The deep sea was (and still is) perceived as a service provider at two levels: (1) it served as a convenient site for disposal of waste, especially where land options were not politically and “ethically” attractive and (2) it was seen as a source of potential mineral and biological wealth over which there was no national jurisdiction. However, as most target species are only distributed on upper slopes of continents, ridges and seamounts, fishing deeper is unlikely to be very attractive. Other large closures or restrictions have recently occurred in the deep sea off Alaska, Hawaii, the Azores, the North Atlantic Ocean [169] and the North Pacific. An increase in CO2 levels from the present day 384 ppm to 540 ppm will increase surface temperature, reduce surface productivity and cause a transfer from diatoms and large zooplankton to picoplankton and microzooplankton, with a concomitant decrease in the flux from surface production to deep waters [130]. However, exploitation has not yet proven cost-effective [66], [173]. pteropods on fish stocks). ScienceDaily. The calcium carbonate compensation depth (CCCD) varies with ocean, being the shallowest in Antarctic waters, but as CO2 builds up the CCCD will move toward the surface. Physical disturbance, imposed by mining, trawling, waste disposal, or oil and gas extraction, tests the resilience of communities weakened by physiological stress from interacting climate factors (temperature, hypoxia or acidification). Radioactive waste disposal has been concentrated on the slope and canyons of the northeastern Atlantic, and smaller disposals have occured in the northwestern Atlantic and the northeastern and northwestern Pacific [25] (Table S1). Reduction in subsidies in many countries, rising fuel costs, and recent introduction of stricter regulations mean that industry must perceive the prospects of deep-water fishing as highly favourable before engaging in it. Areas closed to fishing activities are found in international waters of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans. Published. A simpler and cheaper option that has been considered is the direct disposal of liquid CO2 onto the deep seabed, based on the principle that a gas hydrate will be generated on the seabed. Impacts can occur quickly because they often arise through economic imperatives, while understanding by scientists follows a process governed by funding cycles and with slow and long scientific procedures, thereby introducing a time lag to any response to a perceived threat. The most common litter types found on the deep–sea floor in the Mediterranean and northeastern Atlantic are soft plastic (e.g. In the last decades, decreases in the amount of land-based and coastal resources combined with rapid technological development has driven increased interest in the exploration and exploitation of deep-sea goods and services, to advance at a faster pace than the acquisition of scientific knowledge of the ecosystems [25]–[27]. Figure 7 was made by Erika Mackay (NIWA, NZ). Deep-water ecosystem-based management and governance urgently need extensive new data and sound interpretation of available data at the regional and global scale as well as studies directly assessing impact on the faunal communities [27]. CFCs, chemical contamination by chlorofluorocarbons; Chemical cont. A study of the possible long-term release of radionuclides from the Konosmalets submarine indicated that the sunken submarine represented no significant threat to the environment [102]. On the other hand, observation of the Kumanovo sunk in 1989 in 2500 m of water in the Gulf of Cadiz showed no colonisation at all (P Tyler pers. This material was usually dumped over the ship's side. Most precious metals are being evaluated as potential future resources under both national (EEZ) and international (UNCLOS and ISA) regimes [197]. This lesson introduces students to the different impacts that humans have on deep sea environments, challenging them to connect the link between human actions on land to remote deep-sea environments. The activities that may be of highest impact are deepwater fishing together with climate change and ocean acidification, as well as the accumulation of marine litter and chemical pollutants. A new and stricter convention was negotiated in 1996, but did not enter into force until 2006 ( Studies of the region used for waste disposal found demonstrable changes in the marine microbial community [90], [91]. In the deep-sea ecosystem, climate change implies a series of significant processes such as a rise in CO2 levels and ocean acidification, temperature change, expansion of hypoxic zones, destabilization of the slopes and gas hydrates and changes in productivity regimes. No definitive quantitative documentation, however, yet allows generalizations to be made about human generated refuse in deep-sea environments [50]. It remains unclear whether methane can be safely or economically extracted from gas hydrate resources in a useable form. In the past, the main human impact affecting deep-sea ecosystems was the dumping or disposal of litter into the oceans. Climate change will add pressure to canyon benthic communities by affecting circulation, stratification and nutrient loading. Their relative paucity in low-pH oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) waters [239], and the high susceptibility of their larvae to developmental abnormalities at low pH [240] support this conjecture. The study found fauna were similar on both types of seamount, although more detailed studies are currently underway. Wrecks can accumulate litter around them, increasing the possibility of suffocation from plastics, contamination from metal, paints or microplastics and ghost fishing if nets or longlines are tangled around the wreck structure. Furthermore, human activities on land have promulgated a third and perhaps more dangerous level of impact: increasing atmospheric CO2 emissions that have resulted in climate change [31] – including the warming of the ocean, stratification and the generation and expansion of hypoxia – and ocean acidification [32]. The disposal of sewage and dredge spoil will add to the effects of hypoxia and nutrient loading related to climate-change, leading to changes in faunal community structure. The impacts were grouped in three major categories: waste and litter dumping, resource exploitation, and climate change. Sedimentary slope (excluding other specific communities found on slopes such as cold-water corals, seeps, oxygen minimum zones), characterised by demersal fauna as well as epifaunal and infaunal benthos. A decline in the numbers of some species will also have a secondary effect on fish stocks in some circumstances (e.g. The nodule-mining head will immediately kill most of the fauna directly in its path and communities in the general mining vicinity will be buried under varying depths of sediment [182]–[186]. A recent world-wide survey of the use of the Code has been carried out showing that although most consulted deep-sea scientists were aware and supportive of the code, there was a lack of information and confidence of the respect other scientists have for the code [225]. com.). At present, exploitation is the most important human-related activity that affects the deep-sea ecosystem, where increasing ecosystem modifications in the future may be caused by climate change (Figure 8B). However, high faunal densities of a limited number of species can occur just above their threshold oxygen tolerance levels (in lower OMZ transition zones), where food is abundant and predator densities are reduced [239], [263]. This led to changes in nematode biodiversity, community structure and ecosystem function [281], [282], and the observed increase in food availability resulted in an increase in metazoan abundance [283], [284]. According to the experts, seamounts, cold-water corals, upper margin slopes and submarine canyons are the habitats most likely to be affected by anthropogenic impacts in the short and mid time scale. here. However, species such as the Humboldt (Jumbo) squid (Dosidicus gigas) with affinities to low-oxygen waters will expand their ranges vertically and horizontally. Chemical contamination of deep-sea sediments and their effect on the fauna is still mostly unstudied. For example, hundreds of grey whales sink to the seafloor annually within an area of 8×105 km2 along the eastern Pacific [15]. Faunal assemblages exhibit low density, low diversity, and sometimes small body size [239], [259]. Massive sulphide deposits are laid down as a result of hydrothermal activity and can be many metres deep, weighing from several thousand to 100 million tonnes and containing high concentrations of zinc, copper, lead, cadmium, gold and silver [174]. These crusts occur universally on exposed rocks throughout the oceans, but form thick pavements (up to 250 mm thick) primarily on large seamounts and guyots in the western and central Pacific Ocean [188]–[191]. Although long-line fishing may have less direct impact than bottom trawling, the line weights and the line itself can cause damage to benthic fauna, especially erect sponges and corals [e.g. stony corals) to find refuge in the shallower regions of canyons and seamounts [241]. The sinking of ships contributed cannons and cannonballs as hard substratum and wood was integrated into the food webs. A, the anemone Phelliactis robusta, from 2311 m in the Eastern Whittard Canyon, SW Ireland, taken during cruise JC10, Dive 65, of the HERMES project (Photo courtesy of P. Tyler, Uni. The immediate impact of the spill on the deep-sea ecosystem was mostly local in the Gulf of Mexico. Ships have been lost since humans first took to the sea. For more information about PLOS Subject Areas, click Throughout the oceans, warming decreases oxygen solubility and increases stratification of seawater (enhanced by ice melt), which reduces vertical mixing and oxygen inputs. buoys, rigs, mooring blocks and cables) is of some concern.
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