I would fly to Newfoundland and Labrador to play on the icebergs with the children. This entry was posted on January 16, 2012 by teamcharlton. I would love being a butterfiy. I would fly to china or somewhere in africa. Lv 4. 9 years ago. I’d paint rainbows in the sky every single day, So I can watch them when I work and play. I wonder if butterflys live like people. What would you do if a game asked you questions and you had to answer them! If I could fly like a butter-fly I would fly up in the air and see all the amazing sights. If you could fly... what would you do? Then when I hibernate I would fly south and then I could die no one knows. Mine do too but my mum says I always blame it on my ADD ( Attention Dis-pan Disorder for those of whom are wondering) Butterfly’s are a nice animal.. if i could fly... think of all the Gas Money i'd save - lol. Stretch one of your hands high above your head and take off. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. I would go to Ontario and visit the C.N. I would eat all of the milkweed in the meadow. than when we hibernated we would split up. don't cus If I could fly like a butterfly I would fly over the maple leafs game and watch it for free. . That first craft made four flights up to 850 feet in length. Thats what I would do if I could fly … I would love to be a butterfly!! I would fly to Ontario and see my friend Liam and his littel brother Bricen. mme i really like your too 😀. ( Log Out /  ARE YOU EXCITED NOW TO KNOW THAT HUMANS CAME FROM ANOTHER PLANET.? Next, I would fly to Fenway Park in Boston. Hmm . I have always wanted to watch a ball game there. I would fly around the world, saving myself money instead of taking an airplane. After that I will travel to all 7 wonders of the earth. Sometimes my fingers work faster than my brain. I have cousins in Canada in the U.S.A. in the U.K. and I think I have some in Africa… Hmm I’ll have to ask my mom or dad. I would stay out of airplanes' ways. Man life would be a breeze if I could fly through the air with ease. Then i’d love to see how long it is. Well I know I would. Really I would feel free as a bird. I would fly duh lol. If I could fly like a butterfly I would always looking down at the amazing things the earth has to offer. I could go so high so know could see me any more. If I had a pair of wings, with which to fly, I’d soar straight away, up into the sky. I would fly across the city at night to see the amazing view. I kept asking why he wanted to call it 'If I Could Fly.' I would have to watch out for planes and helicopters… maybe I can join in a murder of crows! I could do what ever I want. Because flying would be fricken awesome. 0 … 1 0. I wish I could see them all!!! If I could fly, I would fly up, up into the air, and it would be so fun, too. Lv 5. Sounds dangerous to fly around them... Hmm, I would fly wherever I felt like going. I’d love to go to B.C because I would love to look around the place. Ha! I love the pictures that I imagined in my head!!! If I was a butterfly I’d fly around and make friands. Being a butterfly and visiting all them guys would make my wings want a massage!!! I would travel the whole world! I would fly over the clouds and see how water... 358 Words; 2 Pages; i Can Fly Anthology Reflection My theme is “I Can Fly.” It means I can overcome any obstacle and keep trying. . Lv 5. Not much to do besides just flying. 🙂, If I could fly like a butterfly the first thing I would do is fly to the jungle. Between would & over is suposse to be would fly over. Advanced placement english language and composition syllabus purpose write expository, analytical, and argumentative essays … i would also go on more holidays with all the money i saved from not driving. 11/7/2016 06:15:08 pm. . I’ve been to Niagara falls before. If You Could Fly. "And of course I would fly next to an airplane to wave at people". ( Log Out /  For myself, I'd have to go the Ju188, cause it's such a cool looking beast.Ei Even the imagination of having wings is carrying me to the world of fantasy. I'd fly to the North Pole and have a few cold ones with Santee Clause. ( Log Out /  I would check out all the different places all over the world. I would fly to the zoo because i like the zoo. 3/11/2015 05:33:59 am. Answer Save. :]. 🙂. i'd also at school fly onto the roof say help! answered Aug 23, 2019 by anonymous. I think I would have the best seat in the house because I could sit on the catcher’s shoulders and see all the action. Maria!!! We were in Westlake Studio for a week. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Human flight. Our goal is for Newgrounds to be ad free for everyone! What happened? that why a lot of people tried to fly; one of them is Abbas Ibn Firnas. It's sounds really fun being able to fly, but in reality, I would probably waste such a gift. I’d paint them purple and yellow and green- They’d be the prettiest you’ve ever seen! I would have a good view and watch the game from where ever i wanted. 0 votes. How will you be happy? I know we aren’t supposed to “spy” on people but for one day…..it would be cool. It would be fun to watch people. I would see lots of warm water and beautiful beaches, volcanoes, flowers, trees and even bugs I have never seen before. Roam around to see who needs your help. Thats what I would do if I could fly like a butterfly. Very cool to go to Egypt and so imaginative to think of a camel’s hump! Well I hope I’m still teaching grade 6 science for you guys next year because we study flight. 11b. answered Aug 22, 2019 by pumpkin (669,280 points) I would go and explore it all!. I would fly off to Europe and live there forever... How do you think about the answers? 21 Answers. If I could fly like a butterfly the first think I would do is fly some where warm. If I could be a butterfly I would fly into tree’s to bug squirrels.I would eat lots of nectur and land on dogs to annoy them.I would fly to florida where it’s hot and to find a butterfly to mate with and have a bunch of little butter fly’s. I would also help people get stuff off there roof. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Fly in moonlight would be fun, I'd also travel that way lol. If I could fly I would…Well there are so many places, but if i could fly I would go to China and visit my grandma and my grandpa then I would fly to South Carolina and visit my Five bros#brothers and my one sis sister. Harry previously wrote Ariana Grande's song Just A Little Bit Of Your Heart with Carlsson. What's something you shouldn't try to enjoy? . Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. There are things I could not do as a butterfly but there are thing i would love to try out. Just wanted to see what others out there would jump in given the chance. I wonder if butterfly could talk to each orther Hhhhhhhhh??? . Jessica. Another cool thing I could do is make some bad ass go pro videos and probably become famous for that pretty easily. Oh ya in my post it says I would over my friends heads till they try to hit me. What's something that's not supposed to rest in peace? Than I would sleep in a tree hole and do it all over again tomorrow! And of course I would fly next to an airplane to wave at people. Don’t you think butter-flies have enemies and prey? tower and I would fly higher than the clouds!!! I would fly across Australia. How will you find success and achieve your dreams? . essay on what would you do if you could fly Technical analysis essay example in finance, technical analysis is a security analysis methodology for forecasting the direction of prices through the study of. Then fiy home and rest. If I could fly, no, I would not want to fly alone, by myself. The bad thing about it is that if your flying in the air then a plain would ruin the moment. Sam… we don’t have any relatives out of Canada except the few in the USA.. we have over 120 second cousins buddy!! Lol good answers I would do something really naughty to the teacher, then when they go to get me fly up lol and fly away. I would also go to Disney World and sit on the rides and not have to wait in line. It is really cold up in the air, and I would feel very lonely knowing that I was the only one who could fly!! Mme your story was amazing and It’s weird that your fingers work faster then your brain!! . If I could fly, I would race with the birds, the ... Neptune are called gas giants! I will zoom across the air, and when it is night, me and my friends will practice flying. That’s what I’d do if I was a butterfly for a day. mrs gee i really like your story and i’m not really sure if butterfly’s are afraid of height’s? If it's anything like running, i guess i'll learn to be a runner. and that’s what i would do if i could fly like a butterfly. If i could fly like a butterfly i would fly above peoples head and land on them.If they were fast enough they would probably swat me until i leave and then i would fly to Carribean and lay on a stick in the water and let the waves carry me to mexico.In mexico i would fly above everyone and see people in sombrero’s and people playing the maracas. You can sign in to vote the answer. Then I would be able to fly to Australia and find out what a koala sounds like. Amazing story Jake!! . Hhhmmm….. If I could fly, I would soar through the rain forests and try to learn as much about the species that live there as I could! Then finally i would go back home and relax.Thats what i would do if i were a butterfly. I would lay on a perfect leaf on the flat ocean giving myself a tan.After all that fun in the sun I would go to New York where I could fly into all the different gift shops ,I would watch thousands of people rushing around.After the day is done I would sleep in my nice warm den in a tree hole…….. by the way mme perspective isn’t spelled persepctive is not the right way to spell it. If I was butterfly I would fly high in the sky and see the stuff I could never see on the gound. If could fly it be really cool because I could look at everything in the air. Get your answers by asking now. If I could fly like this butterfly I would have fun. I will fly to wherever i like w/o any fee and traffic jam. then from there on I’D probley die. Become a Supporter today and help make this dream a reality! Once in a while you may get the opportunity to fly, wear tights and put on a cape. Who’s counting?? then we would fly around together in small groups in search of food. 0 0. That is what I would do if I was a butterfly. Flying would be so much fun but the best part about being as small as a butterfly is that I would get to see so many things from a different perspective. I would see kids going to school. Writing prompt: If You Could Fly (essay topic): If you fly whenever you wanted to, what would you do? I wonder that too, and I hope you are teaching us next year! 1 decade ago. 3 years ago. +1 vote. 9 years ago. I wonder if butterflies ever have a fear of height? If penguins could fly then they could get away from predators faster but then there would be an over population of penguins and at the zoo you would have to keep them in a cage and clean it. I better look out for wild pitches though! I thought I would ask, because if you could fly we would not need cars. Surely I'd fly to every places on earth. The sets and films were intact, but the theme music had been replaced. If I Could Fly Lyrics: If I could fly / I'd be coming right back home to you / I think I might give up everything / Just ask me to / Pay attention, I hope that you listen / 'Cause I let my guard down I have no idea what to do when I am human but you don’t need a licence to fly or drive a person crazy because you won’t need a licence to drive them there!! Did you know that thousands of people fall off it every year??? i would fly every where and take half the time by missing the traffic. Did you forget nan??? i would basically turn myself into a taxi, i would build a seat swing belt thing that people (only one person at a time, i am not the hulk) can sit on while i fly, then they would pay me a ridiculous amount of money, I'd fly to some uninhabited island and chill for a few days.. and think of a plan to get rich for my family.. like breaking into someone's house, steal their stuff, and fly away. P.S. If i could fly like a butter fly first i would go to paris and see the ifle tower.Then i would finaly be able to have pretty color wings.Thats what i would do if i could fly like a butter fly. Source(s): meeh. champion Brayden Smith dies at 24. . Or just try and find my crush's house in Belgium and surprise him by flying through the window. and get sucked into the turbines and be churned into shreds in the process,right? If I could fly like a butterfly I would fly over the maple leafs game and watch it for free. New district attorney starts circling Trump and his allies, Biden on Trump acquittal: 'Democracy is fragile', Natalie Portman opens up about past 'Lolita' character, This LeBron move may be worst flop of NBA season, Dominos, Pizza Hut and Papa John's are in a pizza war, 'Jeopardy!' Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. i'll tell you what i wont do, walk :) 0 0. In this essay I am going to tell you about the following topic=If I could fly what would I do and where would I go? These days, we can fly around the entire globe only stopping for fuel twice, we can fly faster than sound, and oh yeah… we can fly to space. It looks/sounds like it’s gonna be a fun year! I would see children playing, animals hunting, people rushing off to work; all the things that I can’t see now uness it’s near me. The ability to fly is the dream of humans for a long time. . If i Could Fly friendly creatures on the earth. 0 0. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. @ kickass: Ugh, I didnt thought about that... save someone from a kidnapping and knock the kidnapper out. It was filed under Uncategorized . I would fly just for the hell of it out in the country where it would be just me and the sky, and over the water skimming down to dip my fingers in it. I would need no car to get to places and it would take me less time to get wherever I want to go. I think that everything would be so much easier if I could fly. It's a great song, so it doesn't really matter what it's calle… I would woch them . Favourite answer. I wonder what they are. I would fly to china or somewhere in africa. no just kidding ! Well, I want to land on a tiger’s head and see what it feels like to run as fast a he or she can.Would I be able to hold on tight enough with my tiny butterfly legs? If I could fly like a butterfiy I would fiy around the world and see my cousins because I don’t know them but I wont to know them. I would fly back to the countryside and have fun at the farmers market and dance to the “harmonica man’s” music! Essay on what would you do if you could fly >>> get more info Middle school expository essay sample Useful articles for uc discursive persuasive essay points text should 2007 active organisations events april 2010 tennant higher 75-minute test scores write students can sink draft from an argumentative essay expected:. 2 decades ago. If you could fly, What will you do? The bad thing about being a butterfly is that kid catch them. Thats why I want to be a butterfly. If I could fly, I would race with the birds, the flight of which had always been wondered by me. Wow, I’d never heard of milkweed in the meadow but I sure love the sound of it. 6 years ago. 0 0. funny bone. Thats why i would like to be one but i wouldn”t. I would go flying at midnight and dawn, so that the world was all mine. I would try lots of new butterfly foods and maybe even check out a few cold places to but I would not stay there very long. I think it sounds like prggggg like Perry the platypus. If I could fly anywhere in the world I would fly to Jamaica,I would fly right across the nice blue ocean.I would be breezing through the hot summer air.I could see people in bathing suits having fun in the sun! I would fly to LA, and Paris, I would fly all over the world and be happy for once =) That would be the best ever, just feeling the wind in your hair and the energy go through you body would be the best experience of my life I would go to the biggest meadow in the world. I like your story Connor M. I like the part when your friends are all together and I seem to get a laugh out of the part when you said “then from there on i’d probably die 🙂 🙂 :). Using my flying abilities and take people on rides for money. If I could fly like a bird, I would drop-off generous droppings on my Boss' car and house roof. Please answer, the; question; of; flying .. 6 Answers +2 votes. Thanks Jake! so very carefully Reply. dude link. 5 habits you should avoid first thing in the morning, Truck driver miraculously survives 70-foot plunge, Australian soft-rock duo wasn't 'cool' enough for MTV.
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