The London System has a number of advantages for the club player. Below you can find download links of all the PGN files of the games analyzed and featured on this blog. For years, the London System has had the reputation of being a passive defense exclusively played by those who did not want to enter into a tactical game. However, nowadays the London is on the rise, with all the top players using it regularly with remarkable success. played 2. f4, which is known as the “London System”. London System. English: New York (London) defensive system. With this system, white sidesteps all of the black’s sharp lines against 1.d4. Do I need a chess program? 525 NTSC. Hi, and welcome to our Chess PGN downloads page. English: Caro-Kann defensive system. The London System can be dangerous for Black if White is well prepared. The database can be searched via many criteria, including chess players, chess opening, player ratings, game result, and the year the chess game was played. Depending on their intended use, analysis cookies and marketing cookies may be used in addition to technically required cookies. English: Caro-Kann defensive system. 24 games Winants vs V Gervais, 2002 (D00) Queen's Pawn Game, 34 moves, 1-0. The Jobava London System with GM Simon Williams and Blair O’Connell, £19.99 available at and includes 5 hours 58 minutes of tuition plus fully annotated PGN files. Modified London system Janowski vs Marshall, 1907 (D00) Queen's Pawn Game, 39 moves, 1-0. The Chess Tempo Chess Database provides over two million searchable chess games. Master's blunder Rubinstein vs Salwe, 1907 (D02) Queen's Pawn Game, 31 moves, 1-0. Sarrat attack Maroczy vs Martinolich, 1907 (D02) Queen's Pawn Game, 19 moves, 1-0. Why bother learning hundreds of complex variations when you can play a simple yet deadly opening — the London System with 2.Bf4. You can use it against somebody who expects that you play the usual 1.d4,c4 stuff as White. Chess Database Usage. English: Caro-Kann defensive system, Bogolyubov variation. English: Caro-Kann defensive system. Back then I didn’t know much about that system, and actually didn’t care to know, because I saw mostly weaker players playing the “London System” and it seemed to me that they were using it with the purpose of achieving a draw. Introducing the all-new London system series from "Ginger GM" Simon Williams (and now available for Mac!)! You can replay chess games of this chess opening below. English: Caro-Kann defensive system-----A12. Vorotnikov-Kogan-Hebden Attack; London System; Download PGN of August ’16 d-Pawn Specials games >> Previous Update >> The Vorotnikov-Kogan-Hebden Attack [D00] We begin by looking at 1 d4 Nf6 2 Nf3 g6 3 Nc3 d5 4 Bf4 Bg7 5 Qd2 in Hebden - Jones.After 5...0-0 6 Bh6 Bxh6 7 Qxh6 c5 Hebden first shows that 8 e3 isn't so bad and then really goes for it with 8...cxd4 9 exd4 Nc6 10 0-0-0 Bg4 11 h4: No, the files are a textual file in the .pgn format and basically every chess website has the possibility to read the .pgn file. Can be viewed on all all platforms – PC, MAC, Chromebook (with a memory stick), games consoles and set top boxes. English: Bled variation. Feedback, Download PGN of August ’16 d-Pawn Specials games. 1. d4 Nf6 2. English: Capablanca's variation. White's pieces tend to come to the same sorts of squares each game, it concentrates on some fairly simple aims in the opening (fast, solid development, central occupation) and Chess PGN Downloads. English: London defensive system