In Australia and the southern hemisphere, the cyclone seasonruns from October to May. If you find papers matching your topic, you may use them only as an example of work. Body 1. Book Review Assignment March 1956. Officials both at thestate and national levels had received adequate, extensive, and fairly accurate warning well in advance of the landfall including the projected path, impact area, storm surge, and potential consequences. Upcoming Events; Affiliate Events; Past Events. As earlier stated, Louisiana had the most deaths in the Gulf and this can be attributed to other factors such as poverty differences among racial and ethnic groups. There is aconsensus in the scientific community that human activities have contributed to a warming of the earth, an occurrence that leads to warmer sea surface temperatures (Dutzik & Willcox, 2009). We do not share your personal information with any company or person. It was hard for me but am good to go now, Am happy now having completed the very difficult assignment, Your writer did a fine job on the revisions. All examples of topics, summaries were provided by straight-A students. Hurricane Katrina is one of the worst storms to have hit the Eastern coast of the United States leading to massive loss of life, destruction of property, and economic losses. This research paper is going to state some of the worstfloods and hurricanes, and how future ones can be controlled. If you would like this paper removed from our website, please contact us via our Contact Us Page. Sample Research Paper on Hurricane and Tornado Prediction We do not share your personal information with any company or person. Hypothesis 6. Review of Related Literature 7. Absolutely FREE essays on Hurricane. Read the introductory part, body, and conclusion of the paper below. Monthly Labor Review. To start with, both the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) did not avail the necessary resources to manage the resources (Moynihan, 2009). It is not an exaggeration to say that Hurricane Katrina represents one of the deadliest hurricanes in U.S. history. In the southeastern U.S., for example, coastal populations grew more than 50 percent from 1980 to 2003. Even when compared to other counties affected by the hurricane, New Orleans still ranked highly and this is evidenced by 75% of African American residents suffering damage in New Orleans as compared to 15% of African Americans in the Biloxi-Gulfport metropolitan area. While FEMA was underfunded, the DHS did not consider Katrina as a matter of national significance and responded to it as just another natural disaster. Hurricane Katrina formed over the Bahamas on August 23, 2005 and then crossed southern Florida as a moderate Category 1 hurricane… Would you like this sample paper to be sent to your email or would you like to receive weekly articles on how to write your assignments? Excerpt from Research Paper : Disaster Management Lessons Learned From Hurricane Katrina Hurricane Management Lessons The quality of public management can be tested in several … Hurricane Katrina Hurricane Katrina was the deadliest and most destructive Atlantic hurricane of the 2005 Atlantic hurricane season. These waters caused the deaths of 1300 people, with 1,000 of these fatalities having occurred in Louisiana alone. Once again, thanks a lot, The paper looks perfect now, thank to the writer, You helped me complete several other tasks as you handled paper. Admission Essay Assignment The response to Hurricane Katrina. These conditions included its interaction with an upper-level anticyclone over the Gulf of Mexico and warm sea-surface temperatures linked to global warming. Definition of Terms 3. Questionnaire 5. wonna thank you. If you are not satisfied by our service, you can either request for refund or unlimited revisions for your order at absolutely no extra pay. Our team of Writers, Educators and Editors provides writing services in over 100+ disciplines globally. My Bookings; Videos; Event Archive 2. What is your topic? The hurricane still remains one of the most devastating hurricanes to have been witnessed in the world. Writing Paper s on Hurricane Katrina August of the year 2005 was marked by a real tragedy for the United States. Moynihan, D. P. (2009). We ensure that assignment instructions are followed, the paper is written from scratch. There are many lessons to learn from the turmoil of hurricane Katrina, chief among them being the necessity of establishing a central command for such disaster management efforts way before the occurrence of an event. Type of Research 2. Besides the geographical and human variables which made the disaster unavoidable, human activities in past years leading to unprecedented global warming led to an escalation of the hurricane. B., & Zernike, K. (2005, August 30). Critical Thinking Essay, Thesis Paper Writing We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. The officials, however, had only ordered voluntary evacuations and it was not until the morning of 28 August that New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin ordered mandatory evacuations of people. We have also ensured that the ordering process is secure; you can check … The … Methodology 1. Project Paper Writing No. What had started …, Summer is over and fall has arrived- but many people to the south of us are observing another season- hurricane season. Besides the direct destruction caused by the hurricane, a failure by the emergency management community to coordinate efforts properly also contributed chiefly to the scale of destruction. Conclusion: Hurricane Elena struck an area that in recent years had experienced two major hurricanes (Camille in 1969 and Frederic in 1979). As of 2005, New Orleans had a population of half a million people, with 67% of these being African Americans. In the immediate aftermath of the hurricane tens of thousands of people were evacuated to other parts of the nation but even after the hurricane had subsided the city continued bleeding people, losing about 30% of its population over a period of 10 years after the hurricane. You can order an essay, research paper, project, reports, term paper… In these examples section IV looks at possible answers to the research question. In case you can’t find a sample example, our professional writers are ready to help you with writing Other reports indicate that the population of New Orleans, namely Orleans Parish, was cut in … formal scientificpublication, referenceto a paper in the seriesshouldidentifyit as a pre-printed report. It had been pointed out to local officials that the levees would be overtopped leading to widespread flooding throughout the city. At sea they are watched by buoys and ships. Numerical weather prediction of hurricane … A flood is an overflow of water on dry land. Personal Statement Essay Lecturer is always on our head but was pleased with my paper. It is also wise to recognize how our everyday actions contribute to extreme events such as Katrina and take remedial actions of reducing pollution. Read The Galveston Hurricane Of 1900: Important Lessons Learned For Homeland Security Research Papers and other exceptional papers on every subject and topic college can throw at you. (2007). The hurricane began as a tropical depression in the Southern Bahamas on August 23 but conducive weather conditions allowed it to develop into a major hurricane by August 26 (Cutter & Gall, 2006). The general trend is that an upsurge in hurricane strength is correlated with warmer sea surface temperatures and i9n the case of Katrina, this was observed in the Gulf of Mexico between August 23 and 26. The summary of the economics research paper on the economic impacts of hurricane sandy above is a good example of the research papers our writers handle. In all, the storm caused 15 deaths directly, 25 deaths indirectly and $30 billion in property damage, making it the costliest disaster in U. Research Paper on Hurricane Wilma 2296 Words | 10 Pages. The inertia in response was translated to the national level where even after being informed of the levee breaches, the DHS officials initially treated the reports skeptically. “Writing is a weapon more powerful than fists could ever be. Cutter, S. L., & Gall, M. (2006). Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi, Florida and parts of Alabama were taken over by the massive category 5 hurricane. This film is based on a biography titled …. Sample Research Paper on Hurricane Katrina We do not share your personal information with any company or person. The city lies below sea level and is unprotected from the coast and hence prone to flooding with city officials predicting that the historic French Quarter would come under 18 or 20 feet of water (Treaster & Zernike, 2005). This sample paper on(Sample Research Paper on Hurricane Katrina) was uploaded by one our contributors and does not necessarily reflect how our professionals write our papers. The state’s evacuation plan, however, mandates an evacuation period of at least 30 hours and bearing in mind that a majority of the people could not afford a car, most of these late evacuees opted to hide in shelters (Cutter & Gall, 2006). In your actual paper you’ll present one answer—the one you think is best—and a very brief (1-2 sentences) explanation of why you think that answer is best. Hurricanes are observed from the air by satellites and research and commercial planes. Hurricane Gilbertoccurred between September 10th and the 17th. Global warming and extreme weather: The science, the forecast, and the impacts on America. The two types of floodsare …, During the year of 1988, several events changed the lives of hundreds of people. New Orleans lies on the Gulf Coast, an area whose population has increased steadily over the last few decades. All you need to do is fill out a short form and submit an order, Written according to your requirements.