Mass Awakening podcast on demand - My name is Shoshi Herscu, an investigative journalist and activist from Haifa, Israel. My spiritual awakening process. The Event - A Mass Awakening According to the Ascended Masters, the Event could occur within 3-6 months or even earlier, with an over 50% chance of this happening.If you were unaware, the Event is a mass, worldwide, spiritual awakening brought to us … If you were unaware, the Event is a mass, worldwide, spiritual awakening brought … 11:11 signifies the bio-circuitry of electrical current impacting the magnetic fields that comprise the human energy field. 5.0 out of 5 stars We need more books like this at this time. It is a force field of magnificent proportions. Tribunals are being established to prosecute elite offenders; revelations of hidden technology like free-energy and new economic models are being put forth. It is an exposé on dark agendas and how people are fighting back offering hope for the future. Mass Awakening is Shoshi Herscu's well researched and yet profoundly personal handling of intensely shocking material, rarely covered in print. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Mass Awakening: What’s Really Going On? We are the Arcturian Council. li a .social-icon:before {background-color: #000000;} We are the Arcturian Council. 11:11 signifies the bio-circuitry of electrical current impacting the magnetic fields that comprise the human energy field. My name is Shoshi Herscu, an investigative journalist and activist from Israel. Paul McGuire - Minister, World News & End Time Events Expert, Author of 28 books including The Babylon Code (co-authored with Troy Anderson), Mass Awakening, The Prophecy of the Future of America, Standing Down Goliath, The Day the Dollar Died, Are You Ready, and The Warning .woocommerce ul.products li.product .caption .price, .woocommerce-page ul.products li.product .caption .price {color: #000000;} MASS AWAKENING gives us all real hope for an amazing future. Please share this article! She found it hard to believe, but in-depth research and the testimony of whistleblowers worldwide have exposed these strategies. The author, an independent journalist, became aware of this agenda only in the past few years. .nav-main .pojo-menu-cart li.cart-checkout a:hover {color: #00076b !important;border-color: #00076b !important;} padding-top: 0px; Now, of course, people are awakening every single day to the truth of who they really are as Source Energy Beings. We have been exploring all of the various timelines that you have in front of you for the coming weeks and months, and we see all of the different ways that you have of initiating a mass awakening of consciousness on your world. Aggie Awakening is a Catholic retreat designed for college students from Texas A&M University and Blinn College. awakening process. If you are interested in helping to raise the consciousness of humanity in a very powerful way, and even helping to pull forward the timing of the Event, be sure to join the mass meditations occurring tonight, Saturday, April 4, at 7:45 pm Pacific time. 2020 -30 … Sarah J. 2020 -30 Minute Synopsis - Kindle edition by McIntosh, John. On Tuesday, April 14 I went on a hike, checked on my “Bright Futures” sign and got disturbed by what I saw. And as you experience these mass awakenings from the sidelines, so to speak, you will be called upon to help. .read-more:hover,.more-link span:hover {color: #00076b;} And those who once believed that you were weird for believing in what you believe, are going to look to your for support. Their intentions are becoming most obvious to even the most unaware or unawakened individuals. You have been asking for more connection, more contact with your fellow humans, and the result is that several new timelines have been created to bring about these massive awakening experiences for humanity. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Mass Awakening: What’s Really Going On? “Greetings. MASS AWAKENING gives us all real hope for an amazing future. MASS AWAKENING gives us all real hope for an amazing future. awakening process. Shoshi Herscu has an MBA degree from the University of Humberside in Hull, England (today, The University of Lincoln), and is a graduate (BA degree in English linguistics and special education) of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel. There will also be these moments where you have something that awakens more individuals than on an average day there on planet Earth. “Greetings. My book, Mass Awakening, tells the story of my personal awakening, as well as that of all humanity, to the massive deception of the world’s Elite controllers and their devastating agendas. If at any time Client needs medical, legal, financial, and/or psychological treatment, it is Client’s responsibility to seek it out. Mass Times Monday to Saturday. We rebel by giving! } In “MASS AWAKENING,” Paul McGuire reveals the mystery of both the acceleration and convergence of occult-based technologies that involve brainwaves, psychotropic drugs, chip implants, DNA, Super Artificial Intelligence, Transhumanism, computer brain interfaces, emotional contagion, Fourth Dimensional or Scalar Technology, neural transplants and implanted memories and cranial technology that erase memories, like in the … Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. These include: Myth 1: Chasing After the “Light” We are pleased to connect with all of you. Posted on 01/28/2020 by EraOfLight — Leave a reply. There are a variety of talks and activities designed to "awaken" the Holy Spirit within each of the retreaters. .entry-header { Mass Awakening should be required reading for all high school and college students. gtag('config', 'UA-135791646-1', { 'anonymize_ip': true }); Mass Awakening podcast on demand - My name is Shoshi Herscu, an investigative journalist and activist from Haifa, Israel. }. But this “mass awakening” also has its downfalls. Mass Awakenings Are Coming ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. 9:00pm In Person. Just look at 2020, a year of mass manipulation and mass hysteria. .recentcomments a{display:inline !important;padding:0 !important;margin:0 !important;} 0 Comment Report abuse From other countries. A photo with over 1,400 shares on Facebook as of Sept. 9, 2020, shows a poster with a conspiracy theory about the COVID-19 pandemic. li a:hover .social-icon:before {background-color: #00076b; } 5:30pm In Person. It is an exposé on dark agendas and how people are fighting back offering hope for the future. gtag('js', new Date()); The Mass Awakening is Coming Posted on 01/28/2020 by EraOfLight — Leave a reply Many of you have realized that we as a collective and as … .pojo-loadmore-wrap .button:hover,.pojo-loadmore-wrap .pojo-loading,.pojo-loading-wrap .button:hover,.pojo-loading-wrap .pojo-loading:hover {border-color: #000000; color: #000000;} It concludes Sunday with the source and summit of the Catholic Church, the celebration of the Mass. 2 ∞ebook, Ascension: The Shift to the 5th Dimension – Paperback & ebook Editions, Channeled Wisdom from Higher Dimensional Beings Vol. It is a force field of magnificent proportions. Mass Awakening is an inspiring spirituality, self-transformational non-fiction that is sure to open your eyes. Mass Awakening follows at a steady pace that keeps the reader intrigued. They will need your support through the emotional purging that comes when someone awakens and begins shedding the layers of toxic beliefs, long held and unfelt negative emotions, and so much more. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”, Get a Private Session with The Arcturian Council (or any of the other beings I channel) for 50% Off. However, despite this grim reality, a positive shift of mass awakening is occurring worldwide. Not only was 2018 a Mastership year, but also a year of powerful 11:11 Mass Awakening triggers to many souls on the planet. What is Aggie Awakening? Facebook Censors Posts From Conscious Black People To Stall Mass Awakening By Jason Williams October 4, 2019 "...Facebook is the world’s largest media outlet in the world, and the white supremacists who manage the company have no intentions on allowing the melanated masses to use their platform to increase the consciousness of ‘huemanity The sad thing is, many saw the worldwide street protests against racism as a sign of mass awakening. Contact ∞The 9D Arcturian Council. You, who have always been a bit weird and ‘out there’ with your beliefs, will be the ones that the people in your lives turn to for help, and that will be satisfying on many levels. .navbar-toggle:hover .icon-bar, .navbar-toggle:focus .icon-bar {background-color: #000000;} function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} Thank you <3 Become a Patron! Mass Awakening is Shoshi Herscu's well researched and yet profoundly personal handling of intensely shocking material, rarely covered in print. It is causing, essentially, chaos. It seems as if a 'mass awakening' is taking place. People are coming to recognize that they are ascending their consciousness, and that will continue, but there will also be these spikes. The human race has been fooled big time. We are pleased to connect with all of you. Mass Awakening: What’s Really Going On? They include geoengineering (chemtrails), fluoridation of water supplies, GMOs, vaccinations, false flag terrorist attacks, and economic warfare by the group David Wilcock calls the Cabal. My book, Mass Awakening, tells the story of my personal awakening, as well as that of all humanity, to the massive deception of the world’s Elite controllers and their devastating agendas. Spiritualists say this is the time of mass awakening. The Event - A Mass Awakening According to the Ascended Masters, the Event could occur within 3-6 months or even earlier, with an over 50% chance of this happening. How Many People In The Mass Spiritual Awakening Now . .gallery-item.grid-item .inbox .caption small {color: #000000;} .nav-main .pojo-menu-cart li.cart-checkout a {color: #000000 !important;border-color: #000000 !important;} My book, Mass Awakening, tells the story of my personal awakening, as well as that of all humanity, to the massive deception of the world’s Elite controllers and their devastating agendas. Saturday Vigil. .read-more,.more-link span {color: #000000;} (For context, see my recent post on April 4 about this “sign of mass awakening,” here.) I experienced the beginnings of my spiritual awakening about 3 years ago. Is there a mass awakening occurring? 2 people found this helpful. We know that these mass awakenings are inevitable, and we also see how you all are making them happen sooner rather than later through the summoning that you have done. To see the masses demanding that the “black hats” are held accountable for their heinous crimes against humanity, including the lockdowns, the invasive, unreliable PCR testing, and the mandates for wearing masks and social distancing for a so-called “pandemic” with a 99.8% recovery rate. A Mass Awakening By David Sunfellow There are few events taking place in the world today more fascinating than the growing phenomena of near-death experiences. 2020 -30 … ∞Daniel Scranton & Maricris Dela Cruz-Scranton, Channeled Group Live Q&A ∞Weekly Online/Phone In Event, Online Group Sound Healing, Reiki & Light Language Healing Event, Accessing & Developing Your Spiritual Gifts ∞3 Week Course, All New 2-Hour Beginners Channeling Class, Learn to Channel Mega Course – 8 Months, 9 Class Sessions & 18 Hours of Class Time, All Membership Programs on, Full Monthly Membership Program ∞Private Session Included, Emotional Clearing & Vibrational Upgrade Therapy Session, One-On-One Spiritual Business Consultation, Light Language Transmission for Your Intention, Learn to Channel – Private Lesson with Daniel Scranton, Beginners, Intermediate & Advanced Channeling Courses +Bonus Recordings ∞A Master Course, Learn to Channel From the Beings & Collectives Daniel Scranton Channels, Daniel’s Paperback Books & ebooks from Higher Dimensional Beings, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, Volume 2, Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension Vol. 2 ∞ebook, Channeled Wisdom from Higher Dimensional Beings ∞Book, Channeled Wisdom from Higher Dimensional Beings ∞eBook, Accessing the Healer Within for Healing Yourself & Others ∞A Master Course, Creating Abundance, Manifesting Wealth & Allowing Money In ∞A Master Course, Connecting to Your Spirit Guides, Higher Self, E.T.s & Other Beings of Light & Love ∞Master Course, Perfect Health, Infinite Vitality & Ideal Body Weight ∞A Master Course, Accessing Your Spiritual Gifts & Starting a Spiritual Business ∞A Master Course, Free Guided Meditation ∞Archangel Michael, Follow Daniel on Social Media & Subscribe to His Youtube Channel, Mass Awakenings Are Coming ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Bringing Out Your Inner Pleiadian ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Codes for Unlocking the Secrets in Your DNA ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, The Bigger Picture of Full E.T. Mass Awakening: What’s Really Going On? It is happening at a collective (or group) level. .category-filters li a:hover,.category-filters li {color: #000000;} 2020 -30 Minute Synopsis - Kindle edition by McIntosh, John. This is why this year of 2020 is the year for mass awakening of humanity. For starters, the emergence of modern-day “spiritualists” creates a crude understanding of spiritual awakening and what it really means to truly be alive. It is both a true inspiration and a much- needed breath of fresh air. The author shows how humanity is claiming its rightful heritage as spiritual beings and charts the course of our elevation of consciousness. li a:hover .social-icon:before {color: #000000; } .layout-section .entry-header { #breadcrumbs .separator {color: #000000;} In Paul’s new book, Mass Awakening, he reveals what will happen to mankind on a global level as it encounters a coming event that will radically change life as we know it on Planet Earth.This event will be precipitated by a series of catastrophic events that will cause chaos in every nation of Earth. Enter Discount Code LOVE at Checkout. This is why you are awakening in waves. IT’S OKAY TO REPUBLISH IT ANYWHERE AS LONG AS ATTRIBUTION BIO IS INCLUDED AND ALL LINKS REMAIN INTACT. It is both a true inspiration and a much- needed breath of fresh air. Mass Awakening Live broadcast of Open Satsang with Mooji from Rishikesh, India Satsang recorded on Friday, 10th March, 2017 Moojibaba sets the tone for this satsang by expressing amazement by what has been happening in the past days during Satsang season in Rishikesh. At that time, I was deeply entrenched in the lessons and cultish teachings of the fundamentalist Christian church I was born into. Important Mass Meditation. The Truth has been hidden from us while a global policy of mass depopulation and exploitation has been carried out behind the scenes for the past half-century. What disturbed me is that a massive chunk of the log broke away and slightly tilted the “Bright Futures” sign downward, making it not as visible to passers-by. Instead, you have an almost simultaneous awareness of your individual self and … A Mass Awakening By David Sunfellow There are few events taking place in the world today more fascinating than the growing phenomena of near-death experiences. Much love! My name is Shoshi Herscu, an investigative journalist and activist from Israel. Today, I’m helping others who are beginning their journey through meditation, yoga and compassion for others. function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} Share this. Facebook Censors Posts From Conscious Black People To Stall Mass Awakening By Jason Williams October 4, 2019 "...Facebook is the world’s largest media outlet in the world, and the white supremacists who manage the company have no intentions on allowing the melanated masses to use their platform to increase the consciousness of ‘huemanity Even though there is a lot of disinformation circulating in the mainstream … Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Discount code is also good for channeling lessons and ALL recordings, BRAND NEW Learn to Channel Master Course – 21 Recordings – Over 9 Hours of Content, Join my NEW Course: Mastering Your Physical Body: Health, Vitality & Ideal Weight – Register Here, Online Group Sound Healing, Reiki & Light Language Healing Event – Register Here, Purchase my NEW book on amazon, or the ebook from me – Channeled Wisdom from Higher Dimensional Beings, Volume 2 here, Quote of the Day, The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council, Legal Disclaimer: At no time should any of Scranton & Dela Cruz Spiritual Coaching, LLP’s services be construed as medical, legal or financial advice, nor should the service be construed as professional therapy. gtag('config', 'UA-93339418-2'); THIS ARTICLE IS OFFERED UNDER CREATIVE COMMONS LICENSE. Five years ago, I would have scoffed at 90% of what I’m now (almost obsessively) into. You will do so because you are conscious and deliberate creator beings. It is also happening individually, at a personal level for many of the souls who are here. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. The Mass Awakening is Coming. A mass awakening, an awakening of more individuals at one time than you have previously seen, is going to occur. .image-link:hover {background-color: #000000;} .category-filters li a {color: #00076b;} A book that you are sure to read again and again. Mass Awakening | AN EXPOSÉ ON DARK AGENDAS AND HOW PEOPLE ARE FIGHTING BACK A full disclosure book covering the Cabal’s depopulation agenda and the mass awakening. .widget_tag_cloud a:hover, #sidebar-footer .widget_tag_cloud a:hover {background-color: #000000; color: #00076b;} This is why you are awakening in waves. .align-pagination .pagination > li > a:hover,.align-pagination .pagination > li > span:hover,.align-pagination .pagination > .active > a,.align-pagination .pagination > .active > span,.align-pagination .pagination > .active > a:hover,.align-pagination .pagination > .active > span:hover,.align-pagination .pagination > .active > a:focus,.align-pagination .pagination > .active > span:focus {border-color: #000000; color: #000000;} And those who once believed that you were weird for believing in what you believe, are going to look to your for support. body{background-color: rgba(247, 247, 247, 1);background-position: top center;background-repeat: repeat;background-size: auto;background-attachment: scroll;color: #ffffff; 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