If you plan to grow lots of kohlrabi and harvest it into the cold of autumn, choose a variety known for this “field holding” ability. If you’re starting your kohlrabi seeds indoors, plant them one-fourth to one-half inch beneath the soil spaced three to five inches apart in a small container or seed starting tray. Put the containers in a sunny spot, and keep the surface of the compost moist. You may be surprised to learn that there are many common vegetables that you grow can re-grow from scraps. Ideally, one that is 8-12 inches deep and 12-18 inches wide. How to Grow Cauliflower in Containers. if planting seeds directly outside. Kohlrabi is a cool-season crop; it’s best grown in spring and fall. You can harvest both the bulb of your kohlrabi as well as the leaves. Raw kohlrabi can be grated and used in salads, the bulb can be chopped finely and incorporated into soups. Kohlrabi seeds can be started indoors or in a cold frame or plastic tunnel. Kohlrabi can be eaten raw or cooked, and it stores well for winter use. In most areas, you can grow spring and fall crops of fast-maturing kohlrabi varieties, and … Both parts of the plant are edible. When the seedlings are large enough to handle, pull out unwanted ones to give the rest enough space (they won’t swell out if they are too crowded)*. A variety of factors can stress kohlrabi plants and cause them not to bulb, including overwatering or drought, lack of sunlight, too much nitrogen in the soil, and overcrowding. Garlic works well when growing … When you’re growing in a container, aggressive growers like elderberries will need pruning to keep them in a compact, bushy shape so they won’t get too big for their containers. Kohlrabi matures quickly, in about 2 months. If you are going to grow winter squash in a container, make sure the variety you choose is not one of the giant types, which can weigh more than 20 pounds and topple the containers. And there are lots of advantages to container gardening. You can direct-seed kohlrabi seeds in a well-prepared seedbed, or start seedlings in small containers indoors and transplant them to your garden when they are 3 to 4 weeks old. Storage. Kohlrabi bulbs can be used in a variety of ways. Work 2 inches (5cm) of aged compost into the soil before you begin planting. So you don’t have space for an in-ground garden. How to Grow Kohlrabi – A Guide to Growing Kohlrabi Kohlrabi. Shredded kohlrabi can be made into fritters or vegetable pancakes, while roasted kohlrabi is a great winter treat.. Published: Saturday, 2 February, 2019 at 1:27 pm . Pick giant kohlrabi varieties when they have reached a good size. You can also eat the leaves in salads or cooked like spinach. Growing kohlrabi is easy as long as you use the best planting dates for your climate. That’s it! You can have a continuous crop if you plant your kohlrabi every two to three weeks. Also, you can always freeze kohlrabi. You want to do so when they are about 2-4 inches in diameter. 'Honeybear' is an award-winning smaller variety of acorn squash, and there are even tiny pumpkins you can grow. Try growing kohlrabi in spring or fall. Plastic or clay pots, tubs, half whisky barrels or other containers may be purchased, but virtually any container you can cut or punch drainage holes into may be used (inexpensive plastic foam ice chests work well, for instance). You can continue growing until March. We show you how to create a beautiful and productive container with kohlrabi and daisies. Eating: Kohlrabi bulbs can be used in a variety of ways. Steamed kohlrabi can be also be added to soups. Don’t let the compost dry out. Kohlrabi and daisy container. Growing veggies in containers is only a little different from growing in the ground or raised beds. The larger the containers you use, the more choices you have of vegetables to grow; production is generally higher, and you don’t have to water as often. Kohlrabi is so versatile and can be eaten in soups or stews, grated in salads and coleslaw and even steamed. You can harvest the root and also the leaves. You can absolutely grow vegetables in containers! If planting directly outdoors, press seeds into the soil about a half-inch deep in rows spaced 12 inches apart. It will look somewhat like an apple (and would taste a little bit like one too).