Research philosophy is a vast topic and here we will not be discussing this topic in great details. Moreover, this paper uncovers the distinctive philosophical keystones of each competing paradigms of qualitative research: scientific, interpretive, and critical theory. The procedures for conducting a qualitative research study evolve from a philosophical, paradigmatic, and interpretive frameworks. INTRODUCTION Paradigm, according to Merriam-Webster online dictionary, is ‘a philosophical and theoretical framework of a scientific school or discipline within which theories, laws, and generalizations and the experiments performed in support of them are formulated’. Qualitative inquiries seek to shed light on meanings that are less perceptible. They are inductive and share similarities in exploring ‘what’ ‘why’ and ‘how’ questions, as opposed to ‘how much’ and ‘how many’ preferred by quantitative studies. The aim was to outline and explore the interrelationships between each paradigm’s ontology, epistemology, methodology and methods. The historical context reflects an interpretive turn from envisioning nursing as … Embracing a new vision is no easy undertaking. Cypress BS(1). The aim was to outline and explore the interrelationships between each paradigm’s ontology, epistemology, methodology and methods. This article traces the underlying theoretical framework of educational research. Qualitative research explores and understands the meanings people assign to their experiences [4,5]. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods Qualitative and quantitative approaches are rooted in philosophical traditions with different epistemological and ontological assumptions. Qualitative research approaches have potential to provide unique and valuable insights intoperceptions, experiences and behaviours. Philosophical underpinnings are the basic tenets of a person's approach to any question. This article focuses on the philosophical underpinnings of qualitative research methods. The goals of qualitative research are the usual point of departure from traditional quantitative methods. Qualitative research can be very empirical in nature if the methodology informing the research is positivistic (Rowlands, 2005). Qualitative research has become more accepted as a legitimate mode of inquiry in the social and behavioral sciences for many years but not without controversy and confusion even now in the 21st century. The ontological assumption is that there is no single reality but encompasses multiple realities for any phenomenon (Speziale & Carpenter, 2003). Exploring the Philosophical, Paradigmatic, Conceptual-Theoretical Underpinnings of Qualitative Research: A Focus on a Phenomenological Study in Intensive Care Unit. This process of discovery is basic to the philosophic underpinning of the qualitative approach. What’s more, qualitative research is designed to study people’s life ex… As a doctorate freshman, I exactly remember how perplexed and disappointed I was when I indulged into extensive reading about educational research. Qualitative inquiries seek to shed light on meanings that are less perceptible. Reports however indicate that papers often fail to sufficiently detail the underlying principles that explain the philosophical assumptions and ontological, epistemological and methodological perspectives. Qualitative research comprises different orientations and approaches, various intellectual and disciplinary traditions grounded, often, in different philosophical assumptions. According to Yilmaz (2013), Quantitative research can be defined as a phenomenon based on numerical data that are analyzed statistically.Quantitative and Qualitative research have their philosophical underpinnings in positivism and Interpretivism paradigms respectively (Newman & Benz, 1998). Why do we need qualitative research on psychological treatments? It is the study of structures of consciousness as experienced from the first-person point of view (Woodruff Smith, 2008). All these different orientations, approaches and assumptions generate new data-gathering and analysis strategies. The same holds true for a novice researcher gearing up to take on anew identity which is challenging enough to be pursued within specific time constraints and stressful submission deadlines. Those focused on ontology want to know what should be the object of study, what is It is part of metaphysics, a branch of philosophy concerned with abstract ideas, and the essence of life. The philosophical underpinnings of qualitative research are discussed in varying detail by a number of general practice academics and researchers and can be summarized briefly as follows. Epistemology - is the theory of knowledge and the assumptions and beliefs that we have about the nature of knowledge. The third element of philosophical hermeneutics that is so crucial to research is interpretation. They also seek to investigate complexities of our social world. They also seek to investigate complexities of our social world. Definitions of Qualitative Research. Gen. IPA is a qualitative research approach. Interpretive perspectives in qualitative research include structuralism, phenomenology, and feminism, as well as hermeneutics (Denzin & Lincoln, 2008). It places significant importance to the subjectivity. Researchers, consumers, and the research culture at large can take steps toward greater understanding and reporting the diverse philosophical underpinnings of research, using the opportunity to celebrate difference in kind, difference in degree, and difference in action.