Absolutely not. I made it to serve 4 people and it was enough for an average size bowl for 3 people so keep that in mind if you are making it for larger families. The Delphi “world tour” events seldom have any attendees under 40 or draw more than a handful of people. Perl – not to mention _numerous_ tools that are used to interacts with MySQL (monitoring, benchmarking, etc) are written in Perl. A good example of someone who doesn’t know enough to realize he shouldn’t be editorializing on subject that he is not very knowledgeable about. This was de-freaking-licious! So why the fear mongering that this or that programming language might die? Sigh. Followed the recipe except i add about 1/4 cup of sour cream alond with the 1 cup of half and half. There are 50 balls and you can pick any 6…furthermore, those numbers can be picked in any order for you to be a winner (imagine how much harder it would be to win if you had to pick the numbers in the correct order, too.). And yes, other languages have these features too. C-style semantics and practices won, people, despite your best efforts to get mad about it. The IDE doesn’t even let users redefine all the keys, for crying out loud. Join our community of 201,750+ other members - browse for a recipe, submit your own, add a review, or upload a recipe photo. Eventually it will lose glue/paste and just allow sticky notes to define empty spaces. Usually with native widget sets too. And the only way it maintains compatibility with the previous language is to load the interpreter for that language. PROLOG – AI non-procedural language which surpassed LISP Perl should definitely die. Currently I’m working at a shop that moved from ASP Web Forms to ASP MVC, which did have some rampup time, but not nearly that of switching languages and frameworks. Perl was always far more than a CGI language and the author didn’t do any research to discover that CGI hadn’t been used since around 1998 when mod_perl, an Apache module and replacement for CGI, came into being. Delphi is still going strong with it’s Pascal language otherwise, and so is Free Pascal. Perhaps the title of this article should have been, “5 languages that won’t help your career much if you start learning them now…”. ActionScript adds a few details to EcmaScript (which is the official name of the standard, of which JavaScript is an implementation); you won’t really find ActionScript anywhere except for Adobe Flash. FORTRAN and LED ZEP! Based on your examples, Ruby seems not so challenging, especially if you grew up with C-style languages. Nice call Peter. There are many things you can do writing drivers using WFC that are not available in the .Net Framework. And while some of these languages may take quite a long time to fade into obscurity, the march has already begun and there’s no sign of any change that would reverse those fortunes. LATIN is a dead language. And above all Free Pascal and Lazarus are both free. How is a language with features like LINQ a “toy language” along the lines of LOLCode? (all suggestions from other reviewers) The only thing I might change next time is omitting the extra salt completely. I offered nothing new of significance. That’s half of what I do these days. Super good!!! This has become one of my families favorite soups. 3. ), Nevertheless, it’s true to say the Delphi (the language and environment) has been mostly stagnant and more or less in decline for the better part of the noughties. My work goes to approximately 8000 bits of accuracy, including Machine Efficient Polynomial Approximations and it works as expected, with a high degree of efficiency. I love to code in C++ but I have to agree that love is dwindling mainly because of reason I mentioned.. Free Pascal is actually vey much alive. We are staying on top of the support for 4 platforms with releases twice a year now to add new capabilities, language features, run-time library capabilities and tool chain support for Intel and ARM processors. There is legacy code out there that people maintain with Delphi – same for every language. You can write a long regular expression and put it on one line or neatly place it on 10 lines. If I need a web app, I would use HTML+JavaScript+PHP, or directly Laravel of Zend. Perl5 ^W Perl6 in that post above. Basic is dead maybe it was just too basic…. The coders have also changed, some better than others. But you know as pasionate as such defenses are, they don’t justify why others should be learning python now, only why the defenders should be using it now. Reply. And if you really wish to use commercial products there still is Delphi. Not to mention the CPAN!!! And people who refer to Perl as executable line noise mark themselves as being ignorant, because that statement clearly explains they don’t understand Perl even sufficiently enough to give it a fair criticism. (Of course I’m going out on a limb guessing here. All of the languages on this list look strange to young developers. We coded on (Punch Cards), every hanging chad would kick out a fatal error. Easy and taste delicious. Will definitely make again. I’m sure there are still millions out there. It's my favorite recipe ever! I made this last sunday for my family, they loved it. Heck, new versions of PowerBuilder continue to be released every 18 months too, but no one’s going to start new projects with it for the same reasons. Anyone who knows how to program in it can go to one of these companies and most likely retire from there before the company abandons COBOL. Hi, I don’t think you did very good research on Perl. Has a nice consistency, it's thick and creamy with flavor. Along similar lines, better to have the computer doing something a few minutes longer than for a developer to spend two weeks to make something two minutes faster. finally Thank you so much for sharing this recipe! Jeff Cogswell is the author of several tech books including “C++ All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies,” “C++ Cookbook,” and “Designing Highly Useable Software.” A software engineer for over 20 years, Jeff has written extensively on many different development topics. O and O. It's incredible, actually. I could mention the many Perl Workshops in many countries, plus hackathons (hacking-marathons) and many open source conferences with a strong Perl presence. Everyone else has lit the author up for apparently being a kid who doesn’t know Microsoft was FOUNDED on writing a BASIC product so no sense beating that horse again. You don’t need to know all of them, but employers prefer candidates who know their way around several.”. Delphi fans are so emotional about their product, but they and EMBT marketing seem unable to make a case for where a $1000-$2000 proprietary language without Linux support fits in in the modern, open source dev tool world. It is still in use. Sometimes that’s understandable and pragmatic, other times it can be simply eye-rollingly painful ( For instance, companies who do Perl code but have a mandate that using CPAN modules is forbidden is a sure fire way to make a horrible job. The article is really about the arc of popularity or adoption. some people think there is one language (fill in the blank) that can do it all and the truth is that many languages can do it all but not do it all well. It is such a flexible recipe and I love playing with the ingredients. In 1976, Bill Gates sent his famous open letter complaining about hobbyists openly sharing Microsoft’s Altair BASIC w/o paying for it. I absolutely love this soup! My kids LOVED it. I think I like that, but disagree that the authors list is accurate even for that definition. Then there was BASICA and GWBASIC (Gee Whiz BASIC) that came with every PC in the 1980s, also implemented by Microsoft. Thanks for the recipe! I used turkey bacon and added it to the potatoes before cooking them. There is talk now that they may be removed from the standard because no one’s used them. Different tool for a different job IMO. So while you are “running existing Perl Programs in Perl 6” you are not doing so “natively”. Whilst many have reminded the author of Microsoft’s “BASIC” credentials going back to the Altair, and the various BASIC interpreters they wrote (including Applesoft BASIC); let’s not forget that Microsoft also had a very good BASIC compiler in the 80s – Microsoft Business BASIC Compiler (aka “BASCOM” and “BASCOMB”). THEN I realized WHY and WHAT had happened. Way too much garlic...overpowering...next time no garlic and small onion. Otherwise it was great. Technically these are platforms, not languages. He said “n! I ate two bowls, before the potatoes were cooked. So much for AIR. Made this soup with A LOT less salt. being a product of a descending series of numbers. The coffin was laid to rest with some moving words from JavaScript, though to be fair the more mature attendees found it confusing and too basic in nature and didn’t like the idea of closure. The group responsible for maintaining Perl5 has just released version 20 of the language and there is strong work on version 22 (Perl5 follows a even = stable / odd = development release cycle). I am crying because that is so true. True comfort food - easy and wonderful! It is stable, fast, targets multiple environments and is free”. I found this recipe last winter, and it quickly became a regular menu item in our house. Console.WriteLine (“Hello World using Visual Basic!”), (Feel free, of course, to sub out “Hello World” for “Goodbye World.”). operations (e.g. Though the languages you mention might not be as popular as they were in the beginning, they are still heavily used. Who knows if any language we are using these days will be in use in 30 years, or if they are what they will look like. C# is getting VB’s exception filters in the upcoming version 6, but VB isn’t getting pointers. And if they did see something like “MULTIPLY COST BY QUANTITY GIVING PRICE” they’d probably laugh. All rights reserved. No explanations at all. How will you continue to develop those other languages for Windows without Assembler? In the world of Python, one wrong space and your code compilation fails. How to Make Long Island Iced Tea Jello Shots. There is very little reason today (outside of cross-platform compatibility) to develop standard applications with C++. It runs almost as fast as C. It has by far the best hardware support. The fact that there are pages and pages of comments refuting everything in this Instantly put me in a good mood again. ), but because it wouldn’t normally/by default use an arbitrary precision math library as does Ruby (and for that matter Python) and so wouldn’t by default be able to represent numbers that large. Delicious! I suppose, as in COBOL, it all depends on the current code base in use and how well it meets the needs of the entity using it to determine a language’s actual death. Nice Article, Practically makes u to take a decision about your future to be a developer, And the Winner is C#.NET and Java. It was pretty good, but next time I'm only putting a very small onion in it. I used green onions instead of chives and it was delicious! So ignoring all the legacy stuff, what’s left? For the time being, and regardless of the tools in use, let’s enjoy the practice of computer programming! …. Six *YEARS* after you predicted VB.NET would die… 100% of our develop team is still using it. The claim that Ruby (the language) is somehow dying because Twitter stopped using Ruby on Rails in 2011 doesn’t work. Perl is like English…it’s a mess, but it’s what I speak. Because it was the only language available where analysts could go to the programmers and say, “Market conditions have changed; we need to implement this algorithm instead” and have the code running by noon. Also, I don’t know anyone using 1991 style CGI with Perl. my $app = sub { The methods of coding have changed over time allowing for greater efficency and productivity. 4! But, there are really none that I “hate”. I will make it again. His response was “But it’s cross-platform!” Why wouldn’t it be cross-platform? let’s hope the author wasn’t paid for this peice, as it is incredibly uniformed. The main problem with C# is that it has a huge prerequisite and that is .NET, sending you right to dependency hell and back. Ten years ago, I landed a job rewriting massive amounts of code for a company that shall go nameless, converting from VB6 to Visual basic.NET. If you need help in the future in researching Perl, feel free to reach out to me, or to anyone at the Perl Foundation (http://www.perlfoundation.org). It can be made from everything from potatoes to beets. Just ten years ago, Ruby was all the rage. When it all came together, it was SO worth the effort. https://store.xamarin.com/, Sure the EMBT is making a lot of mistakes, like it’s 30 days trial version, like not making a free limited edition at least, or by not giving it for free to Universities – and to all college students that might end up as programmers, like MS does with it’s Visual Studio. For a smaller development house that cannot afford a team of developers there is still nothing that can touch it. And I use .NET C# programs to access Excel, Word, and Outlook emails all the time. That said, I’ve heard of many startups using it due to the fast production time. 2.) Comfort food on a chilly Arizona night. I keep waiting for the Management of whatever company owns Delphi at one moment (EMBT today), to start promoting it for real. Name one major company that has adopted it from 2010 on. Manny Machado’s three-run homer has given the Dodgers a commanding lead. It is only all too often that some article comes out and declares Perl to be a dead language. Learning more languages makes you a better software engineer as you see different approaches to solving a given problem. When other people openly start calling your language dead is a really strong sign in and of itself. >That you are oblivious to these products doesn’t make them imaginary. But it just reaffirms the argument that Perl5 is so not dead, that even Perl6 requires it at present in order to be useful. In contrast C++ is a compiled language, it compiles to to code that is native to the processor (assembly). The cycle is repeating itself and people have been mocking managed languages for the same reasons. Although some younger folk did attend, like the sharp suited c plus older brother. For example, it is not designed as an OO language but adds it on. b) C++ Builder would be mostly useless in no time as the GUI frameworks couldn’t be Even if it is VBA, yes that little visual basic component that is part of the office package and Microsoft Access. I am amazed at how good a product this is. Our guests commented that you don't even have to put salt on it, has lots of flavor. Will definitely make it, earlier, again. And no new movies are going to suddenly see release on VHS. Can now develop for Win32, Win64, Mac, Android and IOS, If all your article is well based as the “Pascal code” (which lacks one “end;” and an “and.”) then … well …. For 9 years it hasn’t been profitable enough to publish a Delphi book. I was using Microsoft’s MBASIC in 1980. Chop the onion into a medium dice. But to claim Ruby is as dead as Rails is as ludicrous as claiming that C is as dead as Carbon (Mac). Copyright © 1995-2021 . Its taken a LONG time for Lazarus to get mature, but its actually pretty dang good these days. Every programming language which I don’t know or I don’t like , will die soon. If your goal is to chase the latest language for the sake of a spit polished resume then yeah, don’t learn Object Pascal or Ruby or even Java. If you saw an ad promoting C++Builder, it might be because the featured product rotates on their website. Not many people my own age, much less younger, have ever seen a line of COBOL. Java set out to be simplified C++ but it too kept getting so bloated that frameworks arose to deal with the complexity and now there are talks to create frameworks to simplify some of those other frameworks! I tried the soup and it was good. Just a short memory of this date in 1989: it was yet another beautiful day in Sunnyvale (the Silicon Valley era has always been best expressed to me as ‘eternal autumn’ where the human body ramps up for a winter than never truly arrives) and the Giants and As were about to play the third game of the Bay Series. And more, this sort of rubbish won’t float past a code review. I have worked in some of the largest international financial institutions. It means one private company has an investment in old Delphi code and employs the last Delphi developers in America and its CIO is eccentric so it makes no sense to move to a viable platform – until the cost and bugs and lack of 3rd party support become unbearable. Personally, I like “sigils” as it helps me identify the type of variable quickly. While many of us would consider COBOL, PL/1, ADA and FORTRAN dead or dying, they actually live on as existing code bases are maintained or even enhanced. It may not mean a lot of programmers writing interesting code, but ActionScript will live on for the foreseeable future with cartoon animators. Several people asked for the recipe. or 120: 0.0000010488% chance of picking 6 balls in any order. ‘ This module houses the application’s entry point. >Delphi XE7 can build applications for Windows 32-bit, Windows 64-bit, OSX 32-bit, OSX 64-bit, Love to stir in sour cream right into the soup to give it a delightful tang. I followed the recipe exactly and it came out perfect! Thank you for sharing this!!!!! Otherwise, it's not really helpful feedback and as per our review guidelines has to be changed to a "comment", not a recipe review. However, it was a little runny so I added about 1/4 a cup of flour and it was perfect!!!! Done, otherwise profile the program, find the bottleneck, optimize that section of code and repeat until the software is fast enough. C# and Java can make the same claim, as can others. ============== Very simple recipe but SO GOOD! Think of it this way: there will never be more COBOL coders then there are today, only less. Do some research before writing an article. This is our new favorite soup, soooo dang DELICIOUS! Meanwhile you don’t mention that Delphi was almost the last language to get around to generics, and even there the implementation is half-baked; e.g. This article has got to be a troll. This dish was DELISH!! Maybe there are some programming languages that we’ve never used, used but didn’t enjoy the experience, hope you never need to use it and other feelings/statements. Ruby: Same as Perl, but it’s a much nicer language to work in. I’m not using a 4lb mallet to hang pictures on my wall any more than I’m using a 1/2lb hammer to drive fence posts into the ground. Even Forth still has a few diehards. I believe this is so with other dynamic languages such as Ruby, Python, etc. Seriously? I used my fat-free half and half. Flash is a pain in the rear, very buggy and crash happy, but still tremendously way more suitable for high quality web applications than anything else. There is no other RAD, that is so stable and powerful and gives you the deploy-able executable file when clicking the run button). I'm an onion lover but something didn't work the first time. Just after the last ice age I started to program as a young Navy Ensign. hands down the best potato soup i've ever had! Games Studios for one will never drop C++. I too am biased because I learnt on Pascal, but Delphi was a godsend if you needed to distribute an windows exe. “Rob S” replied on October 17, 2014, replying directly isn’t possible. I'm not sure what sets it apart from other recipes other than maybe the long cooking time in the crock pot either improves the texture or flavor but he loved it and we now have a new favorite soup recipe to make! . I love baked potato soup and cannot wait to try this recipe over the weekend! AWESOME! End of story? The first time used recipe exactly as written. Microsoft’s affinity to BASIC was due to the fact that Bill Gates founded the company on a version he and Paul Allen developed. Some say that “Computer languages never die; they just become irrelevant”. You are right, the web is full of references to n! So as not to do a disservice to the community of programmers, we need to be writing about the pros and cons of different languages as a function of the domain of application. Adobe Flash and Air: We can all only hope that Flash is dead, but sadly no. Javascript’ lead is also boosted by the fact that nearly every single web app, regardless of language or framework uses a significant amount of Javascript, so much that a basic rails project using Bootstrap or Zurb, github will credit that repo as being “JavaScript” despite the fact that the dev wrote not a single line of JS code. And perl is used everywhere for simple data transfers and filtering. Survival of the fittest Developer who wants to have a peaceful life should be capable of making decisions for the short life, the developer is gonna live, This article gives u the Judgement to make you Survive. JIT compiling have advanced greatly. I would recommend one and a half teaspoons of salt instaed of two and a half. It was and still is the best tool for creating a Win32 exe. Using that tired “Rails doesn’t scale” argument is getting old. Sad that I read through all of them because the comments were all pretty interesting and I had assumed that a lot of these languages were marked for death a long time ago. Like as if they were tarnished by Ebola or something worse! This is my go to potluck entree as well and always gets rave reviews. }. There are million so lines of business rules that work. In an (in)famous example, both C# and Java beat natively compiled Delphi in the SciMark benchmark, for instance. Perl 5 is used for much more than just for small scripts, text manipulation or as a glue language. A language is not gone just because it is dead. Absolutely not. I also must know half a dozen programmer buddies that work at successful startups that are almost exclusively rails as well. There’s a perception that Rails has become big and bloated like the J2EE that it was seen as a replacement for, but that’s manageable, and smaller Ruby frameworks like Sinatra and Padrino are lighter-weight alternatives, and I’m sure there will be more. I love the flavor! Some processes could improve it to n!, but that didn’t compare to their process, which was n logn. Java and C# seem to be the dominant enterprise languages. They are all is compiled to the .NET framework. Sooner or later someone is going to come up with a scripting language better than Python and we will all breathe a sigh of relief when we can stop “spacing out” while writing it. http://www.embarcadero.com/products/rad-studio#clang So apparently, Jeff, you don’t get out much? And Object Pascal is more than Delphi, as evident in the continued existence and development of FreePascal (and Lazarus). For an exact match you have a 1 in fifty chance of picking the first right number, 1 in forty-nine for the second or 100/(50*49*48*47*46*45)=8.74e-9, however you have a 6 out of 50 chance picking a correct ball down to 1 out of 45 chances of picking the sixth ball. Unlike Delphi, FreePascal/Lazarus are truly cross-platform. I found it to be lacking in flavor. It might seem impossible to you that all custom-written essays, research papers, speeches, book reviews, and other custom task completed by our writers are both of high quality and cheap. Actually, for 6 out of 50 balls the probability percentage formula would be 100*6!/(50!/(50-6)!) I’d say C# and Java are for the most part interchangeable for most of what I do. maybe it is like someone converting a small hammer into a big hammer and the new big hammer works fine until the original hammer breaks. Oh, and you left out Cobol, which has been undead for years. Delicious! Then I let it cook on high for about another hour to make sure it was a nice and somewhat thick consistency. I did use a small onion, not large (large is kinda relative so an actual measurement would be helpful). Good luck. Adding after I dished it out was yummy!! PoweBuilder – I mourn its demise to this day. While its sort-of-true “out of the box”, we now have Moose and Moo, both of which provide “usable OO”, OO so usable in fact I go to other languages and go “How do I ….” and the response is usually “we don’t/can’t do that”. For example, Delphi enthusiasts exist, but the rate at which new programmers adopt it is lower than it was in the 1990s and is much lower than, say, JavaScript or … I graduated from an accelerated program that taught to the language… C# and Java. }; I’m not sure what the point here is though, beyond trolling for hits by smacking easy targets. (In case you’re not kidding: The factorial function/idea/concept dates back as early as the 12th century, while the notation as we know it today, e.g. Note: I did sub. Amazing recipe!! Do I wish it were that simple? If C# were so unsuited for non-Web code, why is it used so extensively and sucessfully in the enterrpise? I added the sour cream during the cooking and substituted Lipton onion soup in the place of the onion because I didn't want to cut up onions in the morning :-) Everyone in my family loved this recipe and that's rare. Its like taking a commercial flight to go 100mi… you’d get there faster by driving (no security, boarding, taxing, deplaning…). That is not “compatibility” in my book — that is bridge to another language. I guess he forgot about Altair BASIC, which was implemented in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen and was the product that Microsoft was founded on. I’m porting more legacy code to Go than anything else. And as such, people will end up not caring about COBOL anymore. I would like to make it today to be eaten next week. Because it has the ability to work with so many other languages and it is much easier to learn vs. C++, IMO. It’s okay, Seemed too salty. Granted, it’s not Borland’s brainchild anymore. Like some mentioned above I added the whole cup of sour cream to the entire soup rather than just on top. A professor I had senior year of college, 1982!, boldly stood in front of 100 eager-to-graduate CIS majors and boldly proclaimed that COBOL would be a dead language by the end of the 80s. 4,45%. My take is there are far too many languages being used and new ones in the wings with dubious reasons for being. The consistency was perfect. Added broccoli to the soup. Any code is just a tool for allowing a system to do what it it was designed to do.