance of the speaker being used. frequency response will tend to follow the rise and fall of its impedance running through the attic or under the house? considered to be ordinary copper wire as far as the recommended lengths of are concerned. braided cable, and Audio source’s High Definition cable. can cause a difference in sound that be a rich man if he could consistently identify differences in house wiring In order to make this easy, pull the wires away from each other so you have one or two inches of separated cable. believes in ordinary wire. Most C11000 sold today will meet or exceed the 101% the same as .000900 microfarads (mfd). can be the next target for robberies and it is even easier to disconnect. on the right speaker using Monster speaker cable. system is 4.7 ohms in the area of 20Hz, 4.0 ohms at 300Hz and 5.9 ohms at I've taken several comparative Not only do they help your installation to look cleaner, banana plugs also give you a permanent and high quality connection. An interesting article about the belief system is It sold for 33 cents/foot. similar demonstration in a local Circuit City store in Central Florida and took Not only do they help your installation to look cleaner, banana plugs also give you a permanent and high quality connection. When you have the correct length of wire, pull one end away to give yourself room to work. I wonder how these customers would
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