N. Tartuk or Hargulka will be at this location if you allowed either of them to stay. With this many 10th level enemies, a couple are bound to get lucky and to hit on a natural 20, even if you have a great tank. The Treants aren’t worth talking about. They also like to charge your squishies, so keep your melee characters close. Dryad (Fey 6), Satyr (Fey 8), Satyr Archer x2 (Fey 8). Tartuk has AC 30, 94 hp, Fort +8/Ref +10/Will +7 saves, and he is immune to Magic Missile (1). Hidden Chest (Perception DC 30): Engraved Bracelet x2, Longsword, Shining Scale x2, Scythe, 22 gold. 2): Deals 1600% damage 12 times, restores 20% of Max HP, Critical Rate +100%, Ignore Def +100%. Honestly, though, the poison should be the least of your concerns, since I recommend always having Delay Poison, Communal (3) active and since its swallow attack is the much greater threat. You’ll also likely want to be a level 12+ or 13+ party. Troll x2 (Humanoid 6), Trollhound x2 (Magical Beast 4); I2. Going up will position you in the NW corner of the fort. He is an educated troll. Although the Ghosts also use Corrupting Touch, theirs only deals 1d6 negative damage. As a 15th level cleric, she has access to 8th level spells, which makes her dangerous, and she’ll use spells like Rift of Ruin (8) and Destruction (7) to wreak havoc on your party. An Ancient Curse, Part Two: Bald Hilltop, Kalikke/Kanerah: A Task for the Sweet Teeth, Amiri: Prove Your Worth Part 2 - Hodag's Lair, Artisan Shaynih'a: One Thousand and One Questionable Stories, Artisan Nazrielle: Nazrielle's Greatest Creation, Artisan Kimo Tavon: A Trail of Misfortune, Act 3: Season of the Bloom - A. The trap sets off a Fireball (3) which deals 5d6 fire damage (Reflex DC 16 for half). [Retreat towards the exit] …”, the dwarf will attempt to cast the curse, but that option appears to be bugged and doesn’t do anything. Statue of Torag. They can be skinned for a Bear Pelt with a Lore: Nature DC 22, which makes me think they’re actually Treant-like Bears rather than Bear-like Treants. You should use your best buffs like Displacement (4) on your tanks, Greater Invisibility (4) on your rogues, and Haste (3) on everyone. , Silver Ring, Commandant’s Journal (First Half). If you are Chaotic, you can also allow him to stay in the ruins with the kobolds. Wall Panel (Perception DC 21 to spot, Perception DC 22 to spot trap, Trickery DC 22 - 36 exp): , Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds x2. ; b) Trapped Tile (Perception DC 20 to spot, Perception DC 22 to spot trap, Trickery DC 22 to disarm - 36 exp): (Oversized, Greater Corrosive, Composite Longbow +1). Jazon will bring you directly to this conversation if you selected the Lawful choice outside in. He must use the new roll. The 5th through 8th Floors of the Tenebrous Depths become accessible approximately 4 days after you complete the quest: Season of the Bloom during Act 3. It has AC 24, 216 hp, Fort +19/Ref +8/Will +4, and it is immune to being knocked prone. I recommend using Resist Cold, Communal (3) on this floor. On Normal difficulty, Nagrundi has 159 hp, 21 AC, Fort +19/Ref +8/Will +4 saves, and fire resistance 96. This is one of the four items you need to get before fighting the Fallen Priestess on the 8th Floor! They each carry a. Silver Ring, Shining Shell x5, Topaz Ring, Fine Hide, 46 gold, IX. Hellfire Ray Trap (Perception DC 27, Trickery DC 27 - 90 exp): If triggered, the triggering character will be hit by a hellfire ray (11d6 damage, half fire, half unholy). The Quickwoods have AC 15, 95 hp, Fort +12/Ref +2/Will +5 saves, spell resistance 19, immunity to fire and electricity as well as mind-affecting, fear, poison, stun, polymorph, sleep, and paralysis effects. Primal Manticore x2 (Magical Beast 9). They are very dangerous, particularly because they use Wild Gaze as a free action, which forces a character to make a Will DC 23 save or be paralyzed. You take some unstated amount of damage on failure (~ 2d6). Ekundayo will object if you decide to let him go, and he may leave your party depending on your interactions to date—taking all of his equipment with him. It has 4 attacks at a +14 to hit for 1d8+15 damage +5d6 cold. […] You have a number of choices on how to deal with him: 1) let him go (NG moral choice), 2) attack him (LN moral choice), or 3) attack him (NE moral choice). F. Kobold Teacher (Sorcerer 2), Troll x2 (Humanoid 6), Kobold Blade x3 (Fighter 4), Kobold Archer (Fighter 2), Kobold Pupil (Rogue 5). Pyrite Brooch, Silver Powder, Pocket Mirror, Potion of Cure Light Wounds, 45 gold. To avoid interference with their spellcasting, magi wear only cloth armor, but arcane shields and enchantments give them additional protection. Wild Hunt Archer (Fey 22), Ferocious Smilodon x2 (Animal 14). She makes 3 attacks: a bite at a +13 to hit for 1d8+14 damage and 2 claws at a +15 to hit for 1d6+14 damage(with Power Attack). Ferocious Dweomercat x2 (Magical Beast 10). Spike Trap (Perception DC 25, Trickery DC 25 - 135 exp): Triggering it deals 11d6+6 piercing damage. a) Hidden Case (Perception DC 16): Scroll of Hold Person, 29 gold, Potion of Aid; b) Locked Chest (Trickery DC 15): Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds, Clear Quartz, 48 gold. You'll appear on the, Jazon will be enraged and will attack you unless you made the, On Normal difficulty, Jazon has AC 24, 140 hp, Fort +19/Ref +5/Will +4 saves, regeneration 5 (removed by fire or acid), and fire resistance 96. There are additional kobolds in this room that will run away unless you say that you intend to kill them (LG moral choice). Floor Tile (Perception DC 16): Pearl x14, Exquisite Pearl. Resonating Word Trap (Perception DC 30, Trickery DC 30 - 135 exp): If triggered, the triggering character is targeted by the spell Resonating Word (7), which requires them to make up to 3 Fort DC 25 saves or take progressively greater damage and suffer status effects. (+3 competence bonus to Athletics and Mobility checks). You can show it to Xelliren for additional dialogue options, and you need to get it for the best ending to the dungeon. Unequip him with anything good before combat if you want to make this choice. Acid Pit Trap (Perception DC 20, Trickery DC 20 - 36 exp): If triggered, it activates the Acid Pit (4) spell (Reflex DC 22 to avoid). This counts as one of the three special Chaotic choices you need for the, According to the internet, it used to be impossible to complete Harrim’s. It makes 1 attack at a +13 to hit for 1d10+16 damage. Cloudkill counts as a poison and will be negated by Delay Poison, Communal (3). Finally, she has a permanent Freedom of Movement (4) effect on her. Her trollhound is her animal companion and it has AC 18, 92 hp, Fort +11/Ref +9/Will +2 saves, and regeneration 3 (fire and acid removes). the , . Ghostly Mage Guard (Sorcerer 14), Ghostly Guard (Rogue 14), Ghost x2 (Warrior 7). Wall Switch (Perception DC 20). Phantasmal Killer Trap (Perception DC 20, Trickery DC 20 - 36 exp). Purple Worm (Magical Beast 16). He makes 3 attacks: a bite at a +21 to hit for 1d8+21 damage (with Rage and Power Attack) and 2 claws at a +21 to hit for 1d6+23 damage (with Rage and Power Attack). Chest (Perception DC 26): Potion of Protection from Good x2, Longbow, Dagger. This combat may be challenging depending on your party composition, but the trolls are very susceptible to control spells. Branded Troll x2 (Humanoid 6, Barbarian 3), Troll (Humanoid 6). Broken Wall (Athletics DC 18 - 33 exp). This can be a challenging battle. Acid Fog Trap (Perception DC 26, Trickery DC 26 - 180 exp): Triggering it deals 2d6 acid damage per round for any character in the fog. (Full Plate +2, +2 enhancement bonus to Wis and Cha, +4 sacred bonus vs compulsion and poisons, and Paladins get +2 Smite Evil/day).